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RE: Hello Steemers! I am Seth and I have some good news to share.
I read through the post and I'm like, "I consider myself a Christian, and I'm offended by this."
I read through the post and I'm like, "I consider myself a Christian, and I'm offended by this."
Salt irritates and preserves. If I am wrong on any point I welcome correction. Jesus said the true path is narrow.
I did bring up one part of what bothered me in my direct comment, but to expound on something I thought about during my lunchtime walk... If I consent that Christianity is the one true faith, what version of Christianity is? Not only do we have divides among Catholics, Orthodox, Coptics, Protestants and anabaptists, but even within those divisions we have people with all sorts of differing beliefs, many of which can effectively defend their position. We have people who believe whole-heartedly in the trinity, we have people who believe Jesus is subordinate to G-d instead of co-equal. We have people who believe in just war and violence, and we have people who would rather sacrifice themselves to an attacker than to hurt even that attacker... without getting into all the defining characteristics of different beliefs, it's impossible to give a blanket statement about Christianity and call it the one true faith, because it isn't one faith. As I said in my other comment, the man Christianity is named after was a Jew, so how do we as Christians relate to Judaism? Are they simply not Christian and therefor are going to some place of eternal punishment/separation from G-d? If Judaism has no part in the "one true faith" then why is the whole first half of the Bible Jewish scripture, and why do so many people in the second half refer to the first with reverence?
I call myself a Christian, even if I use the term loosely, and I just want you to consider what saying it's the "one true faith" fully implies. We were called to live like Jesus, following all the things he instructed, not to tell other people they aren't doing it right.
Messianic Jews would be considered Christian as they believe Jesus is the Christ. Catholics are not Christian. Christianity is following the King James Bible or some of the early accurate texts or those of other languages of which I have no information about. God promised to preserve his word. As far as giving in to an attacker, the bible says we can defend ourselves and our property. We revere Judaism because the Gift of Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ came through the Jews and then was given to us "Greeks."
I have read the bible and The Origin Of The Species and a slow gradation of organisms over an achingly long time, as opposed to a snake, talking to white people in a garden (somehow behind the omnipresent god's back); much more plausible.
So if you need correction, read the Origin Of The Species; which by the way, the church fully accepted at the time. They tried to weave their own racism into it, by saying that Man descended from 8 different progenitors; this helped them reconcile slavery, by saying when he said "all men equal", he meant all caucasian men.
From the videos you post it seems like you're pretty deep into it, so I know this is pointless debate; almost as pointless as praying to a being who knows in advance what's going to happen, therefore can't change its mind, unless of course it knew it was going to change its mind. Which would mean, it wasn't changing its mind, just doing what it knew it would do.
Hi Cryptogee, here are some answers for your questions. The original Tile of Darwin's book is "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life," while in the sixth edition of 1872 the title was changed to The Origin of Species.
Yes, the Catholic church is racist, as they supported Darwin's book. The Catholic church has nothing to do with Christianity.
As far as praying to God, He enjoys when we ask for His help. As any father loves to provide for his children. Especially when asked.
Who said Adam and Eve were white? That is what is drawn into modern media. Again nothing to do with the Holy Bible.
An achingly long time, yes. They once claimed hundreds of thousands of years and now stretch it out to 4.3 billion. But mathematicians have discovered it would be impossible for evolution to happen over an infinite amount of time. A Creator must exist.