NHL Toronto: Let's Start a Hockey Related Community! Prize inside!
Sports is a great topic for discussion and my area of "expertise" is NHL hockey. It would be good to attract more Steem sports bloggers to this platform.
My favorite team since the 1960's is the Toronto Maple Leafs.
I intend to post articles and information about the team and would welcome any hockey related discussions!
I have another blog on steemit with over 600 followers. The first one to discover my username gets 10 SBD
I'm looking forward to some back and forth discussions!
All the best,
Sorry, that guess is wrong but thanks for your comment!

No sorry!
I followed you!
Good guess but no.
Welcome to steemit @nhltoronto. You will do great here
Thanks so much! Are you a hockey fan? I see that you love cooking! Followed!
Welcome to Steemit!
Thanks so much @daveks! Do you have a favorite hockey team? I followed you!
80's Oilers would be my favourite team, and thanks for the follow @nhltoronto!
Wow! The best team ever? Gretzky, Messier, Kurri, Coffey, Glen Anderson, Grant Fuhr.
It's time to be a fan again because now they have the best player on the planet and he's only 19!
ja ich hab es... es ist @dermannmitbrilleundzettel 😀😆😇
du kannst auch in Steem auszahlen.....grins***
Thanks for coming! Your guess is wrong but I'll follow you. Are you a fan of the Cologne Sharks?
No idea who you are but i used to support the Kölner Haie :-)
Great I just checked their web site. I'm following you! Who do you think is the best German hockey player. I'll tell you my opinion. He plays on a line with the best player in the world, it's an NHL team and he's from Cologne.
No idea - Marco Sturm is from Cologne I think - not following German hockey that close anymore which is sad
Leon Draisaitl of the Edmonton Oilers! He should be sooooo famous in Germany!
His father is, remember him from my youth
I am a fan of
Good looking team! Germany has some great hockey players and my favorite plays for the Edmonton Oilers! Check him out Leon Draisaitl.
Welcome Maple Leafs! (I have no idea what your alter ego is...)
Thanks so much! Do you like the leafs too? I followed you!
Followed! Well, I'm a Philadelphia native. So I like hockey with a little more orange and black ;)
The Broad Street Bullies! I love that team! I even have their jersey!
Are you @kus-knee maybe the Bone MAN 👊?
Hey man! I owe you 10 SBD but no bones here only leafs!
OMG cool, I was thinking I remembered @kus-knee mentioned his past in Hockey and Canada
I threw you the Leaf. Check your wallet!
Thank you Leaf Buddy - this is awesome, checking tomorrow when back at laptop, already in bed playing the mobile app 😎 Good night my friend
Welcome. I don't understand NHL but I'm sure you will find others who do:)
Ok great! Thanks for stopping by and encouraging me! I'm sure that I will too!
Another Canadian, and a Leafs fan at that! I grew up just outside Toronto, though current ventures have pushed me West. This man deserves a follow and Resteem!
Thanks so much. I'll follow you! So, I see that you're in Edmonton. They're a great team again! What is your favorite team?
Leafs fan through and through, though in my time out West I've developed a secondary love for the Oilers. Especially with the year they're having this year!
Yes, two great young teams. The Leafs have the toughest match up in the first round!