I don't understand all the details behind reputation increase but I do know that upvotes from higher reputation users affect reputation in a very positive way. Commenting on other people's posts will get you noticed and often they'll vote on your comment and this can help too. I think the number of posts and comments you make also increases your reputation score slowly but surely.
What you really want to avoid if you want a high reputation score is getting flagged / downvoted as it can kill a user's reputation quickly. The more voting power a user has the more their flag will hurt a person's reputation. If someone with a lower reputation than you flags you it doesn't affect your score as much.
You can avoid getting flagged by making sure that if you post a picture, video, story, etc. that isn't created by you, definitely cite the source of the material you shared. Directly copying and pasting word for word from a source on the internet puts you in danger of being flagged as a lot of people are very passionate about people creating their own content.
I'm pretty sure getting your posts resteemed also increases your reputation score.
I'm not sure how much or if powering up by converting STEEM to SP increases reputation score but it does increase the value of your upvote. Sorry I don't have more concrete answer but I think you've given me something to research this weekend! I'll share my findings when and if I do make a post about it (which I'll only do if I find more solid info on this subject).
Thanks for the idea. Upvoting your post. Best of luck to you!
Glad I could be of help and sorry if I've caused any worries for you...it doesn't look like you've had any negative feedback from what I can tell as your reputation is above 30.
There's plenty of users here who I've learned from and one of them posted something about the seemingly unwritten code of conduct here (I call it unwritten because a lot of new users don't have an easy way of figuring out what's expected of them and what could potentially hurt their reputation). @dragosroua shared this awhile back and it was very useful to me.
Also, I went back to another post I used awhile back for learning purposes (posted by @allasyummyfood) and found that video #4 in this post might help explain reputation score a bit better than I can. She posted like a dozen how-to videos in this one post and some of it is probably stuff you already know but some of it may be useful / informative to you.
These two posts are the best guides for newer users like us that I've found so far and I share them pretty often. I like helping people here as others have helped me when I got started on Steemit.
Best of luck to you and I hope you have a great weekend :) followed.
Well said, I really like this that you've laid out. And I definitely share the viewpoint with you. I also hope to leave my legacy here on steemit, and what I share here is what I would want to be remembered for. I think we can all look for something new! Thank you for being here. :)
You’re not powering up your Reputation, you’re powering up your Steem into Steem Power which is Staking your Steem and making your Upvote eventually worth more as you acquire more.
Your rep goes up when people with a higher rep Upvote your stuff. So when I Upvote your stuff, and others with higher Rep Upvote your stuff, that makes your rep go up. Not Steem Power.
I don't understand all the details behind reputation increase but I do know that upvotes from higher reputation users affect reputation in a very positive way. Commenting on other people's posts will get you noticed and often they'll vote on your comment and this can help too. I think the number of posts and comments you make also increases your reputation score slowly but surely.
What you really want to avoid if you want a high reputation score is getting flagged / downvoted as it can kill a user's reputation quickly. The more voting power a user has the more their flag will hurt a person's reputation. If someone with a lower reputation than you flags you it doesn't affect your score as much.
You can avoid getting flagged by making sure that if you post a picture, video, story, etc. that isn't created by you, definitely cite the source of the material you shared. Directly copying and pasting word for word from a source on the internet puts you in danger of being flagged as a lot of people are very passionate about people creating their own content.
I'm pretty sure getting your posts resteemed also increases your reputation score.
I'm not sure how much or if powering up by converting STEEM to SP increases reputation score but it does increase the value of your upvote. Sorry I don't have more concrete answer but I think you've given me something to research this weekend! I'll share my findings when and if I do make a post about it (which I'll only do if I find more solid info on this subject).
Thanks for the idea. Upvoting your post. Best of luck to you!
Thanks so much I owe you big time. I'm actually worried about getting downvoted now haha

Glad I could be of help and sorry if I've caused any worries for you...it doesn't look like you've had any negative feedback from what I can tell as your reputation is above 30.
There's plenty of users here who I've learned from and one of them posted something about the seemingly unwritten code of conduct here (I call it unwritten because a lot of new users don't have an easy way of figuring out what's expected of them and what could potentially hurt their reputation). @dragosroua shared this awhile back and it was very useful to me.
Also, I went back to another post I used awhile back for learning purposes (posted by @allasyummyfood) and found that video #4 in this post might help explain reputation score a bit better than I can. She posted like a dozen how-to videos in this one post and some of it is probably stuff you already know but some of it may be useful / informative to you.
These two posts are the best guides for newer users like us that I've found so far and I share them pretty often. I like helping people here as others have helped me when I got started on Steemit.
Best of luck to you and I hope you have a great weekend :) followed.
Wow you are full of knowledge , thank you I really appreciate it. If I get rich I'm tipping you first hahah!
Don't question it just let it happen.
I thirst for knowledge

Well said, I really like this that you've laid out. And I definitely share the viewpoint with you. I also hope to leave my legacy here on steemit, and what I share here is what I would want to be remembered for. I think we can all look for something new! Thank you for being here. :)
You’re not powering up your Reputation, you’re powering up your Steem into Steem Power which is Staking your Steem and making your Upvote eventually worth more as you acquire more.
Then why is my rep going up and I only get a little stp?
Your rep goes up when people with a higher rep Upvote your stuff. So when I Upvote your stuff, and others with higher Rep Upvote your stuff, that makes your rep go up. Not Steem Power.
Thank you !
So If I up vote a new 25 account will they go up ?