An Introduction to an artist

in #introduction7 years ago

Renounce and Enjoy!

My work connects to the subconscious within you, igniting the movement of deep thought. Shaking confusion, influence and expectation away to reveal your true nature. Witness my work and observe your own insights pour forth into your life and be surprised by your own unique contribution within.

I am an Artist and my studio is life itself.

My name is Hadley and I am a human being.

Not only do i create in writing, drawing, painting, music and film, I create using my life choices to paint an interesting pioneering way of living that will contribute to evolution and expansion of our horizons to one of trust, opportunity, balance, health, creativity and imagination.
I wish to raise my vibration, expand my consciousness and evolve in mind, spirit, body and soul.
Creativity is my tool as I endeavour to move forth into the unknown with the power of trust and intuition.
I wish to be the change i wish to see in the world.
To be empowered, to have a balance of internal and external strength, to respect sacred femininity in its natural form and source, as well as the sacred masculine and to be conduit for unconditional love between the Universe and the Earth.

My Journey

Growing up in rural Australia I have a strong connection to the greater nervous system; our environment, the earth.

Pursuing the creative industries, intuitively following my dreams over rocky roads of diverse experience across the entire world I now find myself on a track of personal development with no turning back. This realisation brings forth sorrow for the simple life, yet hurls me into the excitement of a fateful life. My contribution unknown as the universe is far beyond my comprehension.

Awakened by Gandhi's philosophy as I traveled through India;

Swaraj - Self-Rule
Swadeshi - Self-Place
Sarvodaya - Evolution of All
Satyagraha - Truth Insistence

I returned to Australian society full of expression and opinion to only be confronted by consensual normality and disempowerment. I saw the imbalance of external power over internal strength and the frenetic and frantic grab for satisfaction beyond the present. As my passionate voice fell on deaf ears I found it hard to find a purpose within this seemingly purposeless society. I isolated myself from my friends and slowly grew hot with an anger contained within. I tried to fit within my old habits and life and was slowly losing strength and power to the overwhelming negativity I perceived.

So I left on another journey.

I sailed through the states searching for a listening ear only to find myself submerged in extroverted shallow talk. I hitched down the coast of California, into Mexico, hoping for another peak experience, another moment of clarity to awaken from the overwhelming negativity and anger i found myself in. I was experiencing a lesson in loss as a lover of mine left me for another and I also lost a journal of mine full of my art and reflections.

Lost in a desert.

My heart was broken.

I continued my search, making use of a lost journal as a sign to change my writing and drawing style.

I sailed the Sea of Cortez with two fellow travellers, Matt and Captain Paul. We spoke of lost loves and broken hearts.

I worked on a goat dairy in Baja, Mexico.

Then venturing south to Guatemala, meditating with the moon in a four-sided pyramid, learning astral travel, lucid dreaming and a collection of esoteric self-realisation tools. I had many a visual healing feast in my meditations; opening up my heart and healing my wounded child within.

However this was not enough. My perception drenched in fear, anger and pride was manifesting into physical illness. I was growing weaker and weaker by the day.

It wasn't until Costa Rica I hit a critical point. I was helping build an Earth ship in the jungle. Living rough.

Little did i know i was on the brink of existence, teetering on the edge of a coma. I fell into meditative dazes as I focused my attention away from the onslaught of mosquitoes as I fought with focus to sleep in my hammock. I found myself within unknown dimensions, harvesting energy from the jungle to stay conscious, to stay alive.
It wasn't until one faithful day, when the universe took control and sent me back to the village to seek help.

The project manager had quit. The volunteers, including me were alone on the mountain top in the jungle. That night we were harassed with violent hot and cold winds bringing buckets of rain in sporadic fashion.
The weather of change.
In the morning everyone was sick with a vomiting bug and flooded tents. I was the only one untouched by the sickness and the wet. I argued to stay but when i returned to my camp they abandoned the project and headed off in the rain hiking back into town.

My energy during the project was low and I did not feel like a very liked person. With my increasingly low energy i started to believe that i was a grumpy unpleasant human being. One friendly open hearted, loving bloke called, Loren, let me know they had gone.
I decided to follow.

Upon reaching the village I spotted my reflection in a mirror. I was nothing but skin and bones; my muscle had ceased to exist as I could make out my internal organs through the skin of my belly.

With help from a dear friend, Diego, I was in hospital and returning to Australia.

The first gift was an awakening.

The second was a slap in the face.

I was stripped bare of everything, my body, my mind, my identity, my emotions.

My spirit was crushed upon returning home weak beyond comprehension back within a society I had waged war against.

I had died in the Jungle.

Diagnosed with what general medicine defines as a life long condition I was now tied to society, to industry via a pharmaceutical I had to use everyday in order to survive.

Starting from a blank slate I slowly listened to my higher self; getting me up in the morning, walking and slowly rebuilding myself.

I knew that this illness vibration was here to help me; to realign me with my awakened self, to release old unnecessary patterns and learn how to perfect the necessary change that contributes to the global change and the universal change. All inherently connected as one.

Now with joy as my guide, fear as a signpost for the unknown and illness as my teacher I strive forth with society to make great change starting with myself.

This I am doing as someone striving to be unknown, for being unknown, is being without idea, just being my relevant self, an integral part of universal consciousness.

So I create.


Thank you Steemit.