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RE: Hey I'm Dave Room... Father… Storyteller... Shift Shaper... Author of Pacha's Pajamas. WisdomTech advocate.

Thanks! Three years ago I was dating a spiritual gypsy who spent two hours a day in meditation, did guided meditations for hundreds of people, and was a shaman of sorts. A significant influence on my life was here the ​concept of Blissipline being the eclectic mix of practices that feel good and help you go deeper into yourself. In other words, she had a significant impact on my life. Several months into the relationship​, she told me that she was from the Pleiades​ and that she was a blue person. She also told me that a child that was indirectly related to us connecting was also a blue person​​ ​ and that he actually been born with blue patches all over his back that have mostly faded away but not entirely. She then proceeded to tell me that I was a cat person. She told me about Stephen Greer's Project Disclosure and that she believes​ that cat people have been associated with his ranch in Vancouver, Washington, where many people have seen or connected with ETs. This was quite a download. All new information for me as you might imagine. She encouraged me to do my own research and went on about her business.

I did do some searching and found some images of cat people beings. Illustrations.

And later that night, I recalled the experience of seeing the cheetah head in the mirror. Oh, I forgot to mention that cheetahs were my favorite animal growing up. I think it was because​ they were the fastest and I was never the fastest.