Introducing Who I Am

Now, its time for the long awaited intro. But before I start my introduction, I want to express my gratitude to the founder(s) of this extraordinary social network called SteemIt. I preciate their/his idea about the elevation humanity financially and otherwise.

my name is Olu, a psychiatric and a registered nurse. I love providing health care to individuals, families and communities. I have always had passion for what Doctors do while I was very young. As a result of this I decided to choose the medical profession. I intend to further my studies to become a neurologist (hoping to be the first in my community) with the right support (financially). However, human problem is enormous and some do not necessarily require a medical personnel to provide the help. Conditions such as poverty, sadness, depression and the rest require other aspect of serving humanity.

Nurse Olu.jpg

With SteemIt, individuals can socialise with a lot of other people, therefore solving/reducing the problem of loneliness and possibly depression. While solving these problems, the creator of the social network also considered one of the most disturbing state in the world i.e. poverty and he decided to fix it in a grand style with less stress and more pleasure (that is the aspect of rewarding people for their efforts while making friends and sharing their stories).

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These features of the social network are the interesting aspect of SteemIt that have made me decide to join the social network. My brother who is an IT expert had told me about SteemIt a long time ago but I did not join because I did not want to join any platform that do not promote what I stand for. After a thorough research, I am happy that I heard about SteemIt and I am also excited that my account has been approved and am here now.

Thanks all. I hope my subsequent post will continue to promote the aim of SteemIt as well as boost its community.


Hello Olu, welcome to Steemit, enjoy :-)

Welcome to Steem @olubatex I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Thanks bottymcbotface for the upvote and tip

Welcome olubatex, I hope you enjoy it here! This is a great place for a multitude of reasons; I’m sure you’ll find plenty of your own.

I am going to follow you and ask that in return you follow me. But take note, this type of following is almost a moot point. After all, wouldn’t you rather be following people with similar interests? OR following people whom are like minded?

Just my two cents, but welcome all the same. At my site, @carltong; I have blogs on scams, easy to use faucets, and more. I don’t link to any of these in this letter, because I want to genuinely welcome you to Steemit. It’s that great an invention, lol.

Here is my best advice for you:

”If it seems too good to be true, then it’s NOT true.”

I lost over $1000 at BitcoinsBrain, and almost got taken by FexFund; I was given this advice once; “be nice to everyone and don’t trust anyone”.

Whatever the case, WELCOME HERE. Say hi once in a while and I’ll try to do the same.


Thanks @carltong for the advice. I am following you already.

Wellcome, It is great to have you here!. If your here to make money then its hard work....but don´t give up!

Thanks @minimalpris. Am here for what SteemIt stands for and thanks for your suggestion

welcome @Olubatex ! Glad to see you, hope you enjoy here as much as i do !! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me .

Thanks @mekong I will follow your account.

Welcome to Steemit @olubatex, I have upvoted and sent you a tip. Check my blogs if you are looking for tips on how to earn more Steem and SBD.

Thanks @earncrypto for the upvote and the tip. I will check the blog so that i can be more informed

Welcome Olu. Neurologist...that is a good ambition.

Welcome to Steemit Olu!

Respect to you, and all the other Nurses out there!

I will follow you,

I hope to see some good content!


@olubatex -- Welcome Olu to the steemit Community. I like your post. I hope you will enjoy your stay here.

Stay Connected!

Thanks @cryptoqu33n. I hope so too.

Wow great introduction, you have made your impression. I look for your next post.

Thanks @husamia. the next post is coming soon

what are you going to do with all the rewards?