Hello Steemit Community

Hi fellow steem-ites... 

I'm a newbie to all the crypto-mania that seems to have hit suddenly. Although, I'm not surprised given the absolute mess that we're in. I'm a hard working dad that had to retire early due to illness, have rebounded, have more years ahead of me until I can actually retire, and have a real passion for the markets, particularly "real" money (think metals), meta-data, and great conversation with wonderful people. There are of course days that are better than others, but I think you all know that. Very much looking forward to meeting good folks for great conversation in between trying to manage all the canon balls in the air as I suspect we all do.

I escaped the educational system just prior to massive downsizing and am finding what I didn't think was true regarding 'older workers' seems to be now that I am one. My heart literally broke the other day when I sat in a McDonalds (yes the first time in a very long time) only to see the median age of the workers there, probably very well into their mid 70's if not later. One little lady was so frail, and she was the one wiping the tables off with a big smile! Who's mother is this? While I'd like to think like the rest of the millennials that she "just needed something to do", my heart simply tells me otherwise. What happened to us? How did we allow such evil to take place? And how will they survive who, like me, had a turn of 'unfortunate events'? OK, maybe it's a bit of a stretch using one example, but you get the idea.

So, this is my kind-of my experiment in keeping my sanity lol. Here amongst the posts I've already read, I'm finding intelligent, humble, folk who want to help others, and yes, maybe make a few cents too, nothing wrong with that lol. So, thank you for your kind community, hopefully I can contribute some rational thought as well, or not. We are all the richer for being able to have a place to share what we're truly thinking and for that, I am grateful.

And, yes, I am a bit of a silver bug myself lol. You GO all you metal holders out there!




You're so right. It's abhorrent the way that our elderly need to work AT MCDONALDS OF ALL PLACES... let's face it, I know it, you know it, they're working because THEY HAVE TO. My grandparents are fortunate enough to have been able to retire (like, a long time ago) somewhat comfortably and don't seem to be needing much. I am thankful for that.

There's so many things going wrong that's centered around how our elderly are taken or rather, not taken care of.

I'm young, but pride myself on the fact that I was raised with damn good manners. I ALWAYS open the door for someone else. This last winter I was at the store and saw this old lady having a heck of a time getting out of the car (her lazy ass son in the driver's seat). I watched 5 young men and a couple adult men WALK RIGHT BY HER! They choose not to see someone struggling any more. I went and asked her if I could help, she was grateful.

I guess I'm traditional in that sense where I was appalled at the lack of respect and manners that people have nowadays.

Wow... haha sorry about the rant!!

I guess that's a right warm welcome, huh? Haha I'm glad you came and commented on my blog. Your post got me passionate for a minute and I appreciate that!

LOL, love the passion! My wife is a teacher and I do some work with special ed students once in a while. You are absolutely correct, I am concerned with what's happened to our families and children. The best thing I can be is an example, but admit a lot of times I'm not too good at it, but I try. Maybe that shows through. But there's an old saying someone told me once, you can attract more flies with honey than with vinegar, lol, that's really hard especially when I don't 'feel' like it. Glad to hear from you!

We can try but we can't be positively amazing 100% of the time! ;) haha.

Being an example for even the littlest of things makes the big things stay on track. I noticed that as a military spouse. If you keep up on the little things like, not walking on the grass, the big things are easier to keep in line.

I welcome you to the colorful world of steemit! You will definitely get a whole new experience from all the wonderful people in this community.
Also feel free to visit @GLOBALFOODBOOK

I'm following you to know you better. Feel free to connect with me @lulita 😀

Welcome to Steem @wilsilver I have sent you a tip