Sorta Introducing Myself

in #introduction9 years ago

So I find myself here, Steemit. I started an account a couple weeks ago, couldn't deal with the learning curve while handling several other things at once, and now find myself back here, again. All I can say is: this is different.

I'm a 40-something-year-old woman living in Texas. I am not married, have two adult (most of the time) children, and my elderly mother lives with me. I work for the State in a job that I don't really love, but I have to pay the bills. However, my avocation is a writer. I write fiction, do some blogging on occasion, and dream of someday becoming a full-time, professional writer. So far, I have not been able to consistently make writing my priority.

In my research for a book, I "discovered" crypto currencies. As usual, I am quite late to the game. I discovered Steemit via a circuitous route of reading blogs, watching YouTube vlogs, and bouncing thoughts off my friends (most of whom have begun glazing over when I mention such things as "crypto-anything," "The Singularity," or "virtual anything." My poor friends and family...

I have been a member of FaceBook since 2005, when I was still in college at Texas A&M. As I recall, I joined Facebook based upon a class assignment. Back then, it seemed that the only people on Facebook were college students. You were associated with a "network" and most networks were universities. In the last two years, I have become quite concerned with privacy issues with Facebook. Actually, I went from oblivious to any issues to completely creeped out by what I now see as a huge, unregulated database of information about me and everyone else who uses it.

I realize that some will see this as though I am a foil-hat wearing, conspiracy theorist, but here goes: recently, I was at my son's home, sitting on the sofa, visiting with (in the South of the US, that means "speaking to") one of his friends, Joe. Joe and I were discussing the TV show, Big Bang Theory. Now, mind you, I seldom ever watch the show. It is not that I do not like it. I just don't watch all that much TV anymore. I actually like the show. Joe, however, is not a fan. As we discussed the merits thereof, I was simultaneously scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed on my iPhone. Prior to that day, I do not recall seeing anything but an occasional meme in my feed. The odd thing is that by the following morning, I was actually seeing sponsored content about Big Bang Theory.

This is not the only time I have seen this type of thing. I was in Best Buy, a store I seldom patronize, purchasing a cover for my iPhone. I wandered over to the wireless routers section, as I have been thinking for a while that I may need a new one. I even spoke with a sales associate about them. I noticed quite quickly that I was seeing sponsored content on my Facebook feed specifically regarding wireless routers! This whole thing just creeps me OUT!

Believe what you want, I think Facebook is listening. I have become quite circumspect in the last year or so about what content I post to Facebook. I have a "writer" page and my personal page. I look at my feed at least once a day, but will go months without posting. This past week I posted quite a bit because I wanted to share some of my travel experiences with friends, and Facebook was the easiest method. I am curious to see what shows up in my feed in the next few days.

I am curious to see what this new social media platform evolves into. For they all evolve, don't they?