Ah Ha!


So, eventually I will figure this out... lol...

This evenings weather, cloudy, stormy, a little rain, or a lot, depending on where I was today. Our electricity went out earlier for several hours at the cabin. We had to leave to come home. However, some very good sized hail, almost quarter sized made its way on the metal roof. LOL, what a racket!!

Glad to be back home where the yard really needed the moisture. In the meantime, I get to catch up on a bit of crypto-news and am pretty amazed at what's going on. Confidence in paper fiat seems to be lacking, or should I maybe say, the rats are fleeing the almost completely sunken ship? The only thing about a reset of sorts, hopefully a softer one, is that there is going to be a lot of pain for a lot of folks, perhaps even myself. So while we applaud the chance to FINALLY make some perceived increases, the realization of what is REALLY happening I don't think has sunk in yet. It will, and we will be there to help people understand what is happening.

Have a great week everyone, it should be another interesting one!


Welcome to Steemit Will!

Thank you! I'm enjoying myself already and getting around a bit is easier. I think this is well worth the time :-)

I also feel angst when it see what's going on. Am putting away food and other necessities.
Here in Canada it seems like the people don't want to open their eyes.
Welcome and good luck.

Thank you! It's hard for people to break from their perceived reality. But, I've never seen my country, US, so divided like this. Seriously if anyone has half a brain cell that functions can see there is 'something' not right here. But, nothing wrong with putting away necessities, I try to as well. Hang in there!

Welcome to the community @wilsilver. Things in the platform can be easily figured out. You can ask anybody, including me.

Thanks Juvy - I did have a question, can't seem to figure out how to put a pic in these little round circles. Do you know how?

Hmmm you need to upload the pic to any image db site, copy the link and paste it on the box found in settings tab

Good post. No one knows how all this will play out. Having lost most of what I had worked for in 08, I have come back a much wiser and happier saver. If we all would just pay as we go, and forget debt, life would be much more stable for all of us. The question is with what currency do we exchange with? I like silver. :)

i have heard that we the people do not have a national debt anymore, because the debt's responsibility was pushed onto the rothschilds... so there might not be a financial reset

Welcome to steemit! You will love the people here. Everyone is nice and free. Upvoted and followed hope u follow me too