I'm Maurice, a business coach, and I'm here to help new entrepreneurs
Tl;dr: I am a business coach who answers questions on culture, leadership, business agility, productivity and organizational models. Ask away.
Starting a new business, especially a first one can be daunting. There's plenty of help available for the more technical side, and that's great. But when we talk about organizational models (how to structure your organization), about building a healthy corporate culture, about productivity, about business agility and business antifragility, we enter the domain of the consultants and professional coaches. I know, I'm one.
I make a living helping companies of all sizes evolve to match the realities and challenges of our modern world. Most of my clients, even those from brand new companies, are still stuck in the 20th century way of doing things: Bureaucratic hierarchy, top-down leadership, seeing employees as interchangeable executants, controlling through fear and useless process. I help them move toward decentralized leadership, to raise the agency and mastery of their employees, to become far more responsive to change, to build a solid and healthy corporate culture where people can shine and fearlessly speak up.
These notions are crucial to anyone who want to build a business who will thrive in our current chaotic world. But not everyone can afford to hire a business coach. So many entrepreneurs out there are bootstrapping their companies with little more than pocket money and can ill afford a business coach.
Now I love new and future entrepreneurs, filled with hopes, dreams, and potential. I want them to succeed. Not just their company, but also as individuals.
I am a serial entrepreneur. I had my fair share of success and tragedies. Right now, I'm doing fine so it's important to me to give back. I organized Meetups, but you can only reach so many people. I have a blog that I use it to spread high-level ideas, but I wanted a way to interact more directly with people.
And that's why I'm here. I want to share my expertise and experience with the community of Steem in a different way, with a different tone than on my blog. I want to help people as directly as possible, and I will do that by answering questions that matter to them.
I'm planning to write my first few posts based on questions I get from my clients, to give an idea of what I can answer. If you do have a question, please do not hesitate to ask in the comments here, in the comments of my Medium posts (https://medium.com/@mauricelefebvre) or through my Twitter (@MauriceHimself).
Let's get to it, shall we?
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