Hi Steemit, I am Ruby.
Hi I’m Ruby Bian. This is my first post here! I’m 34 years old and living in Shanghai, China. I’ve been working in an automobile company for ten years now doing marketing and promotion events.
My husband is a programmer and he’s been talking about Bitcoin and blockchain tech since we first started dating in 2010 and he has been insisting me to start blogging on Steem for a while now so here I am.
Given the fact that FB and Twitter is blocked in mainland China, the most popular social media we have here that everyone is using every day is called Wechat. I started blogging on Wechat about a year and half ago about teaching my 5-year-old daughter English at home and my passion in cooking etc. So far I have written over 50 blogs and lucky got 11,000 followers. I love sharing my experience with other moms where to buy English story books for kids online, how to teach them a second language at home, how to cook western styled food like roast Turkey on Christmas and English breakfast, how to organize kids birthday parties, how to decorate the nursery room etc.
All moms like to share their parenting techniques and spread their ideas of cooking, shopping, and living etc. I know all my friends do. And I noticed that such category is lacking on Steem. So I want to enhance Steem by adding more “mom content” that is missing here. And I’m going to create posts that will attracts women like me to expand our user base. Because increasing the amount of women on Steem will ultimately bring in more users. I hope to continue blogging on Steem and be a helpful part of community.
hi to china from austria, i just signed up today aswell
Good for you! Trust me you'll have a great time here!
It is nice to have you here on Steemit. I think it is great that you want to expand a category (tag).
Haha let's all create new tags making steem more diverse and fun
Yes, totally. Where are the new tags? What's up with the front end?
As we start to use these tags more and the posts are well received......I believe then those tags will be shown.
I created one called hot-mom
awesome to see some chinese people here, welcome from germany ;)
Hey pal from Germany
Welcome! I am glad more women are joining. Sounds like you are a great blogger and I look forward to reading your posts. #girlpower #feminism
Thanks! Will do!
Hello Ruby and welcome to Steemit!

So, he talks about bitcoin/altcoin, but the one introduced is you?

anyway, welcome!
Love this pic sooooo funny
greeting from indonesia
Hello Ruby and welcome to Steemit!
the tag #hot-mom fits you well. ;) enjoy your time here, it will be very valuable!
Thanks you for you kind words.
This is perhaps the best photo-verification I've seen!
Wonderful to meet you and I wish you great success.
Wow that's some comment! Best photo verification?! I just got off work yesterday and did some writing on my daughter's iPad and got it taken in our living room