Chinese Women are coming too! 中国女人们也来到steemit
Ref Chinese are coming post by @somebody
Have I been left behind??!! 我被落下吗?
I think I was one of the first Chinese women on Steemit when I registered and submitted my first post a week ago, after that I spent a lot of time reading and researching and thinking and dreaming about steemit. I did not do anything. As of today (8/8/2016) to see every day steemit grows, over 50k now. I realized that I need to take action and contribute otherwise I will be left behind.
一星期前我在steemit 注册了账号,发了我的第一,二篇博文, 然后我除了花了大把的时间浏览和研究steemit就没有再发博文,看着steemit天天在爆发的增长,我感觉在不行动就真的掉队了
How my first $500 post changed my opinion of Steemit 观念的改变
My name is Mia, what brought me here was my husband Scott @milestone talked to me over and over was skeptical that this would work. When Scott kept talking about Bitcoins for years and then Steemit since he first heard about 3 weeks ago. I ignored it and one day he step by step he brought me through a process. I humored him and wanted the surprise he had for me. Once he showed me how Steemit worked and the logic behind the platform I was hooked.
With my first post (about how my husband introduced me to Steemit). was upvoted and I saw my wallet go up. That was an interesting and exciting day. I have transitioned from being cautiously curious to being obsessed. I am now learning everything I can about the way that Steemit is set up and how it really works and I am keeping up with the changes.
I am now learning everything I can about the way that Steemit is set up and how it really works and I am keeping up with the changes. I am even going to the Ethereum Meetup in Seattle Aug 16th to hear James Reidy @riverhead talk more about Steemit. I hope I am the first Chinese female to attend.
I am ready to introduce myself and be full time into Steemit.
大家好,我是Mia,我的先生Scott @milestone 这几年一直在关注买卖bitcoins和litecoins,他自己有挖矿机(挖矿是个苦活). 三个星期前他告诉我steemit,我没上心。一天他用一个钻戒引诱我发了我的第一篇博文,你猜怎么着,我眼瞅着我的钱包往上涨,嗯,有意思,scott解释给我Steemit工作原理和怎么用,我的观念改变,完全上瘾了。
I overcame my shyness because I never thought I would put myself in front of the public like this.
My advice to other new Steemians is take
A little about myself and my background. 自我介绍
I was born in Beijing and grew up between Tianjin and Beijing China and moved to the United States to expand my dreams. I am a woman with strong will power and somewhat opinionated, well very opinionated some would say.
When I lived in China I was not the typical hard working student; I loved to play. After I finished school I worked as a fashion model for a short time, was an aerobics instructor and ran a multi location jewelry business. I was able to do this because China was transitioning to a socialist market economy in the 1990s.
I learned to spot opportunity and move forward with it fast.
I feel the same way about Steemit as I did in the 90’s when the markets were opening up and things were changing fast.
My passions is to Travel More and Work Less.
I like Traveling, Photography, Chickens, House design, Investing, Rental property ownership, Gardening and we make our own preserved foods.
I have a lot of stories and experience to share, Steemit gives me an avenue and plateform to practice these skills to become better at writing all the stories that are in my head.
我生在北京,在湖北和天津渡过童年和少年时期,然后回到北京,现在在美国实现我的美国梦,旅游,摄影,投资(或者投机 喝喝),花园,种菜,养鸡。。。
How I view Steemit vs other Chinese sites
I am a very serious reader of Wenxue city (a Chinese news, blog site).
On the other hand I will contribute rather than just read on Steemit because it is an environment that I feel comfortable working within.
On Steemit there is always good content and possitive people to interact with. I have changed from reading Wenxue City to spending my time studying Steemit, reading posts and practicing my writing.
On other social site there are a lot of negitive people and that is why I never have posted except on Steemit.
This is the fist time that I have put myself in front of the public because I believe in steemit.
我每天都要上文学城看看,但是从没有这那发博文,因为很多的人披着马甲到处骂人,很不好的风气,而且没有钱拿 (哈哈我铜臭)。在steemit不同(至少现在是这样),这里通过大家点赞鼓励原著的好的博文,通过downvoting监督抄袭的伪略的博文或者不友好人身攻击。 我很看好steemit未来,而且我也在把我的bitcoins慢慢投资到steemit,还有10%的利息。(写作和打字是个功夫活,哎,慢慢来吧)
Thanks Mia
谢谢,我刚到steemit就看了你的博文, 我和你同时想到要翻译whitepaper,你的行动像闪电一样的快,我就坐享其成了,在这里感谢了
我如果自己翻译的话就没这么快了,我快是因为我是找翻译公司做的。: )
我也是觉得文学城的气氛不好。其实现在国内很多新闻下面的评论区都乌烟瘴气的。 :-(
上多了 Steemit 有个坏处, 就是现在我就算上FACEBOOK 都觉得:干嘛我的点赞不能换钱? 呵呵,中毒啦~ :p
是啊,中毒很深 LOL
我早一点看到这个文章@jchch/for-a-single-night-of-passion-use-raj-s-pantie-dropper-pick-up-line-today以为你是又一个不是中国人的人想搭CN的顺风车, 原来是个中国人 喝喝
welcome! :-) so i guess i am a steemgirl too lol
Thank you @coinbitgold, steemgirl power! LOL
Welcome to Steemit! So you're like 1/4 of the female population right?
Thanks, :-)
谢谢支持,我再送你一美分, :-DDD
I love this post for so many reasons! Thanks for the info about Seattle and @riverhead. I wonder if we will meet? I would love to go to Seattle and meet actual Steem whales.....Your post was soooooo inspired, that it inspired me back

Thanks, it's next Tuesday the 16th, hopefully we can meet, I have been following you for a week, you post fast than I can read, :-) in a good way, you are a great writer and a generous person( transferred 200 to @najoh). I told Scott @milestone about you, he wants to meet you as well.
well written.
祝你实现你的梦想。 :-)
You're welcome.
你好! welcome! my sister shares the same English name with you!
你好,Mia在意大利语里是 “我的”的意思,我的我的,哈哈,我很自我的。