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RE: Introducing Myself-Alexa Nova
but what happens if the Satanists show up?
same thing when anyone of any religion shows up.
What happens if the pedophiles show up?
They get reported for breaking the law if they do.
There's free speech and then there is evil.
nothing to do with each other. what you consider "evil" is subjective. You are not the moral compass of steemit.
Someone famous said "Evil is what happens when good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
he is not talking about evil like the devil. he is talking about people standing up to your bullshit so that the evil of censorship doesnt win.if we dont do anything and let ignorant people like yourself push then evil will win.
Lol who are you to call people ignorant? From what I can see you haven't a clue.
As for you putting words in my mouth get stuffed! you don't know me from Adam. I don't talk about the "devil" ever.
I despise politically correct thinkers like you.
I quoted your comment.
word for word.
I am anti political correctness.
my statement stands and I think you just proved my point.
Fools can't be educated easily. I won't bother trying. all you do is fling insults.
fosho, good luck with all that bruh.