The Purpose Of My Presence On Steemit...
Dear friends, the ultimate reason I am on steemit is to share with the world the true about Our Eternal Identity by exposing the lie that we were ever in the first Adam, and revealing we were always in/as Christ. From religion and man's perspective we THOUGHT we were in Adam (therefore lived out of a 'sense' of adamic life), according to [Colossians 1:21] and [Ephesians 2:3], but from our Father's Mind we were always one. Of course, I realize that in actuality we have no identity of our own. When we say that we are one WITH God, that is still referring to two. There is not a separate me and a separate God that has merged together to become one. One PLUS one has never equaled one in God's economy. Only one plus NOTHING equals one. He dwells as us. In [Genesis 1:26] where it records that God said: "Let us MAKE man in our image after our likeness" the Hebrew word for 'make' is become. Let us become man in our image after our likeness. Isaiah said that God will not give His glory to another. However, there IS no 'another'. Jesus came to reveal the truth of being. We cannot be one WITH, if there is only one. Isaiah also recorded: "Beside me there is none other." There is only one life and one Spirit. Now certainly we do not go around saying that we are God, but we realize that HE has chosen to be as us in the earth. We are light! We are salt! Christ is both head and body, as us. When Moses asked for confirmation concerning being sent to Israel as their deliver, and who he should say sent him, God said: "Tell them that I am that I am sent you." I am infers, the Self-existent One that becomes.
This is the awareness that a people are beginning to realize. [Revelation 14] records that there are a people who have HIS NAME (nature, identity, character) on their forehead or in their awareness, they are a first-fruits unto God and to the Lamb, and in their mouth there is no guile or mixture spoken. They speak only pure words of Spirit rather than a mixture of being part Adam and part Christ. These people see the 'big picture' of our ETERNAL (before time) salvation, redemption and inheritance being revealed IN TIME through the incarnation of Jesus Christ. What a glorious revealing, and how freeing it is to experience who we have always been as Him!
The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. Follow - leave a Comment - Resteem for your friends to be blessed as well and Upvote so that we should continue blessing nations with Hope in Christ Jesus!
Best regards,
Pastor Lea
La version francaise se trouve en-dessous de l'image...
La raison ultime pour laquelle je suis en train de ma presence sur ce site est de partager avec le monde la verite à propos de Notre Identité éternelle en exposant le mensonge que nous étions jamais dans le premier Adam et révélant que nous étions toujours dans le Christ. Du point de vue de la religion et de l'homme, nous avons pensé que nous étions dans Adam (donc vécu d'un «sens» la vie adamique), selon [Colossiens 1:21] et [Ephésiens 2: 3], mais de l'Esprit de notre Père, nous étions toujours un . Bien sûr, je me rends compte qu'en réalité, nous n'avons aucune identité propre. Lorsque nous disons que nous sommes un avec Dieu, cela se réfère encore à deux. Il n'y a pas un moi séparé et un Dieu séparé qui s'est fusionné pour devenir un. Un PLUS n'a jamais égalé l'un dans l'économie de Dieu. Un seul plus NOTHING est égal à un. Il habite comme nous. Dans Genèse 1:26 Dieu a dit: "Faisons l'homme à notre image selon notre ressemblance", le mot hébreux pour «faire» signifie est devenu. Laissons devenir l'homme à notre image après notre ressemblance. Ésaïe a dit que Dieu ne donnera pas sa gloire à un autre. Cependant, il n'y a pas de «autre». Jésus est venu pour révéler la vérité de l'être. Nous ne pouvons pas être un avec lui, s'il n'y en a qu'un. Ésaïe a également dit: «À côté de moi, il n'y en a pas d'autre». Il n'y a qu'une seule vie et un seul Esprit. Certes, nous n'allons pas dire que nous sommes Dieu, mais nous nous rendons compte qu'il a choisi d'être comme nous sur la terre. Nous sommes légers! Nous sommes salés! Le Christ est la tête et le corps, comme nous. Quand Moïse a demandé une confirmation concernant l'envoi à Israël en tant que délivrance, et qu'il dirait l'envoyer, Dieu a dit: "Dites-lui que je suis que je vous ai été envoyé". Je suis inférent, l'Auto existant qui devient.
C'est la conscience qu'un peuple commence à réaliser. Apocalypse 14 indique qu'il y a un peuple qui a son NOM (nature, identité, personnage) sur leur front ou dans leur conscience, ils sont des prémices pour Dieu et pour l'Agneau, et dans leur bouche il n'y a pas de gueule ou de mélange parlé. Ils ne parlent que des paroles pure de l'Esprit plutôt qu'un mélange d'être partie d'Adam et de partie du Christ. Ces personnes voient la «grande image» de notre ETERNEL (avant le temps), le salut, la rédemption et l'héritage étant révélés EN TEMPS par l'incarnation de Jésus-Christ. Quelle révélation glorieuse, et comment libérer c'est expérimenter qui nous avons toujours été comme Lui!
Welcome to Steemit @pastorlea, I have upvoted and sent you a tip.
Thanks, I am not new but I just introduce the purpose and reason of the subjects I share daily with my friends steemians. Thank you anywhere, you can follow me too
And now, brother, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.
Welcome pastor, hope to read from more of your posts.
You are very welcome @maxdevalue
Thank you so much for this amazing presentation of how we used to see God and how He wants us to see and know Him. Praise Be To God forever
amen and thank you for the support @jesusdaily
I saw the words God and Adam and concluded TL;DR
It is fulfilled
"Dear friends, the ultimate reason I am on steemit is to share with the world the true about Our Eternal Identity by exposing the lie that we were ever in the first Adam, and revealing we were always in/as Christ. From religion and man's perspective we THOUGHT we were in Adam (therefore lived out of a 'sense' of adamic life), according to [Colossians 1:21] and [Ephesians 2:3], but from our Father's Mind we were always one."
We're naturally sinners who are separated from God. The Bible makes that entirely clear. Do you not agree with that?
we are called to be a light and salt of this world
Right, praise the Lord
we are full, one, justified, no more condamnation in J.Christ. He paid all Alleluia
Cool! I can see your account is somewhat new but this was an interesting read. Have an upvote and see you in your next post!
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Hello there and welcome, I am also new on this site like you, follow me @sacraf and vote together we can succeed Good luck

You are blessed!