Hello all! Just a boy from the city
Hey everyone!
I just joined this place a week ago, and it's been a blast. The community is awesome, and I just wanted to introduce myself.
I'm just a kid from the big city, and I work at IBM as a software engineer.
I used to draw a lot, and would loved drawing anything and everything. Here's a picture I drew when I was younger.
Some of my other hobbies are sports, chess, and I love hanging out with friends and family.
Have been getting a little bit involved with cryptocurrency lately, and love to discuss anything and everything related as well.
Food ... I love eating good food. Here's one of my favorite burger places ... called Fudruckers.
Besides that, I like browsing reddit and laughing at funny pictures. If you have any, please share them with me :)
Here's one of my favorite pictures, always makes me laugh. So relatable.
Anyways, that's a bit about me. Thanks for reading, if you made it this far! Say hello below :) Thanks!
I've made it that far. Hope you will make it too. Take care!
Nice to meet you

welcome to steemit. we are very happy with your joining
i like your pictures
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your steemit Name is nice@zhangster
Welcome to Steemit! I hope you enjoy your stay here.
@zhangster really like your introduction.Im a newbie on here too been just over two weeks.I decided to comment shearly based on your lovely old pic of mickey mouse.My kids adore him.Great sketch, hope to see some more of them.Loving the burger👌.Im glad you like your food as im a foodoholic.Please check my blog @pamcooks.Us newbies need to support our fellow steemians👍
Hey, I'm Oatmeal Joey, and I love your drawing of Mickey Mouse, interesting character from Disney. I draw too.