introducing myself

Hello there! I have been browsing this website for about a week now and I am positively surprised.
I think it's time to make my introduction post.
About myself:
I currently study aerospace engineering in Germany. My interests include science and technology, investing and as of last month crypto currencies. I love travelling and different cultures, most of all east Asia and European cultures.

Things I dislike: Federal Reserve Banks, Fiat Monetary system, Government spying, Governments in general.

What I expect from this website/community:
I want to learn about crypto and improve my writing and blogging skills.
I will regularly make posts about issues that I think people will find useful.


Welcome to Steem @westernn4tive I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Welcome, and good luck I hope you do well here.

You will be right at home here on Steemit!
Welcome! ♨️

Hey there, welcome on steemit. I'm sure you'll love the experience of it. Enjoy

thank you very much