Silviola_art : An introduce my self ( two language *English and indonesia)

Good night Steemit friend in the world..

   This is my first writing, written this time i just want    

to introduce myself. I think this is necessary to ensure that this is my original account.

   I did not suppose that I would recognize this steemit platform. It's also because in the my city is booming with this platform. 

 **Then what brings me to steemit?**
   I say i love all of social media, i know all the people have one of all social media. But, if we talk about steemit i can say it have diffrent from other social media platfrom.
As to know, before i writting this article At least I already find out what about steemit, what is steemit, then what is really steemit give appreciate of each our writing. 

  Then i ask to myself :

"If that is not true it is not possible as much as these people play steemit". And finally i believe with steemit.
I will use this platform as well as a place to share my works related to art, i love art. And hopefully all of steemit friends do not hesitate to give appreciation in the form of voting for each work looks interesting,thankyou;)

Welcome to steemit for myself,hehe;)

Well, my name is Silviola heriza, just call me Ola I am 19years old . Now iam work as university student architecture in aceh,indonesia.

                           **About my hobby**


I really can not imagine my life without drawing,
listening to music, and traveling for sure my life is very boring, hehe
Yes thats right, my hobby is drawing, about art, and music.


I think just a brief introduction from me, thanks for your attention. Support me to build this account that focus in art, so do not disappoint to you my friend steemit.


Ini adalah tulisan pertamaku yang ditulisan kali ini aku hanya mau Untuk memperkenalkan diri. Saya pikir ini perlu untuk memastikan bahwa ini adalah akun asli saya.

Saya tidak menyangka bahwa saya akan mengenali platform steemit ini. Ini juga karena di kota saya sedang booming dengan platform ini.

       Lalu apa yang membawa saya kesini?

Saya bilang saya mencintai semua media sosial, saya tahu semua orang memiliki satu dari semua media sosial. Tapi, jika kita berbicara tentang steemit, saya bisa mengatakannya berbeda dari platfrom media sosial lainnya.

Seperti yang diketahui, sebelum saya menulis artikel ini Setidaknya saya sudah mencari tahu bagaimana dengan steemit, apa steemit, lalu apa benar-benar steemit memberi apresiasi terhadap setiap tulisan kita?.

Lalu saya bertanya pada diri sendiri :

"Jika itu tidak benar, tidak mungkin orang banyak bermain steemit ini."
Dan akhirnya aku percaya dengan steemit.
Saya akan menggunakan platform ini sekaligus sebagai tempat berbagi karya saya yang berhubungan dengan seni, saya suka seni. Dan semoga semua teman steengit jangan segan memberi apresiasi dalam bentuk voting agar setiap karya yang terlihat menarik, thankyou;)

Selamat datang steemit untuk diriku sendiri;)

Baik, nama saya Silviola heriza, panggil saja saya Ola saya berumur 19 tahun. Sekarang saya bekerja sebagai arsitektur mahasiswa di aceh, indonesia.

Tentang hobi saya :

Aku benar-benar tidak bisa membayangkan hidupku tanpa menggambar, Mendengarkan musik, dan perjalanan pasti hidup saya sangat membosankan, hehe. Ya benar, hobi saya menggambar, tentang seni, dan musik.

Saya pikir hanya inilah pengenalan singkat dari saya, terimakasih atas perhatiannya. Dukung saya untuk membangun akun ini yang fokus pada seni, jadi jangan semoga tidak mengecewakan anda steemit.



Follow me! Thankyou:)


Welcome to steemit. I hope you will have a great time here :D

Thankyou @inuk, followed you, hope you do back to see next about my post^^

welcome to steemit . good luck. and im curious how were you introduced to steemit and what made you sign up?

Thankyou @storcogato, nice question. About why can i join to steemit it because my curious feeling about this social media, i know steemit from my friend, his told me to searching what is steemit, and finally i love it. In my mind "why not we spend time to have an income Instead of wasting valuable time on other social media". And thank god has brought me in steemit so my hobby can be channeled here, and also can be appreciated.
Just it my answer,hehe^^

Well done post You deserve for getting Upvote from me. I appreciate on it and like it so much . Waiting for your latest post. Keep your good work and steeming on. Let's walk to my blog. I have a latest post. Your upvote is high motivation for me. Almost all Steemians do their best on this site. Keep steeming and earning.

This comment has received a 0.04 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.

Congrats on taking the first step and joining the community. I just joined recently and posted my first two stories . I'm happy to follow you and hope you'll follow back. Take care!

Congrats on taking the first step and joining the community. I just joined recently and posted my first two stories . I'm happy to follow you and hope you'll follow back. Take care!

Selamat datang di steemit @silviola
Terus berkarya dan semoga bisa menginspirasi stemians lainnya

Selamat bergabung di steemit,.. :D

Follow me @chairul

Nice article,
I'm indonesian too ^^