Come EURO Trippin with me!!!

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

EURO Trippin!!

Hey Steemit! Mel here! I just recently finished school and now I'm a European nomad, currently riding through Europe with my backpack and a sizeable makeup bag in tow, and all on two wheels. So I thought I'd take this time to introduce myself and share the start of our Journey

I just sorta became disillusioned with post graduation life and started thinking of interesting ways to earn a living outside the constraints of my field, something that would allow me to travel, and I looked at everything from stewardess to cruise ships, eventually deciding to work for a family friend that allows me to work remotely and with odd hours for a meager wage to spend on good food and drinks while adventuring my way through Europe for the Summer.

What's beautiful about able to set up your laptop in almost any cafe is you get to choose you work space and who you work with, it's also how I found you!!. Your co-workers are forever changing, and it lets you meet far more people than you would with an ordinary job.

I'm hoping my journey will inspire others to start their own journey too. You only live once right?

Here are some photos from our short but already exciting trip, and a few of my photographs too share as well.

I may be suffering from sleep deprivation now that we've arrived for the afternoon in Vanves France.

Our rides for our Great European Adventure, stopped at Loomies Moto Cafe in Petersfield. (in case you're ever this way)
The FOOD !!!!

Just more light UK snacking before we head to France.

The unimpressed Rosa is unimpressed working on the road

My Aunt isn't as thrilled as I am, must be the dry British humour.

I'm obsessed with photography, and I'll take photos of just about anything as you'll soon learn. Normally I just follow the cat around or look for nice scenery/nature stuff. The first two were shot around my parents place and the last in a little town not far from where they live. I just got my first DSLR not long ago, and well I really can't seem to put it down. I've seen some amazing work on here, so hope you like my stuff too :)

No great story with these, just shot in and around my parents property, this is some Purple broccoli.

These grow at the very bottom of our garden. The bees love them

This was taken in my home country of Canada on the north shore of Lake Erie near port dover. If only we could do something about those tourists, those darn tourists.

Thanks STEEMIT! I'll see you shortly from our next stop in Spain!!


Gut erkannt. Wie können wir solchen Betrug zuverlässig verhindern? Es ist schon seht verdächtig, dass sie ihren #STEEMIT Papier nicht sichtbar in den eigenen Händen hält!

Well recognized. How can we prevent such fraud reliable? It's look suspicious that they are not visible holds her #STEEMIT paper in their own hands!

yah, so I use my middle name, and get doxed for it. Not cool! Any thought that I didn't want my full name out there ever come to mind, and whoever posted that it was photoshopped obviously has no idea what they're talking about.

make another verification sign or a video post! :)

This is not a convincing verification, the top picture is Photoshopped and you do not show "yourself" holding it.

You will need a better verification than this, once provided I will remove my flag. Until then I advise everyone to DOWNVOTE.


Wish it was mine, but alas, it's my uncles. When you're the favourite/only niece, you get all the perks.

Welcome to Steemit! I am planning a US trip of my own currently. :)

Where do you live currently?

Better take your snacks in France next time, it looks 100000000000000 times better than that here

It tasted yummy if that helps he he.

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Look at all those posting bots. Welcome home.

Very nice smile!