Exciting Beginnings

in #introduction8 years ago (edited)

Hello All!

I have pondered with the idea of joining the Steemit community for quite some time and I am ecstatic to have mustered up the courage to officially create my Steemit account! I would like to introduce myself as well as my pup, Koda.

                                                                A bit about me:

“Who am I? Who I am? I am the guardian of lost souls! I am the powerful, the pleasurable, the indestructible Mushu! I’m pretty hot, huh?”

         Yes, fellow Steemers, I am quoting the Disney movie, Mulan.  I find that Mushu and I have many things in common; particularly, we both look great in red and we are rather fond of ourselves. Though, I must admit, Mushu has the self-identity question all figured out, while I am enthusiastically exploring who I am.  

I am in the field of Social Services, currently in a clinical setting. As I work with my clients; I encourage them to explore the various systems that have shaped them and their lived experiences. The insight that such exploration facilitates, allows comprehensive understanding of self and provides one with the tools for personal change. Well, just a few months ago, I finally started to listen to my own advice! After a short period of mild panic, the journey for self exploration and the search for fulfillment began! 

                                                      A whole lot about Koda:

My handle-name, Kodafied, has been inspired by Koda, a 1.5-year-old, 80-pound, Labrador/ Saint Bernard mix who was born in Tennessee and moved to NYC when he was 3 months old.  Koda enjoys long walks in the park with tree branch in mouth (you read that correctly… tree branch...not stick), eating through mom’s shoe collection, and participating in a love/hate relationship with the ocean. 

 It’s not a secret that life’s unpredictable nature can stir up feelings of stress, anxiety, and hopelessness. Therefore, it is expected that ways in which we process and sit with such feelings are not always pleasant. Koda sparks in me a sense of optimism and energy; my hope is that his presence invokes some sense of happiness and/or tranquility to you all as self-care is essential in the prolonged endeavor of any goal that requires your valuable time and energy.

Disclaimer: Koda has spurts of energy—I call them his puppy runs – yet, more often than not, he prefers to spread himself out on the bed, head on pillow, and occasionally burrow his way under the covers. Therefore, if you find yourself thinking that there are a disproportionate amount of sleeping Koda photos...you will know why. 


                                                            The visionary in me:

As long as I can remember; I have been a planner. In my early years, as my classmates dove onto the classroom carpet to stack the wooden blocks, I would walk over to the drawing station, pull out a few pieces of paper, pick a crayon color that would match my mood for the day, and begin drafting up sketches of all the possible structures I could build. Yes, most of my ideas would have required an ability to defy physic; yet, creating a process calmed me. I am sure it is becoming apparent that I am not one who “wings it” often; therefore, in the spirit of embracing my structured self, here is my current vision of my Steemit posts:

I intend to share theories, stories, adventures, and thoughts that cultivate and nurture my exploration of who I am and what a life of meaning looks like for me. I am sure many are undergoing similar endeavors, so let’s support each other and do it together! If you are not the supportive type… no worries…there will be much mention, as well as many adorable pictures, of Koda as he is amazing and can do no wrong. 


Welcome to Steemit! I look forward to reading more from you and good luck on your journey to your inner-self.

Welcome ;D
Koda is so cute!

Thank you! I need to start limiting the times people tell Koda he is cute..it's starting to get to his head. 😋

He must be somewhat disciplined to stay there like that with food being used for words haha!

He's adorable, and I'm looking forward to seeing more from both of you. Maybe a series where Koda teaches us how to do stuff, like pick the right branch for walking, or how to select the correct shoe for dinner... his :)

He was being rather wonderful, he only took it upon himself to have a taste after the photo was taken.
Great ideas! Thank you. Though, I hope Koda holds off on showing us his latest shoe find; he has had a shoe binge a week ago when he learned that the shoe closet was slightly ajar. Happy times for Koda...a bit less so for me. :)

Welcome. I am new too. Up voted. Appreciate if up vote my blog. Much Success.