Personal Legend: The Origin

in #introduction7 years ago

I am a high school drop out, teen father, who has never worked anywhere other than physical labor since I was 15 years old. I tried college but I needed to provide first, and going into 50k of debt isn't something I could do, while trying to put food on the table.
So at 17 years old I joined the army. By 23 I made 1 mistake and none of my past achievements mattered, I was fired from the Army. This taught me that there is no such thing as a safe and secured 'JOB'.
I had 2 years on my contract left that I had to pay back. Now I'm 23, no work history because you can't really say, "I can shoot a moving target at 300 yards" under special skills on an application.
So I busted my ass working 2-3 jobs at a time putting in 110 hours a week, never seeing my family and after 2 years of this I barely even made a dent in the crushing debt. My future was looking worse than my past, but I didn't give up.
That's when I started to look for an opportunity to change not only my life but the entire trajectory of my family tree. I refused to become another statistic and put my son through such a disadvantage.
I started looking at different online programs and going to seminars and watching webinars, looking for the answers in books.
Than I found this program where this guy is talking about how he got his Lambo, from reading books.
I couldn't believe this, but the more I searched the more I realized how different this program was form any other I've seen.
It wasn't a step by step guide but a philosophy shift.
I could never become GREAT until I changed who I have been my whole life.
30 days into the 67 steps, I had started a a network marketing company and using the principles taught to me I had grown my business to produce $200 a month just off residual income, and averaging 100$ every other week for recruiting. This took only 1 month to build this foundation to grow.
I took the next 6 months and with only 10 hours a week I was able to replace 1 of my full time jobs because I was earning more income with my part time business.
I started a 2nd business using the marketing skills I had been learning to help small businesses levergae social media to grow their clients and I doubled my income again!
This time it took 2 months. Now I'm putting in half the time of my full time job for 2 of my own businesses and make more than double my income in half the time.
It didn't take long for me to see that profits are better than wages. So I quite my job and focused on 'minding my own businesses'.
Using the philosophies and principles I learned in the 67 steps and the skills taught to me from the Social Media Agency program I was able to build my businesses to continue to grown with or without me and I can be anywhere in the world and still earn income.
After only 8 months changing the way i think about the principles of money and business, I was able to start, grow, and change my future. I got out of debt, changed the way I earn an income and will never have a 'BOSS' again.
Now I get paid to show others how to do the same, write words to sell stuff and I can show anyone to do the same no matter where I am in the world.
I went from a life of scarcity to a life of abundance in less than a year with the skills and philosophy I learned from Tai Lopez, and I am blessed to be in a position to help you do the same.