Introduction of Sannur from Aceh & the reasons joint the Steemit

in #introduceyourself8 years ago

Dear Steemians,

I am an active Facebook user to share my ideas (my facebook: hasan.b.m.nur). By the way, one morning while hanging out with the family in the celebration of Eid al-Fitr in our birthplace Aree, Pidie, while enjoying a typical Aceh coffee, @vannour he is my younger brother introducing #steemit to us.

Ngopi di Lukman Coffee.jpg

Left side: I'm @sannur, @vannour wearing a @steemit logo t-shirt, and @brondon.

@vannour suggested for me to read SteemWhitePaper then informed the annual event SteemFest #2 - Lisbon, Portugal, and explained a bit about Blockchain.

It did not take long time, I immediately interested and immediately signed up. I want to be great person and share my knowledge and experience with my Steemit friends. I also want to use the first fund I get from Steemit to attend the yearly event SteemFest #2 - 1/2/3 (4/5) November 2017 - Lisbon, Portugal. It's my dream. Mmm... Could it be possible and realistic?

Who am I?

I am a man was born in Sigli, Aceh, Indonesia. My name is Hasan Basri M.Nur, my friends used to call me "San". So that, here I use @sannur as my account. I married. My wife’s name is Ira Muhayat. We are stay at Pagar Air, Aceh Besar, not so far from Banda Aceh.

I have some activities. I’m a lecturer at Communication Faculty at one university in Banda Aceh. Here I teach Islamic History and Journalistic. Sometimes there are some peoples ask what is the correlation of Islamic History and Journalistic? Well, here I explain the correlation of both. Islamic History is the main lesson that I teach at the university, and it is harmony with my educational background.

Sosialisasi Sarbid di Lseumawe 23     Mei 08.JPG

While journalist is my hobby and as my additional profession outside as a lecturer. I have accustomed write my opinions in newspapers since I studied at college until now. My articles often published in Daily Serambi Indonesia and ever published in The Jakarta Post. Now, I am the Managing Editor of Tabloid "Tabangun Aceh" which is published monthly in Banda Aceh. I am also a journalist for the

By the way, I’m the author and editor of the books. Several of my books have been published and sold in the book store. Among the books are "Nepotisme dalam Sejarah Politik Islam” (Nepotism in the History of Islamic Politics, 2015), "Geografi Islam” (Islamic Geography, I write it with Ahmad Zaki Husaini, 2015), "Pemuda, Pengangguran dan Life Skill” (Youth, Unemployment and Life Skill (I write it with Ahmad Zaki Husaini, 2017), "Bunga Rampai Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Aceh” (Team, 2014), "Resolusi Konflik dalam Islam” (Conflict Resolution in Islam, Editor, 2008), “Parnas vs Parlok, Pertarungan Partai Politik dalam Menguasai Aceh” (Parnas vs Parlok, The Battle of Political Parties in Mastering Aceh, Editor, 2014), and others.


I’m also a chairman of Ummi Foundation at Gampong Aree, Sigli. This foundation educates the children in the villages until they be able to read, write and behave well. At this social foundation I do not get any financial gain.

Gampong - Yys Ummi.jpg

I often spend personal money to live this social activity. That's why I really expect financial donations from donors everywhere. So, I pleasure if there are donors would to come and see activity at the foundation and give fund to the children that are poor and so on.

Pulo Aceh 29 Mei (11).JPG

Since February 2017 I started a PhD Program at University Utara Malaysia (UUM). I would like to submit a research proposal for my dissertation about social relations between Muslim as majority and the followers of other minority religions in Banda Aceh.


Why do I joint the Steemit?

There are three reasons that make me very interested on @steemit. First, because @steemit puts forward intellectuals and strongly opposes plagiarism. Second, @steemit appreciates the intellectual work of its members by sharing financial reward. Third, @steemit can be as a personal blog. My previous blog is whole of these are not found in other social media in the world. @steemit is really amazing.

Hello all Stemians, wherever you are, please follow me @sannur, read my articles and photographs on @steemit. Please give your opinion about me, my articles and so on. I am very happy and give the appreciation to all friends.

Sannur 1.jpg

Thank you, and peace greetings from me @sannur in Aceh


welcome @sannur, followed you 👍

Welcome to Steemit @sannur.

Thank you Toniesteem. I followed you @Steemit.

Welcome here @sannur ! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @khunfarang

Welcome to Steem @sannur I have sent you a tip

Welcome to my page Botty.

Welcome on board, fasten seat belt, cause a money train will be depart, have a great day, upvoted and followed. Steem on!

But I do not buy passenger ticket yet. Hahaha.

Welcome my birth brother, let's have fun here.

Thank you for introduce me the Steemit.

I will tell the Steemit to the others.

Congratulations to join the community of Acehnese steemit
Regards to @vannour

Wellcome steemit mr. @sannur.. May your dreams be achieved immediately..

Hey, Welcome to this community. Happy to see you here If you are intressted in reading more please check out chainbb &, I am using this site and wallet to send my money in and out from steemit account I will follow your profil. Please follow me at @empower-leads

Thnak you.