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RE: Introducing Justicepirate

in #introduction8 years ago (edited)

My dad is also very involved with an organization that helps fight child slavery and and human trafficking. It is called international justice mission and my dad has had the chance to talk to local politicians to try to help push through laws to help fight these crimes. what is the name of your organization? I want to raise awareness and thought people might support it, but at the same time I wanted to make sure that people would know the money actually went to the organization and not to my own pockets in some sort of scam.


I love IJM. I actually am in contact with a woman who was in India working for IJM for three years and is now in the DC office. She is the reason I found out about human trafficking nine years ago. I am with Justice Network (
That is awesome that your dad works for IJM. They definitely are the best in the world. Gary Haugen is one of my favorites to listen to speak! I read all his book and love The Good News About Injustice best.

My dad has met Gary and has purchased his book! Glad to connect on an issue that truly has the ability to has the opportunity to change lives. Another great organization in Africa is people from the states cut out patterns for shoes from old jeans a milk carton and quilters cotton. You then send the cut outs (usually sent in a large quantities as it is done by groups working together at "cutting parties") along with ten dollars per pair and this provides a job for someone there sewing together the shoes with a recycled car tire as a sole. It provides a child with shoes to prevent parasites called jiggers which infect many children without shoes and lay eggs and cause painful sores on the feet. The money also provides medical care to remove jiggers from those infected and also to fumigate houses to rid them. Hope to see more of you here and I will gladly support your posts and encourage others as it can be a challenge to make sure people will actually give the money to the charity instead of pocketing it and scamming other people for their own selfish benefit

I had not heard of Sole Hope. Thanks so much for telling me about it!!
Jiggers are terrible, as are all the awful parasites around the world.
Yeah, my organization is a non-profit. I don't get paid and have been a part of it for two and a half years now and enjoy being a part of it. I have a hard time with those who are deceitful in what they do and keep profits for themselves in general.

I 100% agree. If the person hasn't built up any trust and they try to do a nonprofit charity post right away, it looks suspicious. But everything is visible here, so it makes it a bit easier to decide who you will trust. Please email me "@bendjmiller222" (quotes just so it doesn't hyperlink to nothing) whenever I can be of support to you and causes and I will try to make things visible for others. If I am able to continue being successful here and make enough funds to not need to get a job or at least delay i would like to visit uganda and do a thorough blog with great pictures and a look into the lives of those affected. I tried to raise funds for a woman in africa who only needed a van to transport her many foster children to school that she supports. There had been a lot of beheading's due to witch doctors valuing childrens skulls for some type of magic and if anything happened to one child the rest might be taken away. she actually published a touching book and like so many others survived through the terrible the terrible genocide and hers is yet another story that breaks your heart. Anyway i tried to do a kickstarter to raise 1,000 dollars to support, but it never made a dime. Here it's actually quite likely people would love to help. It doesn't take any time to click a button upvoting. Kickstarter you have to process the credit card and hope someone will maybe browse and maybe support a little. I see so much potential for charities to be supported.