I`m coming for your pleasure!
Hello folks this is my introduction post!
I`m a brazilian who really like to enjoy life, I belive the meaning of life is to run after what makes you happy and gives you plasure. for me to travel, and sex is two of the most enjoyable activities (not necessarily in that order). I really love this steemit Idea, so I'm thinking about starting here by sharing about those things that i like the most hope you like too ;)
here is some photos i took from my city Rio de Janeiro:
Pão de açúcar (sugar Loaf)
Cristo Redentor(Christ the Redeemer)
Catedral de São Sebastião (Cathedral of São Sebastião)
I will let the photos/gifs/videos of the others things that i like to ne next posts.
cause I don't really know if is there any problem to make the introduce post NSFW ;P
Hope you folow me and when you like one of my post vote it up and leave a coment if you can, if you don't like or think it could be better please leave a coment too so i can try to make a best one next time !
Hello & Welcome to Steemit @thechosentwo,
only for that great header alone you got an upvote :)
I am @digital-gypsy - nice to meet you !
I would just start following and talk to the people here first, with the time
i am sure the trend is going up with you !
bienvenida, willkommen and velkommen
Good Luck & Cheers
Thank you @digital-gypsy!
already following you, looks like you use to share a cool content too!
i'm pretty sure that keep feeding our blog with good content will gradually bring us to the trending section =D
Thanks a lot for your reply & following! Very appreciated :)
No tool ! Just me ;)
See ya around !
Aeee! mais um brasileiro! te seguindo. =)
My best,
Tim Balabuch,
Designer & Cryptocurrency enthusiast
See my last post: Bitcoin Core & Bitcoin Unlimited: Two different currencies?
Welcome to Steemit @thechosentwo :)
Make sure to participate in this weeks giveaway to get known in the community!
Here are some helpful resources to get you started:
If you find this bot helpful, give it an upvote! It will continue to upvote introduction posts. Your upvote will give it more power in that. If you think you have something all new users should know, please tell.
thank you I'll have a look
Welcome to Steem @thechosentwo I have sent you a tip
Thankyou so much @bottymcbotface I'll remember ^^
Welcome to Steemit!
Thank you @finkavenue I like your posts Following you !
Welcome to steemit, happy to have you here
I am @alienposts , my real name is achraf :)
Checkout my blog posts, Enjoy your time here and let's get this party started :)
Thank you @alienposts !

thats a interesting name, i wonder how should i pronounce it ^^
I saw your blog and i'm already following you, I'm also a Cryptocurrencies Enthusiast!
and sure let the party begin!
alien posts !! Lol , nice to meet you !!
Hello there @thechosentwo and welcome to Steemit! I just upvoted you!! I hope you enjoy your time here and make lots of $$$. If you're interested in lotteries, please check my profile out @steemitlotteries. I run FULLY TRANSPARENT LOTTERIES with promotional posts where I issue FREE TICKETS for those who help me curate my promotions. All the best! :)

look's like a good Idea. Thank you!
Welcome to steemit. It is ew house for bloger. Nice to meet you on this platform.
Thank you @taufar !
oh you are the one who created the meme challenge ???
i love memes, maybe i can participate too
Welcome @thechosentwo ! Fantastic photos, cannot wait to hear more from you. The Steemit is wonderful ~ enjoy !
Thank you @lanceman !!
Welcome to this fabulous community! I post about cryptos, economy, silver,etc. Please checkout my posts to see if they interest you and my policy is if you follow me I will follow you. Welcome again and Steem on!
Thank you @lengle2811 i will surely have a look on your blog !