Hello, F.N.G. here.

That's F-ing new guy for those wondering. This is gonna be a little long but if you read it you might just find I might be worth a look for a little while. A little about me. I am a 40 year old male and I live in Montana. It sucks here, you don't want to come here. Its cold and you have to walk up hill both ways. (psssst.. they're really big to) I have a handful of kids and until recently a very good job. Which is what brings me here. My posts are mainly going to be about investing and money. I am not here for any political discussions although political issues that may or may not have an effect on investing could and more than likely will be mentioned. For example the new 2018 tax code. That is political and has huge changes toward crypto currencies. You should read it asap in you are an active crypto investor.

Now so you know where I am coming from, the type of person I am, and why I am here I will do my best to give you a very short life story. Guess I'll start with my parents. My old man was and still is a piece of shit. I was shown what true evil is at a very young age. How evil you ask? Well I was 12 and I finally had enough, told my mom what was up and if she did not make him go away I would. Permanently. I had scored a machete and I would have cut his head clean off the very next time he touched my sister.. To those who would doubt that you've never known true anger driven by hatred. So yeah taught me how not to be a man or even a remotely decent human being. My mother was an angle who while she constantly got burned, she still walked through hell for us. She passed a few days before last Thanksgiving. Proof right there the good die young and pricks live forever lol..

I was told at age 12 since he was gone I was now the man of the house. If it broke I needed to know how to fix it. I was responsible for my sisters and brothers safety. By the time I was 13 I had 3 jobs for the neighborhood mechanic, the farmer and the bee keeper. Had 8 hives of my own. After the old man attempted to kill us all several times we had to run and Montana was it eventually after a stop here, another prick there.. 17 years old.. I crush L2 and L3 in my lower back. Had been told I could be anything I wanted in the airforce after the ASVAB and fighter pilot it was gonna be, until my back.. Denied. Fast forward 20 some years and I have been the boss several times. I am currently. I ran a muller 227 at two newspapers for a while. I have done construction, production, you name it. I am a college grad. Certified at one point welder with many years in the oil fields. Many of my jobs where constant strain and repetitive motion in excess. I am a go getter. A jack of all trades, master of one. Welding and fabrication. I can build anything out of anything. Well I could at one point.. The production jobs I have had I have broke every single record they had. The Aluminum Plant record I broke was 30 something years old. The health supplement record I broke was with a machine half the size of the record setter. My mentality has always been this student WILL become the professor. A choice anyone can make..

I have become the professor at many jobs. I don't like being told what to do so the best way to avoid that is to be the boss. I have never had a job where I wasn't involved with management. And its this mentality that has brought me here. Not because I'm a genius that's done great in life. The exact opposite in fact. I've been a drug addict. Clean 14 years now. Being denied kinda broke my give a F for a while give or take 10 really bad years. Just now really starting to get it right. Saving money and learning everyday now for the last 6 years. My life is now at a fork in the road. Well more like a 180 lol.. I have worked my butt off in life. After growing up without much of anything watching mom struggle and have to have her pride hurt from taking assistance from the govt I swore I'd never take from the system. I saw the pain in her face the day she went for foodstamps. Its a matter of pride for some and she felt she had failed.. Turns out I don't really have a choice but to take assistance possilby. I've paid in my entire life and I still am not ok with it. I have completely destroyed my right arm. Nerves are fubar. To the point my hand almost doesn't work. This hunting and pecking sucks by the way. But I have time. I can no longer hold my hammer. I drop stuff almost every time I hold something in my hand. If you've ever smoked a camel crush you know that little ball you crush? Yeah I cannot break it. I cannot open a pack of lunch meat as I found out the day I had to stop working. As I stood there with a pair of pliers opening my lunch meat I laughed and have been trying not to go crazy sitting here for the last 5 days.

So there you have it kinda. I am an all in kinda person who has now fubar'd himself and has no choice but to learn to make money without physical labor.. I am the kind of person who will give you the skin off my back if I feel its the right thing to do.. keep your shirt. I have given more money to friends and family than I, looking at it from a financially responsible position, ever should have. I could have 30k from just the prior year alone more in the bank if I didn't give it away. I was making North Dakota oil filed money and I knew they needed the help. People come before money with me. But now I am in a position of having to live off disability, SS, whatever.. got a lot to learn there.

I'll be honest I am here to find a new path in life. I started learning about the stock market and world economies about 6 years ago. I started trading stocks only about 3 years ago. I have only just began trading crypto in the last year. I have very different perspectives on pretty much everything from old school teachings. Here is the part where you're wondering well what could he have possibly learned in that short of time? A lot. I'll introduce you to stocks you probably don't know about. Strategies on lots of things. Chart reading, proper DD. Lots of things. Now my methods are just that, mine. You may or may not have the backbone to run with me. Don't be offended by that please. Instead here's what I did, ask yourself would you? I went all in 5 times to get my gains. Super risky most would say. Those people are amusing to me lol. Could have lost it all, but I did my DD. That's why I was comfotable doing it. 3 weeks ago my account balance was $2,200. I have just began to implement my trading strategy 100%. My account today is over 20k and set up. When Ripple, Lumen aka stellar, funfair, Steem(owned it a long time now, lost 80% in the very beginning, made most back and still here, that's how much I like this here steem thing) and hempcoin all run in the next few weeks my account could very well jump into 6 digits with what I am holding. So I must be doing something right. Stock market account is looking good to.

I will be posting once a week is my goal. Something that will spark conversation and expand learning. Typing isn't easy right now. Kinda a left handed hunt n peck kinda thing. Yeah this is long and I have way to much free time. Not hard to figure out lol, killed half my afternoon with this haha. I am all about sharing and gaining knowledge. I am not here for anything else. To learn to share to help all make money. I have spent at least 4 hours every day after work or on the weekends learning for the last 2 years solid. Daily, 100% committed. If you're looking to just start shit, don't bother. I will just ignore you. I will try and respond to as many if any lol questions or comments anyone may have.

I look forward to getting to know people who actively trade or want to learn to. I look forward to learning from you also as I still have so much to learn. Anyone who tells you they have the golden key is full of shit. I don't have all the answers and neither do you. Bet enough of us get together and we will find it.. I will say this here and you'll probably see it again. Investing is how the common person breaks the chains. What you put into it you will get out. If you put in a half assed effort you will have half assed sub par results. I am a FIRM believer if you are gonna do something do it right the first time 100% of the time, be all in or go home. You get back what you put in I promise you that.

And as for this having to take/accept help I don't plan I doing it long. I plan on becoming financially free 110% I WILL get there. I do not know how to give up. I'm not built that way. I plan on paying back every single cent if any I have to take. I don't care if I've paid in. You may or may not understand that. I'm confident my holdings are going to soar so hopefully I won't even have to talk to those people. But I'm no fool. Never count your chickens until they hatch. Volatile markets anything can happen. Fingers Crossed lol.

Eyes hurt yet? lol
Thanks for reading.
The future is what you make it. You get what you give.
Survived hell and still standing? Do something with it!


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