Introduceyourself - Hello Steemit! I quit my Job!

Hello Steemit! My Sister @camille1234 and My Mother @marymg2014 introduced me to Steemit. It’s time for a fresh start!

I quit my job!

After four plus years at a job I honestly loved, I finally said “enough is enough”. Huh? That makes no sense, quit a job that you love? I am one of the 75% that is referenced below. I cannot begin to tell you how many younger colleagues I have told all the clichés to. I have told them about the grass that is not greener and evil that you know versus the evil that you do not yet know. And I firmly believe that every job has its pros and cons. It is when the cons tip the scales that you need to reevaluate things.

Perhaps I should start by telling you what my job was…I most recently was an administrator in a small accounting firm. Due to the culture of the firm, job titles are more whatever you decide to call yourself in the outside world. Administrator is a very generic term for all the invisible hats that I wore every day. You name it, I did it. And I enjoyed doing it. I was a go to for almost everything in the building. During my last review, I was told that they know they can give me a task and I “just get it done”. I am a doer.

My love for my job took me through so many hard times. The worst was last tax season when my colleague and friend passed away unexpectedly right as tax season commenced. I won’t take you through all the ups (not many) and downs (too many) but I will tell you that I cried at my desk almost every day. No, I take that back…I cried every day. I worked twice as many hours as I had in previous tax seasons, I had to because my friend was not there with me to help. True, there were three additional people there to help but only one truly helped me survive the season.

My favorite of the three partners talked me out of quitting on a regular basis. I was hanging on by a thread and he knew it. And he knew the reason I wanted to walk was one of the other partners.

For the past seven months, I have had countless discussions with two of the three partners about the state of the administrative department. I will spare you all the ridiculous details of meetings that were supposed to happen and changes that were supposed to be made. The bottom line for me was, I made it perfectly clear in my annual review that I would not be able to go through another tax season without adequate help. Nearing the end of the year, adequate help was obviously not going to happen, so I gave my notice.

With a very heavy heart, I handed my favorite partner a very detailed explanation for my departure. I decided to give them more than the customary two-week notice, I gave them three (a decision I later regretted emotionally). During my last three weeks, I felt as if I was on the largest roller coaster in the world. The highs came on the days that I was able to focus my future freedom from “the root of all evil” in the building. The lows came from days where I felt like I was not being given the opportunity to tie up all the loose ends that I saw coming. I don’t like loose ends, they are messy. One other thing that brought on the lows were the days that I saw how terribly my departure was going to affect my favorite partner. He and I had developed an amazing working relationship where I was able foresee his needs and those of his clients and tend to them before any issues occurred. He has grown to depend on me and I feel like I’ve abandoned him.

Skip to my last day. The last working day of the worst work year ever. They were planning on closing the office early for the holiday. This meant that I needed to keep my head down and finish everything that I possibly could. It didn’t help that the favorite was still depending on me to do regular tasks that my sad excuse for a replacement should have been doing. I couldn’t blame him though, he trusts me.

For the last three weeks I daydreamed of what would happen on the last moments before I walked out the door. What would I say? Would I be able to leave with…dignity like the favorite had asked me to do? Or would I pull a Jerry McGuire? So many possibilities. I did know that I would send out the customary goodbye email to the colleagues that I wanted to stay in touch with. I had compiled some memes that I felt might bring a smile to their faces. Honestly, it’s not as dynamic as I wanted it to be, but I had limited time in the evenings to put it together.

I had decided to leave peacefully, without a word. He was not worth any more emotional turmoil than he had already caused me. In the end, with a half an hour left before that boss wanted the office to close he started with me. I had been able to avoid any communication with him the whole day and just when the end is in sight…here we go. I asked him repeated to leave me alone and let me get my work done. I told him I just want to leave in peace. He kept going. He wanted me to give him the project that I was working on for the favorite. He wanted others to finish it. He claimed that he was trying to help me, so that I could leave. I told him that I didn’t want anything from him. I didn’t want his help. I just wanted him to leave me alone. Eventually I stood up from my desk, looked him right in the eye and told him that he was THE reason that I was quitting. I know that the favorite had told him many times before, but he denied it repeatedly. Funny thing, hearing it straight from my mouth…he still denied it!

Fast forward to my freedom. Apparently, someone forwarded my goodbye email to that boss. I don’t care. The only reason I didn’t send it to everyone is that would give the few that I won’t miss the impression that I will. According to sources still at the firm, he was put off by my goodbye. I honestly have no idea why. Do you see anything wrong with it…? (Full disclosure: All memes were found on a Googles Images search)

Subject: Bittersweet
The time has come for us to part ways. Leave with dignity…. that’s no fun and those of you that know me well enough know that I truly love to have fun. I’ll leave with a few memes, quotes, humor and a little bit of…. clip art (only a few of you will understand that one).
“Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it.” – Rafiki, from The Lion King
Last year about this time I told our dear friend, Jeff, “2017 is going to SUCK!” I have never been more right in my life.

Can we replace Bob with Sarah….?

It finally worked!!!

Enough said on this one:

Apparently, it is questionable why I would leave before having another job lined up….

Today has been one of the hardest days of my life…I will miss you.

Enough said on this one too…. I guess now I’ll have to go to a doctor for my stress tests.

Debated on adding this one… but I found it funny.

On that note, feel free to reach out for whatever silly reason. My personal email is [email protected] and my cell is XXX-XXX-XXXX. I truly wish you luck in the new year.
And lastly one of my kids’ favorite quotes from a current commercial as Skeletor says, “Catch ya on the flip side SUCKERS!!!!!”

So, what did you think? Harmless, right? Anyway, I’m starting a new chapter in my life. I’ve decided to work for myself. I will be providing administrative assistance to entrepreneurs from the comfort of my own home. I have been fortunate enough to find a few local businesses to start with. I feel like this adds a more personal touch when I can go and meet them in the beginning. I am also open to working with non-local entrepreneurs of course.
And in any free time that I have maybe I’ll finally get this novel that I’ve had in my head for a decade out. #writersblock


Yea!!! So good to see you here on Steemit.... I know you will do well and I am very proud of you for having the courage to quit that job!

Thanks Mom!!! You know that the story is a lot longer than this post.

@marymg2014 @saracozzens So nice to see this support :) Well done Sarah on quitting your job that must have been scary and yet so exciting!

Welcome to the Steem World! I am happy you quit!
I have recently made an orientation video that will help you in your journey here - and will hopefully answer all the questions that took me months to figure out.
I wish you all the best here on Steem!

Thank you so much! I will check it out!

Good to see you here and I welcome you to this wonderful platform! =)
I agree been working before and even if you love your job there are times that you do really need a fresh start, and steemit is a fresh start for you. =)

Jerry Maguire was good, but I was always partial the quitting scene from Half-Baked (there may be some naughty words)

Oh believe me that this was one that came to mind during my daydreams of my last day.

Hahaha. Тhis is sooo goood!

Welcome to steemit !!
I hope you enjoy finding common issues with people and learning new things.
you can follow my blog @jangkeum and even give me upvote ...

I personally feel that you have taken a risk. All the best for your life ahead.


Life is full of risks. This is one that I had to take. The stress that the one boss brought into my life was tremendous. I had to cut the toxic out of my life.

Never mind there is a new life ahead waiting for you. I truly believe that life is too short to do something that we don't enjoy. Keep rocking, you definitely will do just awesome.

I am new to steemit and I am a survivor of kidney failure. I have learnt value of each moment in my life. So kindly support me here and I will support you all with all my might.


Yes! You've got to listen to your heart and walk out the door when necessary!

Thank you for your support. In this case my heart was so torn. I loved my job, especially working with the favorite. But that boss made my life utterly miserable.

we all been in that situation, I personally told my last boss exactly how i truly felt about him after 5 years of being treated like a hired slave. It wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done since I had no plans on what I'd be doing if I lost the job but I can certainly relate to how liberating it feels to free yourself.

It's fun for a short while after you leave your job, just a heads up, it does becomes very boring after a few months and may take the wind out of your sail. Working at home or from home for long periods of time actually ends up being feeling like Groundhog's Day with Bill Murray.

Stay focused with your plans and don't fall into that routine in a few months from now.

Thanks for the advice. I will definitely keep that in mind.

Yeah! I also quit my job jast last November. It's more of a political decision on my part. You understand how bad it feels living to work? That's not fun, right? Let's live and enjoy! Wooh!

Yes, I plan on enjoying life while I live. Best of luck to you as well. Cheers to the new year!

Welcome!!! I hope you have a great time on this platform. If you ever need help contact me at Also check out my blog at