That Arrogant B*tch

in #introduction8 years ago (edited)

Short story... maybe...Warming up some writing muscles here.  What to say?  Ron Sukenik... I was a freshman in his 400 level Creative Writing class at CU Boulder 20ish years ago.  At the beginning of class we would write just sort of ANYTHING as a warm up... no need for complete sentences even.  Sort of free association.  I guess I am taking something of that approach to this post.  Now, I have an option to include photos... memes.  This is a starting point, like any random starting point, anytime, anyplace.  Now, here.  Bouncing around some content, exercising the voice that goes 'clickety tap tapping' along the keyboard and becomes an idea of a sound, an imagined sound in the reader's head.  What does that sound like?  Does it sound like your voice?  Is it your idea of what my voice sounds like?  Is it a feminine voice?  Is it masculine?  Is it arrogant?  What's it compensating for?  Who is it trying to impress?  

Who is the audience, anyway?  Who the hell are you and why are you reading my shit?!  Can we swear on Steemit?  This is going to be an important consideration for me.  I know me.  I am going to have to swear.  If we can't swear, I'm out.

As far as the meme goes... well.... I'll just leave that there.  It's not anti-money, but I like it as different understanding of what currency is.  And, as this site is concerned with people showing up to their keyboards, video cameras, etc with at least some idea of the possibility that this very moment can be transformed into a currency from out of the ethers, some awareness of how that might happen can be the banner of my first post.  A snapshot from the gut of a sort of blue electric torres.

I do this for me, you know.  I write in my journal on Penzu, and I witness my own focus transform a moment into something that flows.  And that flow is me.  It's in me, it's of me.  It's to me and through me.  I'm digesting my own consciousness.  And I like words.  I like new words, I like big words, I like little words, and I like real words.  I like sentences and ideas where I can find my stride.  I like new words that pop up that I only half know the meaning of and have to look up to be sure.  And I like to stretch myself across a new terrain, a new mind field.

And here, my friends, is where I leave you.  Until we meet again...