Scott Gordon - a Personal Introduction

in #introduction8 years ago

Hello Everyone

My name is Scott Gordon. I am a long-time student of the mind and of Philosophy. I have been (and still am!) a Framing Carpenter, Builder, Architect, Schoolteacher, Economics-Sociology-Political Science-History student, an "old" Father and am currently a self-employed (and "young") Family, Personal and Research Spiritual Counselor and Writer.

I am "mostly vegan" and a permaculturalist (student gardener), working towards the ideal of responsible, enlightened anarchy (the state of no State - no rulers, but responsible self-rulership).

My primary interest and my life's work (for the duration of this lifetime and beyond), is in Philosophy-based Spiritual Counseling. This is studied and performed in the deepest sense of the old expression, "Know Thyself" (an excellent presentation of this concept and tradition by Steemit author Kris Nelson can be read here).

My 16 years working as an "intelligence officer" (one of the few non-governmental, non-freemasonic ever to do so, and in two countries) and almost completely unrelated but extensive training as a counselor, in the Church of Scientology cult (a government project with close ties to MK-Ultra Mind Control research), has given me some unique insights into the dark occult techniques that have been used to manage and control entire populations against their own interests and to their detriment. On the other hand - and as the bait that led me and many others into the trap - I've also experienced the tremendous, positive personal benefits of their unique (and carefully sequestered!) Philosophy-based counseling methodology.

Besides the highly effective trauma relief techniques found in Dianetics, the target areas of "Repetitive Socratic Questioning" and other techniques, can help one to rise above whatever limitations - including self-limiting beliefs - in the following areas by progressive stages:

*ASSISTS (as needed for healing - and minor physical De-Tox)
*SAFE (mental-spiritual De-Tox as needed)
*HELP (Purposes)
*PURIFICATION (major physical De-Tox)
*OBJECTIVES (extroverts attention)
*COMMUNICATION (opening the door on Life)
*PROBLEMS (and Confront)
*MISTAKES (transgressions and consequences - Guilt)
*UPSETS (and failures and relationship traumas)
*TOXIC POSTULATES (and Evil Intentions)
*TRAUMA (Reclaiming Your Power)
*DRAMATIZATIONS (Roles and Identities)
*CORE POSTULATES (Philosophy for real)

And by the time you have covered and released some "Fixed Ideas" you are well on the way to real personal freedom (and may be "too busy" working on your life goals to spend on the rest!).

Thanks to my own training and experience, I do not shrink back from the daunting and overwhelming task of helping another fellow human being with his/her own mind, however frightening it can be (and I have helped an actual psychotic back to sanity!). It is quite natural for people to experience terror - (I did!) - when contemplating the fragility of the mind and the extent of its manipulation by modern sociopath-dominated society.

As an accidental by-product of the popular 1950 Dianetics movement, unleashed by mass publication and popularization of the book by "former" Naval Intelligence officer L. Ron Hubbard, a psychologist named Jack Horner - his most trusted supporter at the time - developed what is now known as "repetitive processing" which focused attention without the use of hypnosis, on selected areas of life difficulties, in order to accomplish "release" states and some resulting new insights into ones own responses to life - in other words, "Self-Knowledge."

This "repetitive processing" was expanded upon and eventually became the engine on which spiritual progress in Scientology was built. L. Ron Hubbard and his teams of researchers put together in Scientology, a collection of successful methods of counseling techniques and processes which - although not working on every single case - turned out to be broadly enough applicable to almost all cases. This new counseling technology paved the way for consistent growth of the Scientology movement - even as it was also malevolently being shaped into a cult by Hubbard and his close associates (some from the Intelligence community).

After leaving the scientology cult at the end of 2009, I studied myself further to complete technical mastery of the subject and related subjects (drawing also upon knowledge of academic psychology, including studies of psychopathy), and am now in the process of extracting for broad public use, these processes and the knowledge of how they are created to work most effectively, from sequestration in this old, abandoned government project (now a multi-million-dollar cult working in cooperation with the IRS!). In other words, along with others before me and with me in this mission, releasing these back into the public domain as promised by its founder L. Ron Hubbard in his 1965 essay "My Philosophy"...

"For I know no man who has any monopoly upon the wisdom of this universe. It belongs to those who can use it to help themselves and others."
L. Ron Hubbard - "My Philosophy" - 1965

I call this counseling technology, "Repetitive Socratic Questioning" and offer its processes and techniques freely and knowledge of its methods free of charge, to anyone interested in learning it. Professional processing and Co-processing between two partners has always gotten the most concentrated results per unit of time invested, but for those not lucky enough to have such an option, or skeptical about trusting anyone else to facilitate their own journey into themselves, there are solo techniques - one simple one which I will refer to as "Journaling" - which are part of the offering.

I do professional-level (but unlicensed) Spiritual Counseling and that is how I eke out my living in the quality-minded, "noble poverty" of a true Philosopher, and thereby support my greater work which I believe has the potential to speed personal growth, unleash personal potential while simultaneously raising the ethical level of the person, and thereby create tremendous positive impact on society.

Who's interested? Who cares? Well, while almost everyone wants to improve their own lives and their abilities to communicate and increase their personal impact so as to better society, very few persist in seeking truth. So very few are ready for the "inner work" required to excel and to have sufficient impact on others around them to do very much about the conditions we find ourselves in under tyranny.

People in the Truth and Freedom movements who are following teachers such as Mark Passio and Michael Tsarion however, are doing their own "shadow work" or "inner work" already, and may well be interested in broadening their understanding of the mind and speeding the way to that highly-valued state of liberation in Self-Knowledge. (Freemasonry, Buddhism and especially the New Age, go only part of the way and are all severely booby-trapped!)

Few can afford personal psychologists or spiritual counselors, and all are right to view methodologies taught in modern mind-controlled universities with suspicion. All have very good reasons to approach with extreme skepticism anything from either of the cults of psychology-psychiatry or any of the new-age psychotherapy cults including Corporate $cientology. However, with a little work and due diligence, effective and worthwhile methods can be found, and the dream of Self-Knowledge can hopefully be realized along with ones laudable personal goals.

I hope that I can be of help with that, and I look forward to seeing you at future conferences and/or any of a wide variety of possible, positive encounters along the many roads to Truth.

I will be writing here about the basic philosophical structures of life, and the counseling techniques of life improvement.

Thank you for reading!

Scott Gordon

Scott Gordon - Traveling Counselor
(Scott Gordon - Traveling Counselor)

Scientologists may find more about me and my earlier reform work as WATCHFUL NAVIGATOR (by clicking here)


Welcome aboard Scott! Have a good one!

A lot of your post caught my attn here, ie truth/freedom/libertarian/masonry and other booby traps as you call them, great post.

UV (upvoted) your post!

Welcome to Steemit! There is lots to see, do and learn here!

Thanks Barry!

Good Luck here on Steemit, Scott! Welcome!

Anyone know why I can see your comments in my feed, but not when I want to reply to them?

That means I'll have to make this a blind, general reply for now.

Thanks for your comments and I promise I will get to them.

Oh - finally my page is loading correctly...