W.G.Martin introduceyourself

Hello everyone. 

I’ve been so eager to get involved with reading all this new found material and sharing some of what rolls around in my head that I’ve forgotten to introduce myself. 

My name is Glen, I love fiction of all sorts, and at 58 years old I still love having the bejesus scared out of me. I’ve already found that I’m surrounded by some great writers here. I’ve no doubts of what I will learn from all of you here and look forward to sharpening my own skills. 


I also look forward to insights, tips, pointers, any criticism at all good or bad on what I write and what I’ve already written. Still figuring out all the details to work this sight so bear with me. 

I’m also into independence, self-reliance and survival. I have an internet radio station website "Prepper Broadcasting" where I produce many shows and their hosts who practice same and share what they know from preserving food to living off the land. 

It’s the independence, self-reliance, and survival I hope to express in my fiction writing. Sometimes I get a bit carried away and graphic on the horror side, forgive me in advance. I have had one book published, non-fiction concerning survival navigation but have much more fun writing fiction. Please stop by and visit anytime. 


Welcome to steemit :D

Welcome to Steem @wgmartin I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Welcome @wgmartin aboard the steemit express. This is a great platform to express yourself just like any other social media outlet except this one pays its users for interacting with each other. Post good content and your rewards can be limitless but always stay true to yourself.

Checkout this post and give me some feedback on it


I will read you with pleasure.

Hello glen, i found you via a resteem from, Dan Wolfe's ( @wolfeblog ) blog page. I found the first two parts of your story "Abraham and the Apocalypse " really enjoyed them. Glad you are here, the world needs more Authors, (story tellers), I NEED to READ.LoL. Glad you joined us.

Glad to see you made it over here, looking forward to reading what ya got in your head... You do know the tortilla press fits your hands as well so make some puffy tacos dude ;-)