Getting to Know Me

Hi there everyone. I am Xyleanne, or Xy for short. I enjoy playing a variety of games. PS4, board, cards, rpg's, all fun. I don't drink much, but enjoy an accassional beer or a glass of absinthe. But what I love most in this world is my husband @thecrazygm. He is my world.received_10213835948561232.jpeg


Nice to see you on steemit. Welcome.

Thank you much.

Welcome to steemit the home of all video game lovers and absinth enthusiast :-)

Thank you. We will have to chat about both sometime. ☺

Welcome to Steemit, Xyleanne.
What a beuatiful name, the first time I m hearing it.

Thank you much! 😊

Welcome to Steem @xyleanne69 I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Welcome to Steemit @xyleanne69!

I love RPG's too, do you play online or offline? I have been playing Shroud of the Avatar lately.

Mostly I play offline.

Cool, I don't do as much offline, but I do still love old school D&D!

I know it's been out for a couple years, but I am just getting ready to play an online a d&d 5 edition for the first time. Not sure what race and class yet, as i just got the books.

Welcome to Steemit community, nice to meet you.
I am very happy to share with you, I invite you to follow me at @chantha, Thank you, hopefully in the future we can share in this best community and can support it.
I can not wait for your best postings. See you ...

Thank you. ☺

Welcome, @xyleanne69. Always great to have another fellow gamer on here!

Thank you. Is the gaming community big here?

There is a bit of a community, but getting bigger!

Another thing... I recognized your name. We have many mutual friends on other social networks. ☺

I am famous! (or infamous)

Welcome to Steemit Xy! :)

Welcome to Steemit Xyleanne! It's great to have you among us.
What do you plan to do with your Steemit profile?
Anything game related? A series? Maybe fun moments?
Just curious.

I am now following you @xyleanne69. Hope to see more of you here! On this beautiful community we all share. :)

I hadn't thought that far. But i do plan to post about the games I play and love. Also i was thinking about making at least 1 post a week about the things in my life that have some positive influence on me.

Sounds awesome!
I will be expecting those "the things in my life that have some positive influence" videos, since I'm kind of doing that myself. Just on a daily basis, or at least that's the plan. Hahah

Quick what's your favorite PS4 game?

  1. Diablo 3 2. Gems of War 3. Van Helsing 4. Dragon Quest Heroes. 5. Victor Vran.
    Two of those games are Diablo clones which is my favorite engine.

That's awesome. I've never played any of those games lol.

Any games that you're looking forward to?

The newest Horizon and the Final Fantasy 7 remake. I have the newest Witcher but havent played it much yet.
What are your faves?

I didn't really play that many video games. Parents didn't want to spend lots of money on video games and they thought video games were for kids only.

I loved the game The Last of Us. I don't remember getting bored throughout playing the game (except when I kept dying and repeating a particular level).

I remember most of the time I would just play Call of Duty online (when I was in high school). So I haven't really tried out too many games (especially RPGs).
Speaking of RPGs, I remember I had Final Fantasy 10 for PS2. I loved that game soooooo much. That game is what got me into Final Fantasy games. No wonder I was super-hyped about Final Fantasy 15 (but I didn't get to play the full game, just the demo).

I have to try out more video games because I'm missing out. So yeah maybe my faves right now are Final Fantasy X and The Last of Us. (It may change if I try out some games though lol)

I have the last of us but havent played it yet. I have the remastered final fantasy x and x2 for the ps4. I think since they came out i have played both about 3 times. I havent tried the demo for the new final fantasy yet. I hear its a good game.