A pleasure to meet you steemit // My presentation


My biography

My name is Nohelia Yeribeth Cáceres Solano, I was a girl who had the opportunity to be born and be next to my parents, I liked to eat everything, so my parents with all the sacrifice and humility they gave me a good diet; with the passage of time I remember that when I was 6 years old I loved to bathe in the rain, along with that being able to appreciate nature with all its splendor is one of the sensations that I would most like to continue to have today.

I must admit that my family origins date back to a great economic crisis, which from a very early age marked my childhood, but from the memories that I have little by little my parents were recovering economically, so that today we are quite stable.

My basic studies were in my childhood in a very normal way, and when I say normal I mean that things that were out of the ordinary did not happen to me, I was not very prominent, but at least I tried to learn about the basics and important. At this stage of my initial education I was awarded by God for receiving academic help through scholarships, while at the same time I became familiar with the school environment, ie classmates, teachers and the whole environment based on learning and development.

How did I meet steemit?

Always looking for ways to stand out a bit, and understand other tools more productive and important than the traditional, researching a bit on the internet and YouTube I was fortunate to find steemit, once known about steemit I asked to ask some colleagues from the university, some told me they did not know anything about it, until I got one called emyn who studies in the food engineering program of the experimental university south of the lake (UNESUR) and he said yes, he was working on steemit, which is a social network very different from the conventional ones, in which you can learn, have fun reading interesting publications and at the same time reward yourself with cryptocurrency. I have had very good relations with emyn since then, his user is @emynb, he helped me with a lot of interest to learn about steemit and at the same time to continue growing in order to become a prestigious user.

Knowledge and studies acquired

Currently I am studying the 7th semester of Civil Engineering in the national training program at the Universidad Experimental Sur del Lago (UNESUR), for the time being I am very satisfied with the achievements, and I only need two semesters to complete and be able to enter to the fascinating world of civil construction engineering. All the knowledge harvested until now give me the chance to guarantee you with my writings an academic reference in my publications oriented in civil engineering. As a project of life - academic my intentions and purposes are to be able to practice in the labor field while paralelamente I can practice post-graduate studies, all with the intention of specializing in a specific field. In this profession and the years that I have been studying and learning from it has led me to focus on urbanism, urban design and construction are my most appreciated talents, and are the ones I intend to put into practice once I graduate from university.

I can not pretend that everything that has been achieved until now is due solely to my abilities, this means that I have to thank my colleagues in the university, I have sometimes felt faint, and thanks to their help and enthusiasm I have been able to continue.

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Relationship of the family nucleus

Currently for my academic assignments I have focused all my enthusiasm on my studies, which is why I do not have children or spouses, and I am related to this since once my undergraduate and graduate academic project is finished my closest goals are to be able to to establish a family of my own with my children and my future husband. Currently my communion with my parents, brothers, uncles and nephews are the most beautiful, I must confess that my nephews are my most desired reason that I like children so much. For me, the family is one of the most important aspects that any noble individual should consider in his life.

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Within this family nucleus there is a person that I love with all my heart, and it is not a least since I owe everything to her in my life, she is my mother María Josefina Cáceres. I want to dedicate all the triumphs I can achieve from here on.

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Greetings friends of steemit. Atte: @noheliac


Greetings @noheliac and welcome to Steemit! Your introduction post is really great! I look forward to reading more of your writing. I'm happy that @emynb was able to bring you aboard and help you understand the site. If you need anything, just let me know!

Bless you, your family and especially your Dear Mother <3

I know you will have a lot of fun, and find success here.

What a nice reception I have received from you, you write very beautiful and with the heart, I saw that here in steemit there are people with good feelings, my wishes for you are to continue growing and reaping success in steemit, blessings and greetings.

I will be looking forward to your future publications :) Thank you for the kind wishes @noheliac!

Hey Nohelia

This is a nice introduction. Welcome to the community

very nice post! Welcome to Steemit! Im sure you will find lots of interesting things here to read and to do :)

Thank you, good that my publication appears a good start, greetings and thanks for commenting.

Hello welcome to steemit
in short you can visit the site busy it's a platform related to steemit ca can help you write your post more easily https://busy.org/@cris02
if you have questions do not hesitate to ask me and you can find answers in https://steemit.com/faq.html

welcome to the steemit community



Welcome to the SteemFamily @noheliac! I wish you well in your civil engineer studies! It's cool your friend from university introduced you to the Steem Commuinty. We share a similar value s-- of family. I have also got a deep love and respect for my family. Especially my Mother & Grandmothers. Peace & Joy to you dear beautiful One! Many blessings as you coninye your life. Steem On! ❤🌄🙏

Bienvenida Nohelia, de donde eres?

Gracias por la bienvenida. Soy de Venezuela y tu?

Soy Hondureño. Viviendo en Roatan, Honduras.
Te seguire.