Our blog we lead together under the name - Yana and Alina! Where is the photo of Jan, and where is Alina ?! And you must be sisters? ... Yana and Alina - we are not sisters, but mother and daughter!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hello to all our dear friends Stimians..

In February 2018, we joined the large Steemite community!

Our blog we lead together under the name of Yana and Alina!

We told who we are and where, but again and again we are asked who we are and where from! And they ask, the same question, where is the photo of Jan, and where is Alina ?!

And you must be sisters?

Yana and Alina - we are not sisters, but mother and daughter!

Yana - I am the mother, my only, beloved and beautiful daughter of Alina, she is my everything, my princess, my life, but I'm sure that for every mother her child is her life, the meaning of life!

(on this photo Alina at different ages)

Me and my daughter Alina, both were born in Ukraine, but at the moment we live in Russia!

We really love our country, but, so the circumstances developed!

(on this photo Yana)

I, Yana lived there for thirty years, all my childhood, youth and the beginning of adulthood were in Ukraine!

(on this photo Yana)

There, my big family, my relatives, my mother, my father, my brother and my sister, all my aunts and uncles. And I really love them all and really miss them, sometimes I feel nostalgia for that time and I want to go home!

(on this photo Yana)

Especially I miss my own little sister, I love her very much, we were always close to her, although there were quarrels, but this is nothing, I will always love her!

There is such a proverb "My sister is not always right, but she is always my sister"!

(on this photo Yana)

I believe that fate has so decreed, that it is not destined to change destiny and therefore we now live in Russia!

(on the photo Alina)

When we left for Russia, my daughter Alina was little, now she's already a teenager! She misses her grandparents and other relatives, too.

(on the photo Alina)

But most of all Alina misses her aunt (my younger sister), she loves her very much!

(on the photo Alina)

Alina is now finishing high school, then she plans to enter the institute to get a higher education.

Life goes on, we make plans for the future....

We send our warm greetings to every person anywhere in the world!

We are pleased that you have accepted us in Steimen, we are very glad that you visit our blog, are grateful for your support and your comments!

We hope that your greetings will be as warm as ours.

We wish you happiness, prosperity, health and love! Take care of yourself!

With respect, Yana and Alina!

Thank you in advance for your attention and your support, we will be happy to receive your comments.

Peace for you and for your families!

Наш блог мы ведем вместе под именем -  Яна и Алина!

Где на фото Яна, а где Алина?!

И вы наверное сёстры?...

Яна и Алина - мы не сестры, а мать и дочь!

Привет всем, наши дорогие друзья Стимианцы

В феврале 2018 года мы присоединились к большому сообществу Стеемит!

Наш блог мы ведем вместе под именем  Яна и Алина!

Мы рассказывали кто мы и откуда, но нам вновь и вновь задают вопрос, кто мы и откуда?!

И ещё задают, один и тоже вопрос, где на фото Яна, а где Алина?!

И вы наверное сёстры?

Яна и Алина - мы не сестры, а мать и дочь!

Яна - я являюсь матерью, моей единственной, любимой и прекрасной доченьки Алины, она мое всё, моя принцесса, моя жизнь!Но я уверена, что для каждой мамы своё дитя - это её жизнь, смысл жизни!

Я и моя дочь Алина, обе родились на Украине, но в данный момент проживаем в России!

Мы очень любим свою родину, но, так сложились обстоятельства!

Я, Яна там прожила тридцать лет, все моё детство, юность и начало взрослой жизни прошли на Украине!

Там моя большая семья, мои родные, мама, папа, брат и сестра, все тети и дяди.И я очень их всех люблю и очень скучаю, иногда мучает ностальгия, по тому времени и хочется домой!

Особенно скучаю по своей родной младшей сестренке, я её очень люблю, мы всегда были с ней близки, хоть и бывало ссорились, но это пустяки, я всегда её буду любить!

Есть такая пословица"Моя сестра не всегда права, но она всегда моя сестра"!

Я считаю, что так распорядилась судьба, то что предначертано судьбой не изменить и поэтому мы сейчас живем в России!

Когда мы уехали в Россию, моя дочь Алина была маленько, сейчас она уже подросток!Она тоже скучает по дедушке и бабушке и по остальным родным.

Но больше всего Алина скучает по тете(моей младшей сестре), она очень её любит!

Алина сейчас заканчивает среднюю школу, далее планирует поступать в институт, чтобы получить высшее образование.

Жизнь продолжается, мы планируем будущее...

Мы посылаем наши теплые приветствия каждому человеку в любой точке мира!

Нам приятно, что вы приняли нас в Стемите!Мы очень рады, что Вы  посещаете наш блог, благодарны за Вашу поддержку и Ваши комментарии!

Мы надеемся, что ваши приветствия будут такими же теплыми, как наши.

Желаем счастья, благополучия, здоровья и любви!Берегите себя!

С уважением Яна и Алина!

Заранее спасибо за Ваше внимание и Вашу поддержку, будем рады Вашим комментариям.

Мир для Вас и для Ваших семей!



Hello Yana and Alina,

Warm Welcome to steemit...

Cool shots and nicely told story about your relationship ... Felt your emotional presence ... We are two siblings ... And though my mother always says i am her favourite i was always jealous about my moms and sisters relationship ... I used to wonder sometimes its between women but there is some other bonding between them which i never understood but always happy about ...

I am Nageshwar and a Curator on Steemit...

Voted and Please Follow for FREE VOTES for Your FUTURE POSTS

All The Best :)

Thank You... Good Day :)

Hello Nageshwar!
Oh, thank you very much for your attention and kind words, we are very pleased!
Thank you for your support!
Good luck in everything!


No Problem ...

And As I Mentioned Free Curation are only to followers ... :) You can check your previous posts ...


Pleasure is all mine ... and Thank You for following .. and thank you very much that you had the chance to drop into my profile and check my posts ... your comments took me to my old memories ...I'll Be in touch ...

I hope these memories were good and pleasant for you ...
We are always glad to see you in our blog! And we will follow you!
Have a good mood!


They are ...

and Thank You very much for your support and your generous words ...

So cute....
Thank you for sharing with us :-)

We are very glad that you liked our post!
We will be happy to always see you in our blog!
Thank you very much for your attention!
Have a good mood!

Like a fairytale, beautiful family, love it like oatmeal and chocolate.

Oh, heheh, thank you very much, for your kind words and compliment,
we are very pleased!

Two beautiful woman. :) you both look like teenagers! :)

Ahahah ..., many thanks for the compliment!

I hope you will meet your whole family soon.

I, too, hope so, very :-))

Welcome to Steemit yanabrui. Let me know if you got any questions about Steem or anything related to it! The official FAQ can be found here and has A LOT of information https://steemit.com/faq.html - Also remember, Steemit is just ONE of the sites built that uses Steem the blockchain. We also have DTube - our very own Youtube, DSound for Soundcloud and Steepshot if you prefer Instagram like experience. I'd also like to mention ChainBB - forums, Busy - Steemit with more modern look basically, DMania for memes and Dlive for streaming just like in Twitch! You can also earn Steem by gaming now! Search for Steemgar if that's more your thing. Welcome to the blockchain! :)

Thanks for the info .., we already have on DTube...
Our blog exists since February...
But we are still grateful for your information and for your attention.
Thanks again!

Welcome to Steem, @yanabrui!

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thanks for the info

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