7 Universal Energy Patterns: Introducing myself

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)


I’m the kind of guy your mother warned you about.

I live in a lovely world of beauty goodness, and truth among unique and creative personalities. I find myself pursuing lifegiving phenomena. I will start revealing my world beginning with the Universal laws in my landscape of reality.

7 Universal Energy Patterns

Everyone struggles somehow. Wellbeing and ease in our reality is determined by our participation in its landscape. Learning how to place importance on our thoughts, environment, heart, balance, ambitions, connections, and impacts will improve our existence. The principles below illuminate the landscape of reality. They follow from Greek philosophy, eastern religion, metaphysics, psychotherapy and alternative health. Showing what to expect to return from the ways we participate in the universe.

1. Mentalism

Thought creates. Everything is mind. Consciousness collectively or Divinely thinks things into existence. Thought is powerful! It determines our lives and brings dimension to our connections with others. To think negatively is to wage war energetically with another, positive thoughts contribute therapy. Thought creates reality.

2. Correspondence

We are microcosmic. As above so below, as within so without. Our lives correspond with the universe. Our existence has astrological, planetary, and earthly significance. The time, location, and date of our birth holds keys to finding patterns about our lives. We are little universes. Internal areas of life project out and reflect in common patterns of health, physiognomy, and environment.

3. Vibration

The heart creates and is energetically magnetic. It is connected with our focus and is the strongest vibrational transmitter. Everything vibrates. Our bodies and organs absorb our vibes. Good vibes have a higher frequency, bad vibes have lower. Like attracts like, frequencies attract resonating frequencies. We attract what we vibrate.

4. Polarity

Everything exists on a scale of extreme excess and deficiency. This provides depth to our experience. Walk in balance, centering between extremes.

5. Rhythm

Cycles of seasons, time, planets, holidays, development and more occur simultaneously. Each has their own unique energy signature. Cycles follow patterns, and it is easier for us when we enter into their flow of unique energy. The natural rhythms cycling cosmologically should not be moved against, but identified and participated in along their natural flow and current.

Spring- new life, new beginnings, energy, enthusiasm
Summer- bounty, passion, growth,
Fall- gather, celebrate, prepare, let go
Winter- rest, study, introspection

6. Connection

Connecting counterpart energies can create. Yin, Female, cathode, subconscious, creative energy; and, Yang, Male, positive, conscious, assertive energy repeats itself in every plane. The Masculine principle sends energy towards the Feminine activating the Feminine ability to create. Electricity, heat, and light are all creations of this affinity.

7. Correlation

Energy rebounds and returns. Free will enabling and highest good actions and intention have highest quality returns. Action and intention cause correlative, absolute or karmitic reactions and effects. Causes do not always resemble the effect, impact matters. What you put out into the universe rebounds and returns.


Existing beneficially within these starting points will produce a positive life impact. These universal laws illuminate participation within the landscape of reality. They showcase the ability to improve our existence through our thoughts, environment, heart, balance, ambitions, connections, and impacts. Struggle hits everybody somehow. Proper participation in the landscape of reality generates wellbeing and ease.

I’m Luke Phoenix.

I am a unique information bearing pattern, with an unrepeatable nurture, nature and environment. I have values, preferences, desires, and dreams. I am a unique combination of conscious and subconscious logical, linguistic, kinesthetic, environmental, musical, interpersonal, introspective, and existential intelligence. I am passionate about finding patterns in people’s movements and motivations, finding their strengths and potentials for encouragement and personal growth. In my next post I will write a Valentine’s Day poem, next after will be on replenishing vital life force.

Luke Phoenix


Welcome. I have a strong feeling that you're going to do well here.

Hey Luke, welcome to Steemit! I'd love to hear a further breakdown on the different points of existence and how the relate/overlap with each other. Looking forward to more content!

The different points of existence I’ll call 7 universal energy patterns. They are a paradigm to organize and understand repeating energy cycles happening constantly. This list of seven are predominantly based in the Hermetic Principles. We could add more from different origins, but this is a good starting point. I step back and in different directions than the Greeks, so there are variations to my list and theirs. Because all of these 7 energy patterns are occurring constantly they do overlap and modify each other. I’ll tag you in a future post, interrelationships of the 7 energy patterns! :)

Welcome in Steemit @metaphysical ! Cheers ! :)

Welcome! Nice to have you!

Welcome to Steemit! :)

Hey, I'm Oatmeal Joey, and I agree with what you are saying, that mentality, that mentalism, is progressive, expansive, full of more potential than most people care to know: and correlation is a fundamental habit and thing that helps in so many ways.

Thanks Oatmeal Joey for the feedback!

Great intro post @metaphysical! Thanks for joining Steemit! I am @gogogadgetupvote and I found your intro post thanks to a link that @jalilbd sent me in my Daily "Introduceyourself Post" Bounty! I have upvoted and resteemed your intro, as well as given you a follow! Be sure to check out my contest post I linked, there are several useful articles linked at the bottom for new users!

Hi, Luke! Welcome! :) Why you say: 'I’m the kind of guy your mother warned you about.'?

Lol, I was bantering! Kinda like saying I’m so bad to the bone, and hardcore, that you and my Grandma look like you’d get along! Haha just being playful and witty! Thanks for the welcome @andrijana!