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RE: INTRODUCTION: "I think earth might be flat. Why do we trust NASA so much...?"

Human power is that his believe become his reality... so that will explain also the parallels words... We believe in a lots of different theories, by doing so we make them real, so on the same planet flat or round we are actually living in parallels worlds... =)
TIME TO STOP BELIEVE IN FLAT OR ROUND BUT IN A GOOD POSITIVE FUTURE IN HARMONY... Then we will create this other parallel world that will grow in harmony, peace & love... <3

Interesting post ;) Thanks you.


Awwww how cute of you Michael! "Lets all get along and believe both theories co-exist in parallel worlds." Do you have any actual evidence of this Michael? Sounds peaceful and pleasant, but realistically both cannot co-exist. Just because you don't personally want to accept we've been lied to yet, does not make it any less likely.

I have evidence; horizontal horizons, self-levelling water and sensations of stillness, backed up my timelapses of star cycles.

Explain this away with spinning balls, atmospheric velcro & parallel reality tunnels and I'll be impressed. Evidence bro, no bedtime fairytales allowed. Oh, and I don't know what "Interesting" means. Please expand with more specifics..

"People will believe whatever reality is presented to them. It's as simple as that"

I can see how you may have misunderstood the intention behind Michael's words. English is not his first language. He is a personal friend here in Bali and one of the most positive and open-minded people I know.

I think what he is trying to say is that our perception is what creates our reality so a discussion surrounding the shape of our playground can have the effect of creating further division amongst us, distracting us from the beautiful truth that there is no truth, only perception! And if we could all just focus on a "GOOD POSITIVE FUTURE IN HARMONY" the shape of our playground would become irrelevant and a parallel world would be created full of "harmony, peace & love"

Whilst this is true, there must always be those who are brave enough to share their own truth in the face of such huge unwillingness to question that which is simply taken for granted.


The more I learn about our playground, the more I realise how little I know!

I wrote a similar article around six months ago and like you I received a similar response from the community. So Mr flat-earth, I applaud you and wholeheartedly encourage you to keep sharing your truth :)

Im not a Mr. and I did not miss the harmonious intention; "discussion surrounding the shape of our playground can have the effect of creating further division amongst us" -- or could it be what will unite us...eventually? How will we find out? I suspect the latter, hence the discussion was never-ever about shape, but about deception, and passive acceptance of it.

My goal is to be funny, entertaining to read, while speaking in truths. Whatever the language, Michael is aware I love him, I was already aware he is a good friend, which is why I tease as I do. It's not as if I have heard him in your tutorials. Remember my goals; to be funny, entertaining to read, while speaking in truths. ;)