Hello Steemit!

in #introduction8 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit community! My name is Kim Amourette and I am a new member here. I would like to share with you some of my personal background and what I am passionate about in life.


My story starts around the year 2007, about two years after I graduated high-school.
Ever since getting out of high-school and trying to find a direction in life in terms of figuring out which higher education and professional path to pursue I had this experience of lostness and confusion, not only about "what to do with my life" but consequently also about "who I am" and "why I am". All throughout childhood and highschool my 'purpose' had been to follow along with the path which society seemed to be laying out for me, but then once the question was asked of "what do YOU want to do?", I was faced with an existential doubt about "Who I am" in the first place.

In a way I felt as though I had stepped into a black hole of doubt, insecurity, lostness and confusion, fueled by guilt about not just being able to make a decision and choose a life-path for myself like everybody else. The only thing I knew to do at the time in order to try and find some "meaning" to my life, was to search for answers. And the thing is, answers are out there. I mean there are so many "answers" that you end up spiraling even more into an infinite sense of lostness as you are looking for yourself. Every psychologist, guru, channeler, new-ager or conspiracy theorist has some "answer" about "who you are". You are a star child, a warrior of light, a highly sensitive person, destined to transcend to some higher dimension, all of which obviously can make you feel very special about yourself but at the end of the day you sense deep down that this is not "it".

I am sure there are many people out there who do end up settling for some of these answers and decide for themselves that this is "it", but just not me. Fortunately that voice in the back of my head going "come on, who are you kidding" felt more real than me trying to convince myself that I was a warrior of light destined to activate a vibrational frequency which would transcend me into a higher plane of existence. Unfortunately however, this then did leave me still feeling lost and confused.

It was around this time that I stumbled upon this video on YouTube which challenged, nay, dared the viewer to expose themselves. Not as in getting naked in public, but by making and uploading a vlog wherein you challenge yourself to be honest about who you are, to be real. That is exactly what I did and I found this one simple gesture and challenge so refreshing that I wanted to find out more. Refreshing because, here was someone not trying to tell you who you are and not trying to convince you of anything, rather they were inviting you to express and share who you are. Looking at this world and society, at least to my experience, it was usually the other way around. Here is the link to the video I uploaded back then if you are curious:

(it was the first video I uploaded to my channel plus I felt very awkward at the time, so I did in fact experience it as an 'exposing' of myself)

I found out that behind this video was a group of people that I could, for the first time in my life perhaps, relate with. They had been on the same journey of finding out who they are and had realized that developing understanding of your Self is based on a few simple principles: Honesty with yourself, empowering yourself through forgiveness and self-responsibility, and having support from others walking the same process and journey as yourself.

This was the year 2008 and since that time, through applying those simple principles consistently, I have given myself the gift of not just knowing and seeing who I am but most of all understanding who, how and why I WAS. How and why it was that I felt lost in the first place. How my mind had developed certain personalities, thinking patterns and experiences which had come to define how I saw myself and the world around me.

With the insight and understanding that I developed of my own mind as well as the skill and ability to change myself for the better, I realized I had the potential to assists and support those that are like me in the same ways I had supported myself. In collaboration with an amazing lady called Andrea Rossouw, we combined both our backgrounds in Applied Kinesiology and muscle testing (topics which I will be writing about in posts to come) with our understanding of the mind and the individual's potential for self-change to structure a platform of support which we would later on give the name "Quantum Change Kinesiology".

Needless to say, having a skill to delve into the deeper regions of the mind of others and my own to provide support in understanding how we ourselves create our own experiences in life and have the ability to change those experiences, has sparked a passion in me to support others in their journey of becoming the best version of themselves equally as I have supported myself over the years.

I hope you enjoyed my story and are interested in more of what I have to share. Thanks for reading and stay tuned!!


Kim Amourette


Welcome to Steemit @kimamourette your journey parallels my own and I love how you shared from your heart. I found on my quest to finding myself, the greatest obstacle was being authentic to everyone, all the time. Not being one person for a few members of the family and then sharing other aspects of myself with others. But truly standing in my truth of who I was on the inside and sharing it "all" on the outside without fear and judgement from others. It was a long journey but now I can saw I know who I am and I am able to express myself honestly to others without reservations. I loved your story and am going to follow you and look forward to your future posts.

I would say that is a very cool point to realize and see, how we do tend to divide and separate ourselves into different parts and personalities which we only express in specific situations or with specific people. That was definitely something that I saw of myself as well and realizing that self-deception was not who I wanted to be and how i wanted to live, it was something that pushed me on my journey for change for sure. Thanks for the lovely comment and the follow sunscape!


You are welcome to steemit @kimamourette

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Hey Kim, welcome to steemit!

The feelings you had when you made your vlog in 2008 are similar to what people feel here now. We are a new community and we are trying to figure out what to post and how we'll be seen as we post. Jump in again, like you did on YouTube and I think you'll find friends and like minded people to talk to here too!

Thanks for the lovely and welcoming comment kenny-crane! I have been enjoying this community a lot, especially the more "civilized" nature of the comments and interactions than one may find on other social platforms.

Hello Kim, welcome to Steem! :-)

Thanks gtg :)

Hi again! I very much enjoyed reading about your journey, it is nice to know that I am not the only one trying to figure out who I am, I guess everyone has asked themselves these same existential questions. Keep posting and hopefully the world is going to become a better place for all of us.

Thanks for the feedback! I do agree that on a deeper more personal level we all go through the same things but it's not always easy to bring those experiences into words and hopefully create a connection with others that goes beyond the surface. Thanks for the sweet comment :)

We should highlight that your comment here is as well a sweet comment. So comment away! It may not all come out in a post; the words to express your experience but in back and forth conversation in the comments, the exact sentiments of the heart and cajoled out! Happy commenting!

Thanks so much unmean-stweets, awesome feedback! You are doing God's work ;)

Our utmost pleasure. Remember to always comment away!!!

Passion in life! That's what we want! Welcome!

Thank you steemspoker :)

Welcome to steemit @kimamourette. Best of luck to you

And to you too! Thanks gringalicious :)

Yeah, I know what you mean about all that ooga booga shit. I think there's something to it, but it's shrouded in mystery, and the people making the boldest claims about it are probably not to be trusted.

I'm not seeing the link to the video you referenced. I'm curious, what you described sounded like it might be a bit like EST or something along those lines. Glad it's working for you.

Take care and welcome aboard!

I did end up learning that when it comes to knowing what is real, the only one you can really trust is yourself and your own ability to apply common sense and discernment. Thanks for pointing out that the link is missing, I added it now :)