The Ginger in addition to improving digestion and reduce cholesterol, has multiple benefits and one of them is to burn fat in areas such as the belly and belly. If we join with lemon is excellent both for weight loss and for our health in general. Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, its acids favor digestion and protect our liver.

This does not mean, for example, that only by taking lemon and ginger will we lose weight week by week if we continue to consume fats, sugars, and industrial foods. We must maintain a balance, and these two elements are two ideal complements that taken correctly, can help us a lot. But we must take into account that we must take a balanced diet.

Steps to prepare this delicious tea of ginger and lemon: We can for example get the juice of two lemons, and then take it to a slow fire in the company of a few ginger root cutlets. Once it has reached a boil, lower the heat and add a liter of water and two pieces of lemon rind. If you take it to a bottle it will be perfect to drink before your main meals throughout the day.


I love ginger. It's nice drinking it when you are cold too.

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