Introducing the #nsfw family drinking game - PongSlurp

in #introduceyourself8 years ago

Rather than do an introduceyourself post about me, I thought I'd introduce you to my favourite game, and what is quite possibly my greatest creation...

Introducing the game:

For a few years now, my family have been playing a drinking game of my own devising. It's more fun than you can shake your stick at.... PongSlurp. It has similarities to ping-pong and beer-pong, but in my humble opinion so much better than either of those. It is absolutely full of innuendo (or, more properly: "in your endo"), and has the potential to get a room full of people absolutely noodled in no time at all.

You can skip to the end of the post for a link to a video of my family playing.

The rules:

Each player fills a glass with an alcoholic beverage of their choosing. These are placed on the table. Each glass must always have at least two fingers of an alcoholic drink in it (known in the game as "lube").

Like beer pong, the aim of the game is to get the ball in to your opponents glass. If you succeed "fully penetrating their hole", their team must all chug all of their drinks.

If you hit the side of their glass, that's "shafting" and you must take a gulp from your glass.

If you hit the rim of their glass, that's "rimming" and you must take a gulp of your drink.

In addition to the glasses, one player must also place their wallet on the table. Hitting this is "the money shot" and everyone around the table must take a gulp of their drink.

**If you are playing with just two players, then it is advisable to add an additional glass, which becomes known as "the wrong hole" is placed on the table. If you fully penetrate the wrong hole, you must down your entire drink.

If you spill any liquid on the table, that's "spilling your load" and you must take a gulp of your drink.

If you cover your glass with your bat to try to avoid the other team fully penetrating your hole, that's "clenching" and you must take a gulp of your drink (you are probably well on your way to a state of drunkenness by now, but you must, please, remember to make sure you always have at least two fingers in your hole).

Optional additional rules:

If you hit the ball and it goes under the table, that's "going down on them" and you must take a gulp of your drink.

If you accidentally hit the ball with your thumb instead of your bat, that's "thumbing it in" and guess what you have to do if that happens? That's right, take a drink!

If you go to hit the ball and miss, that's "flailing around like a virgin" (singing the chorus of Madona's "like a virgin" is strongly encouraged when this happens).

If two players both go to hit the ball, but neither actually hits it, that's "cock blocking" and both must drink!

*The video:

*I don't have a youube account and I couldn't get the video from dailymotion to post here... If anyone knows how I can do that, please let me know!

I really hope a few Steemers out there play this game and report back. It really is a lot of fun!
I've never plyed the game without adding at least one rule - if you have any suggestions, please let me know!
Please PongSurp responsibly.



Great game, sounds like you have a fun family!

I upvote U