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RE: Hello Steemers! I am Seth and I have some good news to share.
That is true but Jesus was hung on a cross and there is nothing in the Bible against wearing a cross.
That is true but Jesus was hung on a cross and there is nothing in the Bible against wearing a cross.
Actually, I feel that Exodus 20:4 (You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.) would be something in scripture that says something against wearing a cross.
Also, I'm going to respond to your other post to me here since we can only go so many comments deep...
Of course, I didn't say anything against Jews or Messianic Jews
What? How do you figure that? Of course they are Christians, they believe in the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and they believe that Jesus is G-d's son, and our messiah.
The King James Version is actually one of the worst translations that exist. Even if it was a reliable translation, what good is reading the scripture in a language that you can't understand with all its thees thys and thous. I believe G-d will preserve His word and He will make sure that happens through more modern translations just as easily as He has with older ones in the past.
Could you give me a place where scripture says we should defend ourselves and our property? The only things I've ever read were to no return evil with evil and to turn the other cheek. The only time Jesus told people to defend anything wasn't even about defense. He told some apostles to get a couple of swords, then when the time came for them to use them (where one of them did) he yelled at them and told them not to do so.
I don't know if I completely agree with your wording, but yeah, I hold Judaism in very, very high regard because G-d was their G-d before He was ours. If we want to understand Him as fully as possible, we need to pay attention to how they lived.
The fact is, the majority of Christians have no concept of kiddush/chillul HaShem, literally the sanctification or desecration of the Name of G-d. Simply, do we make G-d look desirable or disgusting with the way we live. I think a great many of us actually commit chillul HaShem (desecration of the Name) in the way we try to deliver the message ofJesus by weighing it down with dogma and rules rather than love and forgiveness.
Well in reality it wasn't a cross that was used in the crucifiction it was actually in the shape of a "T" which was common in that time used by the roman's , the symbol of the cross being used comes from the time of the crusades , and is a representation of a sword manly brought forward by the Knight's Templar as there symbol!!