How I retired in 6 years through Financial Badassity and HOW You Can Too!

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

Greetings Steemians this is my Introduction Posts and Shout Out to the Community. As well as being new to the Steemit Platform I am a relativity new “Mustachian” and a part of the Mustache Community.

I will start with a very “BOLD” claim: You can retire in under 17 years (no matter when you start) if you can do just one thing. Buy my book. (No not at all – I have no book to sell-LOL) If you are 'super aggressive' with your finances you can retire in 7.5 Years. Really!

I like writing. I like putting shit out on the 'computer' and getting positive feedback. I like being “Frugal for a Reason”. Deprivation and “Penny Pinching” are certainly not my thing. I've started a research project, to demonstrate a “what” and “how” to accomplish a financial independent goal. It started with a Google Search 14 years ago.

Optimizations are key. Let me tell you this, this is not dependent on your income. It does not matter if your income is $350,000 dollars a year or $35,000 a year. It's systems based, and optimized.

Let's do limits. (hypothetical for making the point – you change the math) 25X your annual spendings will accomplish this 'retirement goal'. You have to “Waste less Money”. It does not matter how much you earn. It matters how much you “Spend”.

I gave you a wide demographic financially regarding income. $350K vs. $35K is 'Huge' right? Well let's get real right off - $11,770 is the baseline 100% Poverty Level in the United States (2015) Old Data? Not really, better or worse I am going to use $10K for a simple example.

Let's say, for living (shelter), food, clothing (maintenance), transportation, entertainment and personal wants or comfort. It's $2K. So there is $8K in flux at poverty levels. Waste less money. Housing, food & transportation are your 'Base Choices'. I'm using a single person model, without a dog and renting with a very low income job. If you are in this situation (yes many people are) I will address increasing your income in future posts. This is still not needed, if you grab this concept of “It is not what you earn, it is what you Don't Spend”. Waste Less Money.

This is annoying, you lost me @ $10K poverty as a single person without a dog! Did I? Are you the $35K earner single household, $47K low-end/middle income (two kids, no dog)? Make your example, and choose this, if you save 50% of your income you can really retire in 17 Years. If you save 75% of your income you can retire in in less than 8 years. Forever. Follow me, and see.

If you can remember a core number. 24% of what you earn now, you can retire in less than 7.5 years. I currently live 2.8 miles from a (retired professionally job I keep – no I don't need it, but it's FUN for me) I drive a 2007 Kia Sportage with over 204K miles (manual). I am buying a 'Bicycle' this spring.

This being said by others, I lift weights (encouraged by others) I walk the dog. He and I are older. If you are young, just don't get cable, read books, and avoid restaurants or eating out but 1X a month. Don't buy a “New” Car. Don't “Shoot Yourself in the Face” - by doing a stupid thing like buying a new car. Be focused on 'Happiness' -not money. If you have 25X your spending, you can retire yourself.


Welcome to the community. Creativity is contagious... pass it along. - Albert Einstein

Thank you @mithrilweed, I believe I will enjoy it here. May all of you endeavors be met with Immediate Success - or a Hasty Retreat! - Me [though I am certainly no Albert Einstien] ;)

Welcome to Steemit! You posted a great article today. Great introduction.

I am under 17. Can I do this?

By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.

How do you CELEBRATE your victories?

Interesting first post. Part two?

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Posts will be coming. I'm just spending the weekend understanding Steemit. Currently I am listening to a Podcast from a follower @papa-pepper. He was at a "Steemit" meet-up this weekend. Quite an interesting community here.

Are there any laws or social rules that completely baffle you?

Mankind differs from the animals only by a little and most people throw that away.