Introduction as part of this community!

Greetings! I have been on Steemit for a little over a week, and I am finally getting around to introduce myself. My name is Robert Cornell, and I live on some acreage just outside a small town in North Idaho called Rathdrum. I have lived in this area for around 36 years. I have yet to figure out how the name came about, yet it is unique for sure.


I am pushing 65 years old and have been involved in various cryptocurrency for several years now. I was and still am a believer of Gold and Silver as real money, although, as I finally could wrap my head around the various cryptocurrencies I saw value in what was building. I missed the boat on BTC because of this (When it was around $1), although I kept coming back and reading what I could until I grasped the basics. I have a number of other cryptocurrencies in my portfolio. Some are for trading, and others are for the long-haul. I was able to get into BTC when it went through a correction.

In recent months, I started hearing about Steemit. That talked increased with many of the You Tube channels I subscribe to. I took a peek a couple of months ago but was not convinced that it was for me. As the talk increased and I was able to better understand Steemit, Steem, Steem Power, and Steem dollars, I decided to take the plunge into Steemit. What an education in these past days! I have already introduced my granddaughter to Steemit (@alaysiababin).

I have spent my entire career working within the field of Rehabilitation. I have been self-employed for the past 32 years where I conduct Vocational Evaluations for people with various disabilities (assisting them in finding a career). In the past 2 years, I have taken a part-time job at a non-profit organization teaching Independent Living Skills to youth and young adults (14 – 24 year olds) who are transitioning from school to the “real” world. My wife and I also take care of disabled adults in our home, and have been for the past 23 years or so.

I spend my off hours organic gardening, woodworking, and enjoying the great outdoors in North Idaho. In recent years I have dabbled with hydroponics, and grow fresh salad greens throughout the winter. I start most of my own plants from seeds I save. I have a small greenhouse for seedlings and then due to our crazy weather (we froze out last year-around mid-June) I grow tomatoes and peppers in a larger greenhouse.

Hydroponic photo:

Couple of napkin holders I made:

The wire mesh is to slow down the deer:

Pictures 2009 056.jpg

Pictures 2009 050.jpg

I am looking forward to being a part of Steemit. I am impressed by some of the quality of posts and information. It is great interacting with others from all over the world.


Hi r2cornall. I can see by your post that you are a very open person and happy with the life you have chosen. I admire the work you do in your home and see that you make a positive contribution to this world. Maybe if my mind was as open as yours I would have seen the crypto currencies for what they are sooner than I have.

It took me awhile before I ventured into crypto-world. I had heard about BTC in it's very early stages, yet could not wrap my head around it. It kept come up on my radar and I finally took the plunge and from there alt coins. Got in early enough on some like Steem, but also DASH and Zclassic.

The Zclassic was a good pick

That it was. I sold enough at the peak before the fork to cover my initial costs. From here it is all capital gains.

Thank you for posting @r2cornell.

Lovely photographs and story.

Welcome to Steemit. Yes....Steemit is a treasure trove of various interests many times expressed in a very professional manner....the creme of social media and the bonus......polite interaction and good fun.

All the best to you. Cheers.

Thank you. I love the time I spend here, even though my time is currently limited. Hope before years end to be able to spend more time.

That is awesome for a post.

I think you are doing great, I see your name all over the place here. Some people do not like me discussing my accident but I was run over by a car last year, my file is being politically buried and talking about it has become therapy for me so I am kind of ready to tell these people to take a hike, LOL, they mostly all have anyways.

So we have that in common along with missing the earliest days of Bitcoin my man hahahaha

I am a bit of a hippy myself so I loved this post a lot!

I believe in free speech so talk about what you want to talk about here. Injuries from an accident from the legal end take forever. I bet talking about it is therapy. I have several "hidden" disabilities and share with the clients I work with if I believe it will help. It also aids me...

I did not miss the boat on Dash and I am very pleased with that investment. I got in early enough...

Glad you enjoyed the post.

Amen brother, it is nice to have you here.

I've noticed your engagement on here and I appreciate your words today also.

Than you for the kind words.

Welcome to Steemit. Nice of you to join us

Well Robert, very good to have you on here. I live in Michigan and finally decided to take the plunge on Steemit after hearing about it like you did. You have a great garden and I like the woodworking too. I followed you :)


I am originally from Green bay Wisconsin...what part of Michigan do you hail from.

I'm in the south central part of the LP. Two hours west of Detroit. Been here my whole life, but I keep thinking of one day going where its a bit warmer lol!

Grew up south of Jackson, Devil's Lake. Been in Arizona high desert 40 yrs. Loving the lack of allergies here around this time of year.

Wow small world! I bought my first boat at Devils Lake Marine back in the day LOL!! I live over by the MIS speedway!

Indeed and it's shrinking as we speak,Grew up on the lake and worked at Ladd's Marina next to the flume at age 13 in early 60's, made .50 cents an hour repairing outboard motors.
Later right after MIS was built my brother worked for Ford driving 40 hours racing..err I mean testing new fords at MIS.

I love the 4 seasons, but in Wisconsin the winters got too much. I have a sister who lives on the Wisconsin-Michigan border of the UP. I lived in the south (Key West and Charleston, SC) a number of years when I was in the military, although missed the changes of the seasons. Here in North Idaho the winters at least do not get 40 below. When it does get cold it usually does not last long. Some years the snow gets a bit carried away though.

I have thought about finding the "perfect" place, but I'm not sure if that exists. My neighbors are "snowbirds". IOW they leave Michigan at the end of Fall before it gets too cold and head south to Florida for the winter. Then they come back to enjoy the Spring. Not a bad way to go I suppose...
I miss my garden. If I do it again, I think I will go smaller but with raised beds so its easier to tend to. The older I get , the ground seems to be farther away lol.

I am in no way ready to retire, and in the Fall I enjoy hunting, and enjoy splitting wood all winter. I have been setting myself up for being able to continue gardening as I get older. A few years ago early in the season my back went out (pinched nerve) and I was on a walker for a good part of summer. I finally found I could crawl up and down the rows to weed by hand. Not fun getting off the ground, but I believe by doing that it helped aid my recovery without surgery.

Hydroponics is a possibility, as will be container gardening. A few raised beds might be a good idea to consider starting. I have reduced the size of my garden in recent years and instead continue to plant fruit trees, and expand my asparagus bed.

Welcome to Steemit! I hope you will feel at home here and I really look forward to see more of your woodwork and garden! great pictures :)

Thank you.

Spring is arriving here in North Idaho so I am just beginning to get seeds going indoors. Cleaned out my smallest greenhouse yesterday. Hoping to share that and my tinkering with woodworking.

Spring have arrived here in southern Norway to and I really love to witness the blossoming of nature. Your garden posts will surely be a joy to read :)

Thank you! I really love how Steemit is a means to connect with people all over the world.

Great introduction! I just joined Steemit as well and still have a lot to learn. Looking forward to learning more and writing my introduction soon. Thanks for sharing!

Long live cryptocurrency and blockchain tech!

Thank you. Good to see all the noob's here. There is a lot of information here. I have been focused a lot on the site and how to maneuver my way around. The more I read and learn the more I like what I am experiencing.

I couldn't comment on your reply so started new thread...
No never retire! My friend Butch is a farmer and 78 years old, but not slowing down! On the contrary he is expanding, buying land, and bigger tractors etc!! Hes an inspiration to me!

There you go...I worked on dairy farms when I was a teenager. Worked for one guy for the summer who was well into his 80's. He could out work me at 14. I am still building an orchard with long range plans of a lot of good eating.

I have been adding equipment to my wood shop and cannot consider retiring until I have everything on my list. Even then will look at semi retirement 1st.

You put my intro to shame. Wonderful post. I am sure you will make some amazing articles. Gl with your garden. Something I always wanted to get into ( growing my own food).

Thank you.

I have been thinking about adding articles on gardening. My father was a master gardener and was early in the organic movement before it became popular. I can as much vegetables as I can, keeping a couple year supply in case of a poor year.

There is a lot of information available on the INTERNET on indoor gardening.

Would appreciate that. Maybe make an article on ways to save money on gardening so we don't over pay for items we don't need. I always start a new project and always end up buying things I don't need.

I try not to think of Steemit as a community because people have a lot of expectations when it comes to the feelings of belonging somewhere. I've been in groups that have tried to use and abuse me based on that human need of feeling like we have a place. Though I can see some benefits of seeing it as a community for one would expect people to be nicer to those they share a reality with. I really liked the post, I always imagined you to be younger so it was quite the surprise but it seems you're one of the cool seniors. I'm sure you will have a lot to contribute here, you already do, at least in my blog. I'll go follow your granddaughter now, welcome!

I am really not all that old in the scheme of things. ;o) In someways I am as physically fit as I was 20 - 30 years ago. Working with youth and young adults helps me keep perspective and my attitude grounded.

I hear what you are saying about being a community. I have seen some of the negativity here from some, although that is part of our experience in all types of communities IMHO. Mostly I have had great interactions with people here. I like hearing all sides of issues and take from that what I feel is helpful to me and leave the rest.

I always try and keep the Golden Rule in mind. Some spiritual trains of thought believe what ever they put out will come back to them three-fold.

I am glad to be here!

The great thing is it has a lot of potential for learning because it's easier to see the different sides due to the lack of censorship. That's what I came here running from and although Steemit is far from perfect is better than any other way of communication online that I've tried so far.

I know someone your age I struggle to keep up with, I have no doubt you're strong if you're working the fields and keep your mind busy. Thanks for spreading the word about this tech!

Hello Robert, welcome to Steem! :-)