Hello steemians My name is Hamid Gul(Chief General of ISI)- Lets me introduce


General Hamid Gul a venerated General and a formidable spy boss of his time was dubbed as the general of the general by Russian and western intelligence agencies. General Hamid Gul was the valiant son of Yousufzai tribe of Pashtun so his bravery was embedded in his nature. It was General Zia who nominated him to succeed General Akhtar aburAbdurrahmanhead of powerful ISI in March 1987. As an ISI boss not only he continued the aggressive policy of legendary general Akhtar Abdurrahman but he further injected more aggression into it. He was one of those very peerless generals who vividly opposed the foes of Pakistan and warned them bluntly. He openly refuted and warned Iran of their involvement with the endian against Kashmiri freedom fighters. There was no place for ebbs during his tenure. So effective and widespread was his marvellous policy that when Berlin Wall was smashed and demolished it added in his hands the proudest possessions which were a piece of the Berlin Wall, presented to him by the people of the city in gratitude for “delivering the first blow” to the Soviet empire through his use of extraordinary military tactics and policy. To this day his name is a draconian dream for Russian whilst a benevolent heroic character for the German people, who restored the glory to Germany from the jaws of the soviet union. After the September 11 attacks, Gul emerged as a cheerleader for anti-American feeling in Pakistan, reveling in his notoriety as fundamentalist bogeyman in the west. On television chat shows he portrayed the attacks as the work of Mossad, aimed at giving the US a pretext for declaring war on Islam. They picked up the scenario from a Tom Clancy novel. They probably didn’t reckon with the towers crumbling so quickly he said openly and became the first big name to reject US this apoclopse,this was a gross example of his unshakeable bravery and stance who thrilled the whole world. This great Patriot and proud son of mother Pakistan undoubtedly made Pakistan defense impenetrable and also transformed Kashmir from a beautiful silent valley to a hard resistance hub for india. His contribution for Pakistan is so enormous in terms of numbers that it would be very difficult to unleash these in one column. He was one of the most popular ISI general who was not hugely loved by Pakistani people but also Muslims across the world. General Hamid Gul the father of resistance against global masters and a holy Lion died in August 15, 2015. Almighty has given him 15 August dates the second day of his country independent, what a tale of romantic patriotism left us with tears. May his soul be in rest in eternity as he will be because Mujhaid never dies.
Produce by Yousafzai
Being Pakistani


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