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RE: Hello Steemit Community- Who am I?
Hello Rory, its good that you're going to take Physics. You are a rare breed. Keep doing all your hobbies, they're great.
3D printers are expensive in my country. Im amazed that you have one at home. haha
Thank you very much. That's really unlucky to hear about the printer situation where you are, mine is a open style one that didn't cost too much at the time. If you're willing to take a little bit of risk you can normally get quite good deals to most countries from chinese sellers on places like gearbest, although it is usually unknown brands and import duties and such can be a pain. Saying all that they are incredibly cool pieces of technology and being able to think of your own designs and then bringing your thoughts into the real world in a single day is pretty incredible.
The 3D printer we have is for our biomedical labs where we use it to print some microfluidic devices. haha. Import duties and sometimes it takes months to receive an imported item. Anyway, Thanks.