Decided it was time for change - Blog #1 The Start

Hello fellow Steemit users! This January something that seemed to be so far away just a few years ago, actually happened to me. I turned 25... TWENTY-FIVE! To me this feels like one of those milestones that make you realize that there will really be a time that I can no longer consider myself young and that maybe it is time to start letting reality kick in.

Why am I writing this?

So far life has been really good to me, although my parents broke up when I was quite young, my youth was really great as they always made sure we had nothing to worry about. Also at school, apart from the fact that I was a little rule-breaker, everything went cruising for me and everyone always told me I was destined to go to university and make it big in life. These kind of assertions had kinda put me in auto-pilot mode without me realizing it. Going through life I just lived from one day to another, one experience to another. Nothing I did really failed, but on the other hand I did not accomplish anything outstanding either.

Although I had a lot of great ideas for starting a business or pursuing other great projects, nothing really took off and everything seemed to strand in the early phase of being nothing more than an idea to do something great. This developed into a pattern I started to recognize more and more, and it really hit me when someone once approached me and said 'you really are a thinker huh? I always hear you musing about really great ideas but you never really pursue them'. And at that point there was nothing else I could say to him than that he was right.

I always considered myself as an ambitious person and creative person who really loves life and wants to make the most of it. But does this image that I have about myself correspond with my actions? No, not at all! I decided that from this time on it is time for a CHANGE in my life. Instead of waiting for luck to happen to me, which was actually what I was doing, I decided to grab life by the balls and just start really doing the stuff I wanted to do!


I realized that my fear of losing or failing, whatever that may be, was greater than the feeling you might get while actually experiencing a loss. I mean, how bad can it be? There will probably be a lot of disappointments on my way, some of my ideas might not be as great as I think they are, but how will I ever find out if I never try it? The time that I would be waiting for the perfect opportunity to pop up is over. This kind of luck may happen to some people, but I really believe that when you want succes in your life (in whatever form) you have to get out there and make it happen. It is time for me to switch of the auto-pilot and start actively pursuing my dreams!

What will I be posting about?

This blog will mainly function as an extra incentive for me to keep going and track my progress on the way to fulfill my ambitions! It would be great if you guys want to follow me on this journey, inspire me to be an even better version of myself and I hope that this will also inspire people who are in that same situation that I am in right now to make that change they always wanted! Look, I am not a self-made man that is here to tell you his secret to becoming successful in life. I am at the beginning of my journey of which I will record every step to keep reflecting on what I am doing and hopefully that will help me in fulfilling my dreams!

So what are my goals and how is it going so far? There are a lot of things that I want to do, and in this post I will share the first few and the baby steps that I already took. As probably most of you, I am really into blockchain and the whole cryptospace, I love to ready everything about it and it just keeps amazing me! This inspired me to start up a social media platform about crypto (do not worry, I am not here to promote it as it is in my mother language: Dutch) to share my knowledge and use it as an incentive to really understand and write about topics that interest me about blockchain technology. So far this has been going quite well as I managed to gain almost a thousand followers on Twitter in the first month (YAY!). People are really positive about it which motivates me to keep going, and make this into the biggest blockchain social media platform in the Netherlands.

Another thing I am currently doing is writing a book! This is also gonna be in Dutch and will be a concise write-up of everything there is to know about blockchain, what it is and why it is gonna change the world for the better! I started writing little over a week ago and I almost finished the first chapter which I am really happy about. In it I tried to describe what (I think) the incentive was for Satoshi Nakatomo to develop this thing called Bitcoin! Started by explaining how the worldwide economic crisis in 2008 happened because of our system that is mostly based on the trust in third-parties like banks and how a little group of internet geeks saw a possibility to change that system by taking out the need for a trusted third party to check up on our transactions. I have not yet set a deadline for myself and am still not sure about what exactly I want to put in it, but I will keep you guys updated!

Furthermore I am currently working on two separate companies that I am starting with two of my best friends! I am really excited about both ideas and have given myself some important deadlines for these at the end of this month, so around that time you will probably hear a lot more about those (if you like reading my blog posts of course). These ideas are not about blockchain and crypto (for a change), they are more related to the topic of my study, which is international business law!

Other than that I am playing football in my university team and I set myself the goal to really make the first team this year, as I have been commuting between the first and the second team for the last two seasons. I wanna accomplish this by working out every morning when I get up (just for like 15 minutes, some push ups/stretches/planking etc.) and eating more healthy! This is also going pretty well as I have been starting in the starting-lineup a few times in the last couple of weeks. This summer we will be competing in a tournament in China against other universities from all over the world, which is why I really want to be in the first team around that time!

So I realize this has started to become quite of a long read! If you are still here with me, thanks a lot for taking the time to read my first post on Steemit! I am really looking forward to seeing where this journey will take me. Right now I am a poor student with a lot of big dreams and ambitions and I hope that in a few years you guys will have seen me change into the man I want to become! I hope to share all of the lessons I will learn on this path with you guys!


Welcome to the platform mistercandy! Explore and enjoy it :)

Thank you very much, will do that sir!

Great intro post! Welcome to Steemit!

You’re welcome! Thank you for the sincere post!

Go go go!! Good luck with achieving your goals and I look forward to hear how you are doing :)

Thank you so much :)!

Hello Candy, I'm Oatmeal Joey, and change is hard to start but is worth it.

Thanks Joey! Change is certainly hard to start, but up until now it has been worth every piece of my energy!

Wow, nice hey. That intro sound so much like me, felt like you were narrating my life story. Welcome to SteemIt @mistercandy
Follow @tumishobillson

Thanks man! Will take a look at your profile!