A woman of faith in steemit! Let me introduce her to you
In the middle of the world's business, a beautiful child was born. Her parents named her after a biblical name "HANNAH" which means a woman of faith. Here I am Hannah Faith, 26 years of age, a documentation assistant in a prestigious company, a businesswoman, a frustrated writer, but moreover, just know me well as I deliver my thoughts, experiences, and knowledge here on Steemit!

I was looking for a certain platform where I can write and express myself. Then the chance has been given to me through this lady @smaeunabs. I’ve heard and read a lot of wonderful and amazing posts from my colleagues and those were indeed very inviting. Now, here I am, with you in this astounding platform willing to learn, engage and grow. Big thanks to my workmates (especially to @smaeunabs) for introducing Steemit to me and for not leaving my side in this new found journey.
As what Steve Jobs said, "Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you truly become". I think this quote really fits me; I have the total courage and determination to be one of the steemitians to be called. Although I am not a pro and an experienced writer to be recognized but my desire in becoming the better version of myself pushes me to becoming a soon-to-be recognized writer. I’m just kinda frustrated right now (hehehe)
I am an intuitive person where I can easily understand a person's behavior. And I must say that lots of my friends love me for being blunt (hehehe); not really everyone tho. You cannot really please everyone and that’s totally fine with me. Also, I am a person who still believes in love despite of the so-many heartbreaks I’ve seen and heard from different people. Why? Because love Is God and God is love, who am I to not believe in it? (hehehe)
You might wanna ask, Why am I joining steemit? Well, I have been longing and searching for something where I can relieve my 2AM thoughts and morning worries. I’d like to share my desires, admirations, and thoughts and most importantly I would love to share my God with everyone. I am not really after the money. What I want is to be part of your lives and to make an impact out of my blogposts soon.
That being said, you can all expect me to write inspirational messages and various open letters to feed your spiritual, mental and emotional state. And I can’t be more than pleased and excited to finally embark on this new journey with you guys. I hope you’ll support a newbie like me. (hehehe)

Aribaba for the newest member and that's probably me.
You are blessed.
thank you @deanomite , :) let's be a blessing to one another through our posts :)
hi hannah, nice to meet you and welcome to steemit :) Have fun and learn all the time and you will be terrific here with that nice attitude
thank you so much @ilovepoorpeople ,for your inspiring message for me as you welcome me here.God Bless.
your are Blessed Hanna ,happy to meet you here in steemit,sharing the Gospel,ideas perspective view of life and etc is all we can share here in steemit community..
yeah @lornalovellhope by this,we can pleases God in this simple way .Thank you for welcoming me here in steemit . :)
Welcome aboard @hannieentia06. My year started with steemit also, i'm feeling very positive with this platform. Let's keep posting.
yehey ! Thank you , @invictuz .I'm also looking forward to read a lot of posts that can really touches individuals heart and soul :)
You are most welcome.
Welcome to the platform
thank you @kazimyrex , :)
welcome aboard hannabishi <3 you'll surely enjoy it here. God bless!
yeah,because your there to support @nikkabomb.Thank you for your undying support guys :)
love you standard 💕
iloveyou too standardize forehead ,standardize brain,and most probably standardize beauty @nikkabomb :)
hahaha LOL
pocketsend:101@hannieentia06, welcome sa steemit kabayan.
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thankyou kabayan, @cloudspyder .Let's declare victory, to share our thoughts through our post.God Bless :)
hannah-hannah welcome to steemit world. hmm looking your write ups about love experiences and road to marriage hehehe..Joke.. definitely I will surely miss you in the office yet since your part already here in this platform hmmm magkita ra ta..
thank you jonnah-jonnah-jonnah three repetition of your names mean iloveyou te thank you for everything . @jonnahmatias1016
Hhahhaha lab yow too @hannienntia06 .. i am more excited of your second post what would it be???hmmm
soon.... @jonnahmatias1016 ,i already have two ,i'm just reviewing it with someone.
best of luck to you, welcome to Steemit!
thank you Mr. @mikej :) God Bless