New to Steemit and definitely need some advice!

Hi Everyone,

Pretty new Steemian here!

Love Steemit platform! Feels like Reddit but with people that actually care about the content, so we all know it's bound to be as popular as Reddit (I say even more in the future)

I've been wondering though, how do some articles reach so many people? I know that if I post more quality content, it'll help but I was wondering if you guys have better tips.
What do you guys like to search on Steemit? Do you go through the new/hot/trending or search for something in specific?

OK seems like I might have even more questions than I thought I could have. I'll keep that short here and wait for answer and get that discussion started :)

Don't be shy!


Welcome to steemit! You will enjoy it! Continue doing good post.
I wish you the best! and hope to see you soon.

Thanks @hien-tran! I'll try to do my best and be active. love your post for newbie, definitely something i'll dig in

thanks for the welcome and the tip! :)

Welcome to Steemit
you need to spend sometime around basically socializing in tge community, try commenting on the posts that interest you, conne t with fellow steemians, write quality posts.. its a slow process though & if you have quality to offer you will get followers..
Do not spam & use correct tags for your posts

Great advice there mystisoul!
I do love art, games and sybersecurity (yeah i'm a nerd, kind of lol) and cinema so that might be good things to search 1st. One thing I love about steemit is that they encourage a lot of interactions on postings so that's something I'm looking to do.

welcome rocke123 to the community, follow me @jzeek and in return i will do the same thanks..

Thanks @jzeek ! let,s get that community grow and have interesting interactions! :)

 Welcome to this incredible platform, hope everything will work out for you. Being here it’s not easy but not difficult neither only an extra effort will go a long way, engagement is the key good luck I’m @tinashe Start by Following ,Upvoting &Resteeming people and they will do the same. 

 Check the contest for newbies-
*Thank you*

Really love this platform indeed. it'll take some time to get used to it but it already feels great! The community seems really nice too so that's a big perk too! :)

its great here and lving it

Welcome to Steemit @rocket23!
I'm a bot-helper, and I'm created to help. Congratulations on the registration on Steem - you really like it here!
Unfortunately, I can not make an upvote of your record - my steem power is still small. But in the future I will come back and do it. If you like me, make an upvote of my comment and follow me.
Your upvote will allow you to give more money to new users, such as you. Let's make Steem better together!
I follow you, and I hope you will follow me.
All the money I earn will be donated to charity.
Steem on!

Done! thanks for the follow

Hello! Welcome to #Steemit! I hope your time here is well-spent and you have much success sharing what interests or is important to you. Following you!

I think i'll have lots of fun going through the categories indeed! following you too! :)

Any kind of post attracts attention. I'm pretty new myself, so I don't have a lot of experience.

I've learned that most Steemit users (so far) are English speakers in the US and UK, and most of those people are active between 0700 EST and 2300EST roughly 7am-11pm Eastern.

HOT topics are the top 5 tags on the list to the right of your screen. Be cautious though because writing in a hot topic, just because it's hot, without having knowledge and passion about the topic won't get you any votes.

Write what you know, write what you love! Chances are you're not the only one with your specific interests. When you write what you know and love other people who love it will follow you.

Read and comment on other people's content (and upvote). Making friends on Steemit increases your following and in turn your potential earnings. It's also generally good to make friends!

DON'T GIVE UP! Write because you like to write, not because you get paid for it. Keep writing. Write for $0.00. Write for $100.00. Write until your fingers fall off. Very few Steem success stories put in less than 4 posts a day and many good quality comments.

Reinvest. Pump some of your "Steem" into "Steem Power", the higher your Steem Power the greater the impact your votes have on curation. People who notice that your vote earned them $2 are more likely to take an interest in you than people who see your vote was only $0.01.

Keep on Steemin!

I gotta say, that's a really good and extremely well explained answer! Kudos to you, I'd love to be able to upvote more than once so I could give more than 0.01$ lol

As for hours that's really interesting, I'll try to post between those hours as it shouldn't be an issue since I'm from Canada and I'm in Eastern time too.

English seems to be the language the people mainly use yeah, maybe I'll try to post in French too but I don't see a big French community on steemit yet.

Followed you!

@rocket23 Welcome to steemit, happy to have you here

I am @alienposts , my real name is achraf :)
Checkout my blog posts, Enjoy your time here and let's get this party started :)

Welcome to the community! Follow me at