Meet your (fellow) Maker
Hello steemians,
I am a new initiate into the steemit ecosystem...trying to find a permanent [block] address
I can lay my hat.
I've been wandering while learning this cryptocurrency stuff.
I love the concept plus the freedom it provides. It can give flexibility many so desire in an ever-changing world.
This is just the beginning. The excitement is growing and so are the crypto platforms participants. Maybe in the near future, popularity coupled with sound practice just might topple the traditional establishment. It's a struggle - yet, in the end, change shall prevail. It's the peoples will and what the people it is.
Now that the cyber revolution has begun how much backing do we have long term? I, like others, am an abled enlistee, ready to conquer and divide the spoil among comrades but, a honest assessment would ease a novice cadet's mind...anyhow
allow me to turn focus elsewhere...
and unveil my purpose.
My plight is truly on life's creative side. The hope is one day I can look back and say I've accomplished all I have set out creatively to do. Steemit grants me an opportunity in my endeavors by furnishing another workbench for placing blueprints and tools of the trade on.
Thank You steemit for allowing makers a platform. One can roll their mind's vision, the ultimate reel of reals, then place them on an equitable medium for peer appraisal. It's a dream come true. A fictional like possibility has become fact.
We should all know as creators there is no reality without dreams/fantasy. Reality is brought forth through someone's fantasy. Currency, vehicles, buildings, movies, internet etc... even steemit is someone's mental conceived offspring. It is the creative mind that chisels a working mold then pours the image to be solidified in the physical world for marveling beholders. We creators do it not only to meet needs but also because it feels good seeing our brain child come forth and be well received by those sharing common appreciation. This is the power makers wield. Don't surrender it.
Contributing content on steemit helps further the development this promising border-less financial bridge has to offer. I won't be shy about my charity. Here's what you can expect.
My posts will follow whatever creative trend my mind finds to be stylish for the moment. I can't guarantee anything beyond it. Count on
• Good content
• Some humor
• Me being as artistic (style-wise) as "I" can
For those who read this and embrace a noob Thank You. I hope to gain fans with my work and become one of others as well.
Who knows...maybe a fellow visionary will help me pick up some steem along the journey.
have a create-day
Welcome to Steemit! I hope you like it as much as I do.
I'm following you to know you better. Feel free to connect with me 😀
Thanks for the welcoming. I am following you as well
Thank you
Welcome to steemit! If your looking for crypto currency updates, carpentry and some photography follow me :)
Trying to grow my new blog every bit helps,
Thank you :)
Great post👌 upvoted😃. Check out my page of you like🙂
@orinklev Thanks...I will do so
Hope the best in this new & challenging environment. I like it writing about several topics that call my attention, from travel, life to science and technology. Here are some of my last posts, that if you can, read them and leave some comments - it will be great.
Best of good luck in the STEEMIT arena …. have given you my upvote & follow tick for the welcome, and of course hope you will follow me .!!
Txs. & Rgds.
Welcome to the platform, I wish everything work out for you. It’s not easy here but not difficult neither but just ask an extra effort, engagement is the key good luck I’m @goodaytraders Start by following people and they will do the same.
Thanks for welcoming me
Welcome to the platform @phil-d-log-n! I think this is going to be huge!

I appreciate your words captain, hopefully your prediction will come to pass
Art is always welcome
Nice to have you on board
@gmuxx Thanks....glad to be on board. I will follow you; please do so in return
Welcome :-) Great intro, Nice to have you onboard - Follow me and I will follow you ;-)
@patrickmohr Many thanks, I'm following you.
Cool ;-)
I'm now following...forgot to hit button
Nice to have you on board! Follow me at
@bitgeek Greetings glad to be on. I'm following you..follow me in return