Let me be one of the first few Steemians to welcome you! I see that you have been a member of STEEM since November. Good job with providing an introduction post.
While scanning your posts, I noticed you have done your research on the STEEM ecosystem. I have been a stakeholder on STEEM for over two years and may have to come to you for answers! 🤣
I also noticed that you have joined the DCooperation/TheyCallMeDan POSH initiative. That is fantastic. I foresee you being a real mover and shaker in these parts.
Once again, welcome to STEEM. If I can ever be of assistance, please feel free to tag me. I am also a user of DISCORD and you can DM me at @sgt-dan#0001
on that application. It is pretty much the way most Steemians communicate in real time, but you knew that already, didn't you? 😂😂
Once again welcome. Hope your weekend has been epic! Blessings and groovy vibes to you and yours!