ATTN: ALL STEEMIANS! All Hands on Deck. A Leap of Faith and Big BHAG of Dreams. Just Landed. Goal Post #1, Touchdown!
My name is Linda,
aka - @onesunnyday
I am a newly minted,
minnow member,
And I am pleased,
to have landed touchdown,
On my first,
posted goal.
It has been a wondrous journey..
As a new member this is my first,
Introductory, Esteemit blog post.
Introduceyourself. Myself.
Please introduce, yourself, too?
Self inscribed, Steemit, inductee. (A talented artist, too :)
Greetings Fellow Steemians,
I am a newly stationed Steemian,
in preparation for
a Super Bowl win.
So, I at once,
swam swiftly to the nearest, Best Buy,
to upgrade my sights with a new pc.
I was,
out of my element.
at what seemed like rapid fire….
and too high tech,
out of my reach,
of my,
personal outdated,
technical abilities,
great attempt,
Bit by bit,
at keeping my head
above, steeming waters,
A steep learning curve, indeed,
Was for I,
a truly green, non techy.
Twis, needless to say,
It has been one hell of a techno challenge,
just paddling,
to this posting point.
Sincerely, Thank you!
For your time,
sailing in,
to peruse,
my first blog post!
Come on in.
Welcome, fellow eSteemian’s!
Louis Pasteur once said,
‘In the field of Observation,
chance favors only the prepared mind.
I believe this to be true.
The Last Frontier? (I hope so)
How I arrived at Steemit,
My personal journey,
could be said, somewhat, of a fluke.
Or, is it fate?
I start off, sharing myself,
with you,
dear, hopeful reader’s.
With a short story,
the foundation of how,
and why,
I arrived,
to a new world of Plan-it,
My own road to success,
is, in self preparation.
The Steemit social platform,
the cryptocurrency horizon,
has offered me,
a big bag of hope.
Psalm 119:116
as soon as I started to lay out,
my roadmap to succees,
Something magical,
started to appear.
Like a magical mystery tour,
laying, hidden,
in the midst,
of my secret thoughts,
A short little book,
had had already, started,
to create a life,
all on its own.
The Title:
‘A Leap of Faith- a Big BHAG of Dreams’
Traveling through Montana, U.S.A.,
Sedona, Arizona U.S.A. August 2017
Oak Creek Canyon, near Sedona, Arizona U.S.A. August 15, 2017 ✝
My little magical book,
ended up as a five part intertwined,
chapter series.
1 Touchdown. Plan it Steemit!
2 Everybody needs a Hero.
3 Wait! A Starship Minute!
4 Sink or Swim?
5 A big BHAG of Dreams.
Travel with me?
Town and Country Touring Mobile. ‘Did somebody say, road trip?’
I travelled by sea, land, air, and foot.
By sea, ( a lake, really)
Crossing over tall foot bridges..
And with my trusty companion, Weston
But, do I have to sleep in this thing?
Lone deserted highways..
Great! a pit stop!
Across Deep Divides..
But, was I coming or going?..
I Looked High
And Low
Ant then, I said,
Fuck it.
Let’s just go..
Chapter 1- Touchdown. Plan it Steemit!
Having made a first, and goal landing, on planet Steemit, back on October 3th, 2017, it has taken me an extra hard long while, to fully outfit myself, and get acclimated to this new terrain. The learning curve alone, learning of new software, of a new computer purchased for this brand new enterprise, task at hand, has been a momentous feat to learn, in and of itself. Let alone, the worthy proponent, Steemit platform. I will humbly note this point again, I am an unseasoned quarterback techie, a third string player, trying to make the starting cryptocurrency - A Team -. But, the only good news for me, at the moment, is my new apple pc. A big shoulder pad, investment expense, investing in me. And I have been having a hecka of a lot of fun, learning all its features.
I must say it is a wonderful, and refreshing, wide angle field view, into the world wide window web. The Big Leagues. And hands down, it beats my little tiny android, home phone screen. Needless to say, I am well pleased, that today, October 13, 2017, I am up and running, posting, my first post contribution here on platform Steemit. Woo-hooh!
But, first things first. My first inning, was a flop. I had encountered additional setbacks just a couple of days previous. I had spent several hours, searching, formatting, inserting, creating my online post with pictures. And then like spooky magic, when I hit the post button, It simply went, poof! And disappeared. It seems it, or I, had fumbled off into the sidelines somewhere into secret world of cyberspace. It was good thing, I had my little magic story book, written in my trusty notepad.
Probably, a good thing too, it didn’t post. I would have wasted a posting, ‘tag’. I had misunderstood what the “NSFW”, tag means. I had thought it was to simply to mean, internet downloaded photos, ‘attached in a post’. I have since learned, otherwise.
So, after searching high and low for lost post #1, whereabouts, I contacted the Steemit chat room feed,, and, on first attempt making a posting inquiry hoping to locate a friendly helper, I had inadvertently posted in the first chat room, which appeared on my first screen upon entering in the site.
Which was the ‘general section’. And, I was not aware that there are different channels, for different chat’s, and I promptly received a terse message, from a chat room moderator? directing me to the Help Channel.
Then feeling like a newby nerd on screen, I Then, read, (adding to the mounting library of directions I have already readily read), the directions for the chat rooms. An from there, I easily found my way to the right channel, coincidentally, labeled, “#help”! And this handy helpful chat room moderator, directed me to look at my posting history at , and entering my user name directly after the .com.
But, my missing post wasn’t there, either. It was nowhere to be found, that I could see. Later, I would contact the chat help again. This time, to help me upload a profile picture. The helpful handy room moderator, @drakos, had helped me in a flash, providing me with the proper URL link to post in the URL field, like magic. Up to that point, asking for help, I had struggled far too long, I won’t even mention the time involved. Thank you, @drakos!
Here is a helpful link to an article that you may find helpful, written by @blockbrush. I found it very helpful, as a plug in to my browser. It adds easy links to your blog page from there you can easily link to various Steemit related sites.
As a teeny tiny minnow, in a sea of great big blue, beluga whales, I am quite out of my element. But not to be discouraged, I am up for this new seafaring adventure, and having spent countless hours finding my way through this maze, I am still up for the challenge. However, abundant lack, as a non technical background, cryptocurrency participant, it is highly likely, I will need, Big whale help, such as an Offensive Lineman Coach, to bring myself up to speed, in this particular Mega arena.
For me, finding this newly discovered foreign Blockchain, cryptocurrency Steemer world, is a welcomed, huge enterprise ship. Little minnow me, feeling lost in a Milky Way, I am totally lost in understanding it all. Please join me, in guiding me ahead, in my miraculous ocean sailing, of big dreams?
First, allow me to introduce myself, personally.
My given name, is Linda, and my eSteemit name is, @onesunnyday.
I arrive at platform eSteemit, in peace,
with a field of dreams,
and a hearty goodness.
Along with my great dog, Weston
Having looked at the Steemit platform before joining, reading, and watching how to videos, learning much about this amazing concept. And after feeling comfortable, bringing myself up to relative speed, (by way of a self induced crash course), these last 10 days, I may now, have a greater view of understanding of the Steemit platform. From what I have assembled, thus far, I do like the platform premise, (I also, am amazing myself, how quickly, I am catching on to my keyboard).
Steemit Blockchain seems a hearty goal built on a platform of trust. At least, I hope so. That is, what I am counting on. As a team player myself, I approach this endeavor with serious effort. My understanding of how I perceive this platform, is what I have used as the model for my own building block foundation.
The blockchain implemented base code sounds solid in principle. Although, I was highly skeptical, (but what do I know :). However, learning about the vastness of blockchain technology, and honest nodes, kicking out the rogue players, the value of a higher level playing field for positive yards gained, for the good of all. Which for me, a friendly home field advantage, is my kind of home team! I may not understand how it is designed, but definitely do understand the concept of end application. A Win-Win. At least Im hoping so.
Home Is Where the Heart is.
Back home, in the land of Idaho, my dog, Weston, myself, along with two old beloved mules, John and Mooney, reside near Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, U.S.A. On a place I have called home, for 23 years. Sitting on 8 and 1/2 acres, which, I never can seem to grow, green, pasture grasses. I have one living son, and three small grand-daughter’s. My oldest son living in the area, with his two young daughter’s. My three grand-daughter’s, Emma 7, Sophia, 4, and Nevaeh, 3.
My son, Tyson, Mia, Emma, Sophia, Linda
My youngest son, Zeb, and Nevaeh. 2014.
Reflection’s. Clouds in Colorado River. U.S.A.
My mules. Love them Long ears. ♡ Mooney & John
Born and raised, In Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A. I once, held two home bases to included my native birth, desert home, Phoenix, and the abundant, green mountain, lake filled landscape, located in the panhandle of North Idaho, U.S.A.
To and fro, over the years, I moved back to Idaho, full-time, in March, of 2014. Both Arizona, and Idaho, I consider both home States, and both, are well loved by me, feeling at home in either state. Each, awesome, in their own versatile natural landscape beauty. And each state, has weaved its very different colors throughout me, and my small family, most of my adult life. In Phoenix, my youngest, grand-daughter, Nevaeh, lives with her mom, Janet. My youngest son’s only child, daughter, Nevaeh, spelled backward, Heaven.
Idaho. Nevaeh, 3. Zeb’s Celebration
of Life Memorial.
Many a hard roads to travel, require, to brave the unknown.
Having been born in the desert beauty of the Southwest, I was stitched together, hand made, from foreign stock, in the midst of the melting pot of America. My grandmother, Victoria, a vibrant pioneering woman of spirit who, many, many moons ago, braved aboard a ship, along with her sister, Katherine, both young women, full of young dreams, and strong fortitude, set sail together, to America.
As young Polish immigrants, they arrived, in the land of the free, home of the brave, through Ellis Island, New York, and settling in Chicago, Illinois. 🚢 In my youth, my grandparents lived just down the block, and I would visit with them often.
I held great admiration, for my grandmother, and although she died, when I was just 11, her presence imprinted in me, a memory of lasting inspiration.
Grandparents. Grandma Victoria.
Many moons later, and from grandmother’s, brave journey, I was born, from a hard working sturdy Polish frame, my father, a depression era, stoic, WWII veteran, of firm principle, and not much of a talker, an aerospace machinist.
And my mom, a beautiful vivacious, barely 5 foot tall, former, city of Chicago telephone operator. And, as a 1950’s Chicago homemaker, moving to Phoenix as young family, she was then, a loving neighborhood mom, a Leave it to Beaver Homemaker type, 7 years younger than dad. My grandparents, and parents, along with my two older brother’s, all moving together to Phoenix, from Chicago in the late 1950’s.
Mom and Dad’s Wedding.
And, after 19 years of unhappy marriage, mom divorced dad in the early 70’s, when I was 6 years old. Grandma, devout, catholic, almost had a heart attack, when she learned of this earth shattering divorcing news. Although, in her younger years, and after 4 children, married to a alcoholic, she herself had divorced. In her foreign words I never did understand, with hands on forehead, wearing her apron, her long hair up in bun, cooking Parogi’s, was loudly wailing words, “Poor Babushkas, poor Babushkas’ !”. (I think that means babies, in Polish). At least thats what I had been told. Even though my older brother’s were 18, and 16, and me and Tom, 6 & 8.
Grandma, did have a fiery way about her. God rest her soul! ♡
Both parents, both good people, dad, just wasn’t the expressive loving Leave it to Beaver, television father type. And worked, way too much. And was socially, unsociable. But one thing about Dad, he always wanted the best for us. Dad didn’t travel much, except later in life, I would learn he loved to go to Vegas. He loved Blackjack. That.. was indeed, a revelation!
As children, growing up with dad, he had taken me and my brother, Tom, on a couple of road trips, Yosemite and the Grand Canyon. He himself, held farther dreams, of further travel for himself. Travelling those dreams through a Subscription to National Geographic Magazine. A true blue collar provider, he was fiscally, conservative. But he quietly held to himself, someday, his own dreams ,of higher travel. He never reached them.
Our Family. 1965/66
The youngest of 4, I was the only girl. After my parents divorce, dad, raising a girl, mom not too far away, dad had somewhat, softened up a bit. And although, he was stoic, and stern, his mere presence intimidating, he taught me many great moral lessons, which, having mothered two son’s of my own, I could look back on his teachings, and truly appreciate, his hard lines. And as he got older, he allowed his veil to be lifted, and express, what he held quietly in his heart. Dad, never did remarry, he had thought it hard enough, when mom left. As a father’s daughter, I suppose, I am like him in some ways. I too, have chosen to be alone, many years living by myself. Good compatibility, harder to find, the older we get, set in our ways. Our energies put to other aspirations.
As an adult, I ended up as a hybrid, you might say, a cross between three, influencing parental extremes. Although, it did make for an interesting mainframe. I would be cast, as a 5' 4" , architecturally pliable, open minded, blue eyed bright, inquisitive extrovert, and shy reflective thoughtful, somewhat solemn, introvert. Learning at an early age, to work hard, and hold my own. My first job, was at the age of 13. I left home at 15. I speak only one native tongue, English, fluently. Sometimes, with humor, poem or sass. Sometimes, humor, is my only saving grace. Sass, may, just come naturally. And Poetry, often expresses, my many musings.
2017 Great Solar Eclipse.
Near Idaho Falls, Idaho U.S.A.
Learning about Steemit, as a social platform, for an outlet of expression and possibly be rewarded for sharing our contributing content, from my view, is an awesome idea. And investment in ourselves. Sharing our human value with a community, demonstrating by our participation, secret talents we all carry.
These thoughts have greatly inspired me. So much so, it seems I’ve written a book. And as an observer, a closet writer, with a passion for writing, who spends much of her time alone lately, on her small plot of dusty land with her critter’s. I spend my days musing life’s wonders. And as I contemplate what is my next chapter in life. I live a quiet, peaceful life, behind my home screen. And, I am one who greatly enjoy’s road trips. And have higher dreams for travels of my own.
I am intrigued for such a platform of opportunity as, Steemit, and integrating cryptocurrency. It seems a wide open playing field, in which we, as user’s, have chance to design our own success. Doing my best, I hope to catch on quickly. Because, I indeed need to relearn how to support myself, and in today’s, rapidly changing environment.
Having set a plan accordingly, at least a plan based on what I currently know, I strive to learn and earn, all available rewards. By way of hard effort. And as I journey forward, I am reminded, a wise saying, ‘to raise up a child, it takes a village’. I, in return, lend my hand to the Steemit platform, and in support toward the platform creator’s, as a team effort. Not too long ago, out in the business world, what now seems another time, a former life, my brother Tom, who had spent many of his years in prison, had taught me valuable words, in which in principle, I embraced to manage my work team, “ There is no I in team”. And another saying comes to mind, “a man receives no honor in his own country.” This proves true, for over at another social platform, I participate in, no rewards, are ever shared with a participating community. It seems there, we are only seen, as bottom line, faceless bots.
However, on a Steemit down note, I have come across a few different conflicting various posts, here, and outside the Steem website, regarding the Steemit platform. Some highly esteemed contributor’s speak highly of financial opportunity, which has encouraged me personally.
Other poster’s, have discouraged the monetary aspect of the integrated Steemit platform. Voicing discouraging tones of any ideas as a means at attempt of supporting oneself within the Steemit community. I suppose, perhaps, to manage expectations? If so, fair enough. I have no outside expectation, but I do expect of myself, to work hard contributing in reach of my goals. I am at least hopeful, to be acknowledged for my earnest efforts. The ideas presented, and built into the Steemit system, seems it was designed, for a Hero’s welcome. I hope I haven’t missed the boat?
My self describing, post introduction, from me to the world, being displayed out loud, in living color, and forever housed, in a Blockchain, my personal social Steemit blog, my first introductory post, perhaps may be the most important story, I may ever write.
It is with thoughtful consideration, of what words I do type. How I would want to be remembered. And what I stood for. Words have power, and ought to be spoken or typed, with reasoned purpose, and true. I have been raised up with the freedom of choice to express myself. I at least have freedom to choose to leave behind, good marks.
And, I have had many judging naysayers in my life. To this I say. Either support me, or get the hell out of my way. Enough damage has been done.
The foundation story of which I am built is the only truth I have. It is simply, from my perspective, of what all holds true in me. The only constant is change. My introduction post, is just a glimpse, a small snapshot , of where I come from, and where I aim to head. And I am, worth a mint. And the standing proof, of all those who dared brave a hard sail, who came before. For the future, and for our children.
Please feel free to follow me, and express any feedback on my post that may inspire, or not, good or bad, or ask me anything you would like. I am all ears. I judge no one. Live and let live. Other life duties I attend too, I most often reply within, a few minutes, up to 24 hours.
For I would truly enjoy, meeting new friends, and participate in broad conversation topics, with any, and all individuals. With similar insight or not, from anywhere across our vast, and global universe.
By signing up to this platform, I have opened myself up, as an open book, forever, in an open source, Blockchain. I think of it this way, my spirit lives on, long after I'm gone. All locked up, I want to leave behind goodness, inside.
So, allow me to introduce myself, once again,
Hello. Sovereign Esteemedlings. My esteemed name is, Linda, and my chosen eSteemit name is, @onesunnyday.
Planting myself here, as a tiny new seedling within the Steemit community, I look forward to blossoming with other Steemians on board. Let's champion each other, together. I plan, with warm, welcoming sunny days, time and nutrients, to grow myself here, exponentially.
Having been in a state of flux, for the last 3-1/2 years, I have given much thought how to grow myself, my next chapter in life. Not knowing what to do. Finding fresh soil here, to plant myself in. I have made a decision to take a Leap of Faith, with a Big BHAG of dreams. Investing in myself for the future, I start here, and now.
I would love to help others grow as well. Because, there is no I in team, and many hands, make for light work.
Perhaps the best way to introduce myself to our Steemit community, is to state clearly, what is my intent, the why, and where, my ship is steered. Like any great trip, whether it be by land, sea or air, you need to first know where your traveling, so you know how to get there.
And in this day and age, of lightning speed, I am not a young whipper snapper anymore. I best have a plan. For, I would hate to aim for the moon, and end up lost, in the Milky Way.
But fair warning: Some shortsighted folks, might think dreams are nothing but a whole lot of crazy, and wasted time.
But for those seeing, the long sight, naturally, a longer story unfolds. Stories, within stories, as building blocks toward success.
My story is of how I, a fish out of water, landed here, within Steemit.
Because for doing so, my soul purpose, is to breathe new life. Our current world on the cusp of change, a point in time, of major history in the making. Like a Phoenix rising, a most interesting time in history to be alive! Although, I do realize that there are many, who do not feel so optimistic. It is up to us, who are, to keep level, the balance.
And my little story, is just one of 7.5 billion, and growing. It is one amazing tale, of inner flight. With open doors wide, I invite you, as a hopeful reader, to read my history in the making.
Please follow me, as we travel together, through these most interesting times.
Second fair warning though. Some folks may think a field of dreams, are nothing more, than a whole lot of big, big crazy.
But I say,
Won’t you please join me, for the second quarter round, chapter # 2?
Love and light,
Linda @onesunnyday
and Weston. ♡
© copyright 2017 @ onesunnyday LJC. All Rights Reserved.
Welcome to Steem Community @onesunnyday! As a gentle reminder, please keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.
In the New Steemians project, we help new members of steem by education and resteeeming their articles. Get your articles resteemed too for maximum exposure. You can learn more about it here:
Welcome Dear!
Hope you gonna love our community! We are awesome, at least most of us lolz:P
I can offer you some benefits to get you started, having fun and earning some $ is always the best way right?:))
Join my challenges! Learn about @steemit and more!
Stay awesome!
Tip! @tipu :)
Thank you, for a warm welcome, @kidforlife. And yes! Don't we all, have that inner child inside of us? :)
Yes we do dear! And its @kid4life btw:)
Take care;)
Welcome to steemit .That's a Nice introduced..
I am also new in steemit . It will be helpful for me if you upvote & follow my blog , i will do the same . Thanks
Thank you @minhazuddinnahid for the nice words on my intro, and welcoming me. Likewise, welcome to Steemit!
wow, it's really a long introduction but full of contents, this is what blogging are. Nice work keep it up, followed you so i can see more of this adventure story of yours.
Hi @robin-ho. Yes, my intro, was a bit long. But hey, it is my blog. :) Thank you for saying it was nice work. This is my first ever blog. Supportive feedback is nice to see on my end. I like your screen name and profile pic. (Who doesn't love robinhood? :)
At least the contents there are good, and thank you for the compliments too on my alias. ^_^
Hi @onesunnyday! @kid4life is sending you 0.1 SBD tip and @tipU upvote
@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment, get share of the profit :)@kid4life, how cool! Much appreciated! Thank you for the tip! Check out my blog! -