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RE: Steemit-Based Reality Game Announced: $10 million prize pool

in #introduceyourself8 years ago

All I know is he delivered one helluva great value in Hollywood. I'm loving that he is applying that technology to drive attention to our blockchains. Gameification is the future of marketing and his whole company (which I have met and worked with) will become a powerhouse in the industry. Nice to have all that driving new people our way.


selling SEO products for $49,999 is shameful. There's nothing of value in doing that:
but without already having those skills, I will say now why i KNOW your product is a scam;

$49,999 for an online product is RIDICULOUS! what value does it has? how does it differ from other personal development program?

You said that your program is "endorsed" by the Steemit devs. We'd know what our Devs says. And they DO NOT ENDORSE your program. you outright lied to your webinar participants.

You incessantly avoid crucial questions. Where is your supposed "Gold Contract"? what is the protocol on your KARMA KOIN, how to you avoid double spending.. these questions were asked one way or another. All of them unanswered by you.

YOU DO NOT NEED TO PAY $99 Dollars for "access to Steemit". That is outright scam. There is another term IRL (in real life) called Ticket Scalping. I cant find a better term to described what you did.

First day on Steem, and you called someone an "Asshole". NOT COOL!!

What is this supposed "Game". Did you have a developer at all? $49,999 on a beta product sounds too steep dont you think?

I'm sorry @matttrainer, I wont judge you personally because i dont know you. But your product, Mogul, is a scam.
Full post here:

You guys sound a lot like the naysayers calling Bitcoin a scam back when there was not yet any infrastructure or on ramps. If you were not a miner, it was much easier and far less intellectually challenging to just call it a scam then to try and figure out the "coloring outside of the lines" ways of buying it while it was still selling in the single digits. Thank God I didn't listen to your knee jerk reactions and started buying bitcoin for $5 in 2011

Dear @rubenalexander

You downvoted this comment because..................?

Be advised that you will either need a good reason or if you have no good reason, be hereby advised that I also know how to downvote.

Have an absolutely splendiferous rest of what's left of your day and your 15 minutes of fame :-)

what the hell you scare me now :D If I could I will double my up vote to you ahahaha

Bitcoin was launched by a genius cryptoanarchist. Mogul is (or was going to be) launched by a serial scammer. There is quite big difference, don't you think?

You have absolutely no idea by whom Bitcoin was launched. To claim you do is to display your lack of credentials to add anything meaningful to the discussion here. Good God, man, do you expect us to believe every claim on tv, radio, and online? Do you not know that there are highly paid disinformation specialists? And amateurs like you with names to make for themselves or bloated egos to feed.

What's up with the hostility? Sure no one knows who created bitcoin, but it was free to join and you only needed a CPU to mine it, not thousands of dollars up front.

All you needed to do to take advantage of OP's marketing efforts was to buy and hold some bts.

Instead, the naysayers and trolls are calling something a "scam" because they don't understand it. It is the height of ignorance and I am tired of several years of this. Hence the hostility. Thank you for asking :-)

All you needed to do to take advantage of OP's marketing efforts was to buy and hold some bts.

I did that, but not thanks to matttrainer. He wasn't asking me for BTS to "get in early" on his project, he was asking for USD.

the naysayers and trolls are calling something a "scam" because they don't understand it.

What is there to understand based on his seminar? Just blindly trust someone with my money? Why are you being so ridiculously sided with someone who behaved so unprofessionally, not to mention the post of promises of big profits and examples of "newbie grandmas" making a ton of money screams scam. We are already sold on blockchain technology and understand the advantages it provides and the difference between something being open-source and clear to the public instead of this Nigerian Scammer/ Onecoin Scamming level of bullshit.

All you needed to do to take advantage of OP's marketing efforts was to buy and hold some bts.

That would have been unethical way of profiting.

Instead, the naysayers and trolls are calling something a "scam" because they don't understand it.

I do understand it very well, I have seen several similar projects before. If this wasn't a scam, why it was build to look like and marketed like a scam?

The fact that the guy quits very soon just proves this. If he had had a real business plan, he could have just smile and say "just wait and see", execute the plan, and show everybody that it was a real thing. But no, he acted like a scammer would act in a situation where he faces a lots of critique: ragequit because he understands that he can't scam people in an environment like this.

whose a good man now

I wish I knew you back in 2011 so I could buy tons of BTC but here we are... the machine to go back in time doesn't exist yet

calling Bitcoin a scam back when there was not yet any infrastructure or on ramps.

How can you even compare the two? Bitcoin was open-source since 2009. There was no person going around asking other users for $10-$50,000 without any proof or details to be a part of the network.

That's because you're also a scammy fuck just like those you hang out with.

New to Steemit?