my introduction to steemit friends

in #introduction7 years ago (edited)


Hii steemit ..... Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri kepada teman-teman saya Setelah saya mendengar dan belajar tentang steemit dari teman saya @sarrjj dan @ sarjani123, saya sangat termotivasi untuk mengikuti program steemit ini. Jadi, nama saya hanafiah biasa disebut nafi dan saya tinggal di Aceh lhokseumawe / indonesia dan propesi saya sekarang masih di studi tentang ilmu menjahit pakaian.

Bergabunglah dengan saya di sini saya sangat berharap bisa mengenal satu sama lain dengan teman dan seharusnya bersama teman dapat membantu saya dalam mempelajari ilmu pengetahuan tentang menanam lebih dalam, dengan dukungan dan pertolongan teman-teman saya sangat bersyukur. Dan saya sangat berharap dengan informasi tersebut. Dari temanku bisa belajar banyak ilmu nantinya jadi dengan informasi yang saya gambarkan sebaiknya bermanfaat bagi saya dan untuk teman nanti.

Mungkin ini adalah perkenalan saya dengan teman steemit saya hari ini ...

Ikuti saya @ nafi2424

Hii steemit ..... Let me introduce myself to my friends After I heard and learned about the steemit from my friends @sarrjj and @ sarjani123, I am very motivated to join this steemit program. So my name is hanafiah commonly called nafi and I live in Aceh lhokseumawe / Indonesia and my propesi is now still in the study of the science of sewing clothes.

Join me here I really hope to get to know each other with friends and should be with friends can help me in studying the science of steemit more deeply, with the support and help my friends are very grateful. And I really hope that with the information from my friends can learn a lot of science later so with the information that I describe should be useful for me and for friends later.

Maybe this is my introduction to my steemit friends today ...

Follow me @ nafi2424

Hii steemit .....
Let me introduce myself to my friends
After I heard and learned about the steemit from my friends @sarrjj and @ sarjani123, I am very motivated to join this steemit program. So my name is hanafiah commonly called nafi and I live in Aceh lhokseumawe / Indonesia and my propesi is now still in the study of the science of sewing clothes.

Join me here I really hope to get to know me and my friends are very grateful. And I really hope that with the information from my friends can learn a lot of science later so with the information that I describe it should be useful for me and for friends later.

Maybe this is my introduction to my steemit friends today ...

Follow me @ nafi2424


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