GTKM: Getting To Know Me

Hello to you! Yes, YOU!

This might be the first time that you get to read a post from me, might as well give me this opportunity to let you know more about me.

Let's start start from the basics...

I am Arman Ann Trazo, @namranna -- 22, Electronics Engineer, Private Math Tutor, an Entrepreneurial Enthusiast, Personal Development Promoter/Fanatic and above all, a Work in Progress.

Ooops, maybe you're now having ideas about me being an Electronics Engineer. You might be thinking of diodes, resistors, schematic diagrams, semiconductors and the like, or even antennas. 

Photo Credits: Google Images

Sorry to tell you, I've already buried most of them in the Land of Forgotten Lessons. Haha, just to note also, I do not repair TVs or any electronic gadgets. Still, I am proud I survived 5 years of BS Electronics Engineering. That being said, you might be wondering where am I right now? Well, I'm here in my room writing a post for steemit. Haha :D

Kidding aside, I am currently developing myself in the I.T Industry and working as a Developer in one of the best I.T company worldwide. You've read it right, I am still "developing myself". I'm still a newbie in this kind of job and I am no pro at reading/constructing codes but I am trying and learning in the best way I can. Programming didn't interest me when I was still in college but really, I have appreciated it so much in this point of my life.

Moving forward, I am also into accepting Math Tutorial sessions. I have started tutoring students so young and now that I am older, it is just so hard to stop. Tutoring has really made a special place in my heart. 

Aside from Filipino tutees, I've also had tutees of different nationalities already, such as, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Americans and English. Well, all of these experiences were one-on-one tutorial sessions, I haven't tried online tutorials though because of two reasons: First, I lack resources to use for online sessions and Second, I prefer live interactions with students. Anyhow, if ever given the chance to do online sessions now, maybe I can make arrangements.

I am also an entrepreneurial/business enthusiast. Never in my past life have I dreamt of being an entrepreneur. I hated selling when I was young not until the turning point that served as my inspiration to love entrepreneurship. I was also greatly influenced by my boyfriend from his newly found interest-- business and investing. After I graduated college and passed the country's board examination, in my journey as an unemployed graduate without experience, I have come to appreciate the beauty behind the idea of business, profits and especially service. I have come to realize that one great avenue of service for others is through entrepreneurship. It is not just about selling and making sales, but it is also about how many people you've reached through your products/services and helping each of them address their individual needs even without your presence. How great is that!

Why am I here? 

I like writing, I like sharing and I like earning (Hahaha). It is just so amazing to know that these three are combined here in Steemit! I am truly happy to discover that this kind of platform exits, wherein I can share my heart out at the same time earn because of it.

I have already liked writing, even though my write-ups are just for essay contest and composition writing for High School. Well, my future write-ups would still be stuck in my head and never getting into a medium if not because of my mighty and amazing friend @smaeunabs. I am very grateful and thankful for she is very diligent in encouraging me to join this amazing platform. She has this astounding vision to spread how great the Steemit world is and yeah, she's taking it seriously!

Thank you so much @smaeunabs! I am so proud of what you become right now and I am looking forward to share the same thoughts with you about financial literacy and spreading the good news about Steemit.

My views about Steemit

I have done some minor research about Steemit, but unfortunately, I cannot picture out the system aside from knowing that I can blog anything here and earn. I have come across terms such as SBD and steempower that really sound alien to my ears. As of this writing, I have not fully grasp the idea of these because I am not that familiar when it comes to crypto-currencies. 

Photo Credits: Google Images

Let me again thank my friend @smaeunabs, she willingly gave me a glimpse of the bigger picture and made me look at earning and sharing from another perspective. She made me understand and at least helped me connect the dots on how this platform works. You can read more from her posts!

Furthermore, I strongly believe that experience is the best teacher and I am living it up to Steemit to make me understand further. I wanted you to know guys that I am beyond willing. My fellow steemians, feel free to enlighten me more along this shared journey.

Photo Credits: Google Images

What can I contribute to the Steemit Community?

1. Book/Conference/Seminar Reviews 

Since higschool, I have already found joy in reading books. It's just that now, I have shifted my preferred genre from adventure, magic and love stories into inspirational and motivational ones. Also, reading about business & investments, personal development, self-improvement and personal finance are so welcoming and felt like home. With this, I am thrilled to share to you my reviews, realization and learning from the books that I have read of the famous to not-so-famous authors and from the events that I have attended. At least, I can help you what books to read if ever you find my review worthy.

Photo Credits: Google Images

2. Financial Literacy

When I was still in my college sophomore years, me and my best friend talked about mutual funds and long-term "saving". What do we know about investments? We lacked knowledge and were so young to hunger more about it. I have not focused more about it since I was busy balancing academics and my extra curricular activities. However, the vision came back and became vivid after graduation. I started to love the idea of long term investments and personal finance with the help of my boyfriend who just became a Certified Investment Solicitor (CIS) under one of the known investment companies here in the Philippines.

I will help promote Financial Awareness to my fellow Filipinos in order to at least share to them that it is very important to prepare for the future and to not live it up to what is of the moment. 

Just because disaster didn't come right away after the first day of error in judgement doesn't mean disaster is not coming. -Jim Rohn

3. Personal Experiences and anything under the sun

I believe that Steemit is a great platform to share anything!

Photo Credits: Google Images

My Expectations

Upon knowing some background about Steemit, I am expecting 3 Major Things:

1. Build myself through writing/reading/sharing posts.

Steemit consists of different kinds of writers, bloggers and contributors. In connection to this, I am looking forward to learn different things from you my fellow steemian. I am also considering to build my writing skills here, for through your upvotes/comments/interactions, it can improve and boost up my confidence.

2. Build and develop connections.

I am looking forward to share this journey with you! We might have different perspective but I am certain, that at one point, we share similar mindset such as being here at Steemit!

3. Contribute and make an impact to you.

As much as the things that you have contributed in my development and growth as an individual. May you allow me also to contribute to yours. Cheers!

You reading this is priceless. This is my first post and your comments regarding my post will be highly appreciated. Thank you so much and "read" you around! :D


Welcome to family :)

Absolutely amazing! To be honest this is one of the best #introduceyourselfpost I've read. Wow!

Hi! We have chosen the same field. I am a 5th year Electronics and Comm Engineering student and welcome to Steemit! :)

All of your expectations are correct but let me add something. Back when June when I started in Steemit I ony thought Steemit could solve my financial woes in life. It did but not only that! I keep Steeming and I realized it is much more than that. I got a vision :

  • That it is the future of social media. Think of an incentivized reddit and that's how I can define Steemit easily. You are rewarded from the content you share and being rewarded from the authors/users/co-Steemians.

  • A perfect place to hone our writing skills. In Steemit, we aren't judged by our grammar. We are judged by the value of content that we give. Shitty post aren't rewarded that much here.

  • Content is the raw material of Steemit, it is the site's brand. Thus, a perfect place to expand our knowledge. Things about life, fiction, science, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, and even entrepreneurial skills!

  • A Social Media Site for Students. I think this is a potential Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Killer. Students spend much of their time on a site they arent rewarded? 100% are being swallowed by the management and never rewarding us, users.

Oh my God. I have lots to share to you as we have the same field taken Haha. Thanks to @smaeunabs for sharing Steemit to you. I also did an effort in inviting her to Steemit and I am glad that she gained a lot of success in this platform. You too :)

Keep Steeming and believe Steemit will fly to the moon :)

Wow! It is so nice to know that we have sailed the same boat in taking up Electronics Engineering @jassennessaj! I am excited to meet you in person! :D If you're that kind of student who participate in IECEP Activities, I bet I have already met you 2-3 years ago. You're 5th yr, right? I guess, I have to congratulate you ahead of time for your graduation this year! More power and more to influence!

Anyways, thank you so much for your appreciation, I felt honored. Hoping to know more about Steemit through you also, aside from my mentor @smaeunabs. You guys did great in spreading this platform like fire! I am looking forward to contribute in doing so, too. I am also hoping that you guys continue to look into my posts soon. You guys just doubled my interest in being here! Cheers! xoxo

Thank you so much for taking some of your time for inspiring and encouraging my friend @jassennessaj!!! I couldn't agree more with the points you've mentioned above! It's a great starter pack for newbies like @namranna

And words are not enough to express how grateful I am for bringing me here. I owe you a lot! 🤗😆
Thank youuu lodiii!

Ahaha I think I misused the word effort on my comment above. My apology 😂

Hahahaha true! effort is an understatement. Great effort is the best way to define it. Up until now, I am saving the screenshots of the important tips you've shared when i was still a newbie and even up until now!

Thank you for being so genuine in your advocacy to help others for spreading the Steemit spirit.

No no no. Hahaha. I hope you're not getting it the wrong way. I felt arrogant on my above comment so I corrected some. Haha

Wahahahahaha wala man gud lodi!! Really, thankyou gyud! I i dont see anything wrong with the comment above man gud.

And when i said great effort, what i meant was the huge efforts you have poured to nurture me and everyone who look up to you here on Steemit. 🤗😄

Again thankyouuuu so much hahahaha never ending thankyous aren't enough to express how grateful i am gyud! 🤗😉😙

Thank you @smaeunabs for the unending support! I cannot thank you enough for this opportunity you've shared to me. :* AJA! Continue to influence and encourage more!

Warmest welcome man! You should also thank yourself for taking this opportunity. Lovelots man! 🤗😉

Welcome to steem

Wooow @namranna!!! You just nailed it girl! When you said you'd surprise me, i never expected it to be this huge!

This is one of the best intro posts I have read so far! Halatang pinaghandaan hahaha. Thankyou for grabbing this opportunity man! I honestly see a great potential in you. I do hope you'll gonna share this to others as well 🤗

I am looking forward to our next talks about finances and stuffs man! And our financial meetups! I hope we'll gonna realize that real soon.

Please do go on posting things within your interest. This platform has so much to offer as long as you're consistent and courageous.

If you have time, please read this simple explanation about Cryptocurreny I made previously .

Basic Understanding Of Bitcoin And Cryptocurrency


Thank you for your compliment @smaeunabs! I am truly grateful for your efforts in spreading the advantages of Steemit! Thank yoi for your help! Hehe pinaghandaan talaga 😂

Always welcome 🤗😁

I am too excited to read your future posts! God bless man! Happy Holidays!!!

Welcome aboard @namranna! Another talented young lady has been added to @smaeunabs' community hahaha!

Thank you @nikkabomb! Hoping to read more of your posts too! ❤️

Don't mention it @namranna. 😊

Thanks 😘

Hahahahahahahaha apply sad daw siyas atoa nik hahahaha

sige paaply sya hahaha

Nice one what a great introduction hope we can be friends.Love lots @ lorner this is me Godbless @namrnna

Everyone can be friends in here @lorner! Thank you so much, I appreciate the thought. :*

Your welcome i learn lot .

LOVELY introduction!!!


Hahah thank you @henrymac! I can only imagine how far you've scrolled down just to find this post. 😂😂😂

I'm glad to see fellow ctunians here in this flat form and excited to learn from you classmate, the one of the outstanding leader in our batch. Welcome! @namranna

Thank you @aljoursantillan! Hihi sakto lage ko, ka batch ta ^_^ hihihi good to see you here pod!

Hey there welcome to Steemit. This is a good place for bloggers, photographers and travelers for sharing their content. I am sure you will enjoy your stay here.

Thank you! So thrilled to discover more! <3

Hi, Nice Post ! Welcome to Steemit community ! I am really glad you are here Keep up great work and enjoy the journey !

Yes, I will! Thank you so much for being part in this journey! :)